rs was Clectioin to T. N. T. is considereci Kehil, EleanoIr Kresge, Cora Mor the highest all-around distinction .a tu Barbara Anne Munn, Lillian N dent cati attain at New Trier. Char- Helenl Parker, Jeannette Post, N acter, scholarship, and participation and Rutlede enSartMroi pronifence in studeât aàctivtties are in- boîd;, Virginia Smith, Jeanne , cluded iii the. factors that deterinine Be*ttyTurck, Cecilia Wagner and, e lections to T. N. T. hara Wilder. Honor 24 StudentsI______ _______ lach spring. twel1ve , juniors and' twNelve, seniors, chosený from a. list of I1,AL studenits rtcommended hy advisers, de- IEIoFWIEOB p artiileit* headà, faculty sponsors and FRPOFWRIfuf coaches, receive this hionor.' The sen- WILMETTE 1332 iors, who w%%ere elccted in their junior CILL Ug Fou. xear elecî the new mrembers, eaéh sprîng; T."G Tie. holdover T. N. T.. members this year are. John Ballenger, Charles Knapp, William Nordburg, Robert Seiler. Stanton' Schuman, Robert iil it n ~m ickham, Alison Burge, Margaret Loomis, Beth M.\cllraith, P -TattMcNu'ltv and l aINI RÔrffg. 0p E - "ie einiemebers. who vwere ani- ;1l .tilcedl this ýveek, are: Theors T.riNBar.eist ncs P R II Tý ion io nBaT br, List îriis, juTati-Haskitis, Hlelen Shiepard, Virginia Smnithi, Chiarlotte Wachis, AI- 5)ert Ackernian, Roger Barrett, Laui B arte lin rence Bulckrnaster, Victor Hasison, Allen Rossman, and Dick Steen. * Tnos- Ruth Lillian Anderson, hI D TUM r mpier, Und.t supervision of. acknowleclged experts. your Beauty requirements may rjoyes, b. pI.asingly administ.r.d. Nancy Seu- PERMANENT WAVES. SHA POOad stot -as Io'w as $8..... FINGER WAVE f*25 1Bar- (4 deYs .ach w..k) SPECIAL HAIR CUTTING DEPARTMENt A COmplete Beauty Service DANIEL GANS HAÏR, SHQP 509 MAIN STREET, EVANSTON Ai"'Phones Opposite, Evanshire.Motel UNI. U_1NCÇ'SUNDAÀ,Y L 9 for die 1-33 Season ne s I SPECIAL OPENING DAY DINNER The hionor society members are seii- iors who rank', in the upper ten per- cent of their class. that is, boy.s of the cias~whoare in1 the upper ten percent in tlieir group and. girls in the uipper tel] percent anion- their group. t may alko include any student with an aver- age of 3.2 if the numbher of sttudents is such that the upper ten percent would nfot iniclude a student with thàt hIli an average. the samne .on deerfu/ RELISH . Celery Olives Radishos FRUIT CUP CANAPE ANCHOVIES BISQUE of TOMATO SOUP aua crouton s STEAK 'Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Duncan, 225 .Wood court, tnotored to Kankakee last week-end to visit thgýir daughter, Mri. John Franklin, Arnold. W AU K.E G A N RO0A D AT NORTHBROOK Northfield