Since IYuI Miss Ulrîck nas been chairmfan of one of these internation- ai committees, the one whose sè)cial purpose was to make a study of the teaching of bistory. Now she has been asked*to become.general chair- mnan of all five. comfmittees. Cons.ider Vas-jou Phase&, The other four committees besides the one on the teaching of 'history * are the -commiitteeé on: means of edu-7 * cating ,youth.for* worldp'amity, the committee on xhilitary training. in * schools and colleges, the, .committee on means of promoting international cooperation and' the 'comfmittee. on * international athletics.. The "World. Fede rat ion of .Educa- tion associations was: organized by the National Education association, a nation-wide, organizaàtion in .this, country, in 1923. Since the orgaàniza- * tio n of, th.- international association *Miss Ullrick bas attended three of its bhiennial conventions, one, at TPoronto, Can., in .1927, another at- Ge'neva, Switzet1anid; i 1929, and the third at Denver, Colo., in 1931. * Prepares Report This -spring Miss Ullrick prepared a comprehensive report of, the work of the five Herman-Jordan commit- tees, and this report, in pamphlet forrn, is to be ready for distribution at the convention of the World Fecieration of Education associations at Dublin this summer. The conven- tion starts the last week in July. *The Herman-Jordan committees take their name from Raphael Her- mani of Los Angeles and Washington. 1)_ . C., who several years ago offered * a prize of $25 ,000 for the best plan i or promoting international peace through education, and fromi the late Dr. David Starr Jordan, formner, presiet of Leland Stanford uni- versity, who was thewinner, of the * $25 ,000 prîze. Intra-Mural1 ýSports Crowd N. T. Limelight The annual spring intra-mural sports program at New Trier Highl ,sholi c ihedlert t- et iinder wav% who has as yet )robablv corne out fni on HEAR TRACK COACH At. a meeting *of the' newly-reor- Qani7ed, SporÈ* at New. Trier High . chool. held lact Wednesday, Paul Delaporte, as5sistant trackcoach, reviewed .the efforts* of the Grey- G reen track teamn at. the Tv!aplewood Relays. Mr. Delaport e told the 'iný- .ide storvof the meet in 'which New Trier flnished second among more than .50O entries fromntthe middle west. The members of the club have heen instrumental iii* the success of the cu 1rrent. year's intraS-mural bas- ketball, volleyball, and tracktou'rna- ments. The recently electe d officers are: Frahk Taber, president; Bob Hicks, vice-president; Bill Meicher, secretary; and Lawrence Buckniaster, treasurer.. Thatos the storyl *200one way, to Milwaukëe. ..$3.0,forthe tound. ..everyday.-Tickets good 'in comfortable, eas- riding, steel coaches., No pr- ing problem ... ýno haghway congestion ... just a pleasant,ý ressful ride along the beautiful North Shore. For -ufer-.At CHICAGO, &NORTHI WESTRR. ON£ O0F 0451 QIIALIT'Y,,.ATwAPRICEOFfERlINGS, 167-PIECE. SET 0F GORHAM STERLING SILVER 1F LA TWARE $21375 THE 167-PIECE SET .1 Iaspoons, heavy 6 Tablespoons 12 Soup Spoons 12 Bouillon Spoons 12 Coffee Spoons 12 Orange Spoons 12 Dessert Forks 12 Table Forki 121Icm Crecm Forks 12 Oyster Forks 12 Salod Forks 12 Desse.r lniv.s' Through special arrangement with The Gorhamn Company we are able to make this out- standing offer in our quality- $10.00 11.25 1500 1000 6.00 12.00 15.00, 22.50 12.00 8.00 13.00 21.00. 12 Dinner ICives 23.00 12 Butter Spreaders 10.00 1 Corving Set, 5 pieces 25.00 The coniplete set, 167 pioces $21375 -tries. AI Morris and CarL Ernc-hei- mayer, close. finishérs in the singles event and winners of the doubles, seern to have the most class along this line. It is very u nusual foron person tô wim or finish high in the tennis JR4FL2RS *SILVERSNI - GO FilS *-$74 TlONRRS RHA 1636 ORRINGTON AVENUIR. EYANSTON Daq