Last week - fifty-eight ciadren were vaccinated against smallpox by the Health department, in addition to those who were vaccinatedI by, physicians in their offices. On Wed- nesday, May 31, 'Schick tests, for diphtheriawl be given at the Health ceniter at 1901 Schiller street. Thé physicians are prepared to (1 this work in, their offices at an.,limne, and we -are' asking and enéoiura"iing you t o cali your physician iii re- gard' to immtunizinig your, children. Persons who are unable to. pav any fee. for having the, work done are asked to go to the Village hall and. sign, an application- for free treat- ment before going to the Health center.. A parent or guardian nmust sign. this application. CIa&sify Chidren Children tb he given the -$chick test are: 1.Thoste Who. ir.-ceved t réatnit-ni last fali or wïnfttr and have uî,t bch ett'd mince (Çhildren over 7 jears oef igt-f. 2. Those Who have hndl tré-ati.-mAt more than two yii ago. 3. Those whr< have neveiq 11tut-raf- ment for Immunization au- ii ipi- therla. This Includes al <hild,'enovi 7 -jýarS of age Who havc evehad treatiment. - Chidren under 7years ai2 practically aIwayF in n44ri 'of treât- ment, an& the prelimiin.iry tfest. in thii fizflot necessary. During the next %wcck welij start the series of treatnivibilwaei ail children b lie treated froin nue year up should lie taken b io heir phvicîns.or. if that is impossible be cause of Jack of funds. they shoilld he taken to the Health. center. New, Trier Students Hurt in Auto Crash Two New Trier Higli school boys' were taken to the Evanston hospital laàst Saturdaynoon when the car in .which they .were traveling north on Green Bayr road in Glencoe. struck the cu rb near Harbor1 street and toppled over a;fter a front tire had .blownl out. The'boys are Dick Pres- ton, 17 yeairs old, 1031 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette, who is a junior it New Trier, and Philip flostal, 233 Fairview road, Glencoe. a freshman Preston's back was broken and Dos- tion of. great muasses of people, and some réaders may recail the small- pox epidemic which followed the World's Fair in 1893. 11a; c >otr Chi iriz !rplyid! Home,.Owners Group, to Frolie at Beach Pienie1C Mrs. Arthur Lee, 925 is social chairmani and. in charge of the large beach picnic'tuaià the XVil- mette Hlome Owners: association wvil givé, on June' 10., Members ,ai-d guests 1are 1requested to bring, their own basket lunches. The 'nienîhers of - Xrs.- Lee's* social com;iite e are. the Mfesdamies John Sallev. R . W McKay, J.. O'Grady. Alber.t J. Ny- stirom, P. W.. Stejîz, R. C.- Hanson, C. P. Dubbs, - Paul Hofftnan. Ottor Ejiel; 1. G. Lee and Xillianx iÇiasoii. The ,conunittee, iiow working ont further letails, states the tinte of the pîcniu 4ill lie anuot:iced later. NEW MEMUfEJRS OF TJRMIS Eleanor Ericksou, secretary of the Trahs club of Wrinnetka annouinces that newly électeci memibers are, Hazel Goas, ofN\litinetkça and lultcv: Jouas ýof XVilmette. Mrs. C. Hovard BReni, 2000) Beecli- wood a venue, euitertained La.Grange friends wvho are moving tc e York, at Ilcon Tuesday. by a progn ond group at 8 o'Cloc posed of ol recital. Th bo attend, to be given by the seg pupils. In the evenir the third group, con~ r children, will give i- public has been invite RECOWERINe AI Scthaefer. miail carrier, who h as been ili for several weeks has re- turnaed f rom the hoôspital. but 1$ miot y'et able to return bto work. Georgke Edward Walk, 1240 Lake avenue, has -been on a business trip the past three weeks -in Boston, New York, Philadeiphia, and'other eastern points, and expects b lie away an- other two weeks. MARSRBALLt FIELD a>»wunnè the M -W 01 BURNING WATER HEATER Distributed by V. A. SMITH CO. 1OI N40. La-selle St. --iPerter :297 evening gowns from 1hl0.95 Up. tennis dresses cot tons.. bathing suits. 3.50-4.95 and THE SPORTS 5.H01' 976 UINDEN AVE.ý HUBBARD WOODS Announcing.. the'pening of aur. s U ýMMEeRý SCOQ JUIy5 J i ANTIQUES O Baor oW* d rade I147 Geme vne iaet * -STUD1IO 2gd Floor WiI#sete Theatre Bidg. * 1120 Central Ave., WiImtt. Phone. Wilmeff. 2526 160 CENTER ST. A.M. KI PHONE WINNETKA. ILL AND- COU NT.RY printed ensembles.. . . . . 9 .Up