arnd ail le PERMA WAV Tenth Street n Central Avenue Scientific Faicials and, Scalp Treatme nt wilmette, 111. SUNDAY SERVICES-il1 A. M. WEDNESDAY - TESTIMONIAL MEETING- 8 P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES -9.:45 A. M. m-Y28, 1933 Subject: "ANCIENT ANI) MO)ERN NIECBOMANCYJ alias MESMERISM AND HYPNOTISM, D)ENOUNCED)" READING ROOM-1148 Central Avenue OpnDaily (excepting Wednesday) 9 A. M. te, 6 P, M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M. Saturday 9 A. M., te 9 P. M. T he Bible and Worku of Mary Baker Eddy and ail other .suthorized Christian Science Literature may b. read, borrowed or purcham.d et the Reading Room. On Davis Street Wilmette I1,00oo. IN OUJR BASEMENT tkusmertz, 'chairman; Miss Loia Kurz, teacher, and Mrs. Eva Brown. Mrs. joseph Reagan, who bas been filing the vacancy Ieft when Mrs. G. Mfailfald mnoved out of the district during the summier of last year, has, l)een eiected p resident. Mrs. Loretta Eingels is vice- president, Mrs. :F. L. Rayburn.. treasurer. and Mrs. Kath erine' Schwall, secretary, remnains in office for another year. Miss' Lola Kurz, teacher, of the first. 'second and third grades, had her pupils give a playlet descri bing life in the Dutch, country. A num- ber of painitings' illustrating maànners and customs, as well as. uses of %vind- milis in Holland, were exhibited by these pupils., An oral explanation, acco mp anied the picture. The> cos- tumes used for eight of, the children who danced some of the folk dance$ were little, Dutch caps and wooden shoes. Four girls. and four boys tork part, inIithis wvhite theý rest of the pupils sang folk songs in i accôm- paniment. Mr. Kusmiertz led the audience ini a song entitled "That \Vonderful Mother of Mine." Mrs. K. Schwall and Mrs. F. Rayburn sang, "Have You Ever Been Lonely?" and a quartet consisting of Mrs. Schwall,] Mrs. Rayburn, Mr. Kusmertz and R. Murphy, principal, sang "Yearning. Just for Y'ou," Mrs. Marie Murphy accompanied them. Mrs. C. B. Cochran, vice-president and Americanismi chairman of the Cook County council of the Ameni- Trhe meeting was. dedicated to, the mothers in honor of Mother's D!ay. Refreshmen ts consisted af Iris crepe paper nut cups filled, varioils kinds of cake and coffee,. and cookies sold by the Girl Scouts. Mrs., William Monrison and, Mrs. Marie - Murphy were hostessesý. -The organization presented each mother with a choice of a white or pfink car- nation. room wasa .popuzar sp>oi., i, i l dancing, and refreshment, were served. in the dining room. Prizes for the event .were contributed by: Public Service. company, Ithel M an- nerud's, Emmia Beatie, Wortben and company,, ords; I-allmark Jewelers, Reynolds', Nellie Hanna, Mrs. Her- bert Snmith, L.yman pharmacéy, Tatmüan's, The Hub,ý Field's, Colonial Knit shop, Beach and Geils, Gibson's, Wolff- Griffis, Pagliarulo, Mrs. TommY Thompson, Burns Toggery, 'rTaylor's, Trea5ure Nook, Foster's, Ella Butz, Bockiusà, Snyder's, Mrs. Ca rne .Buck, Palace Market, -Hoffinn's,.Kutten's. Pierson's, Renisch Storage, Jôhn Wei- land, George C. Weiland and 'Sons, ]Edgar A. Stevens, Raggedy-Anni, Harms, Millen's,, LIace shop,, Asta Marie, Wisconsin Creamery, Conrad TP. Frykman, Lajeunesse, Frank Hlavacek. Members and guests of the Wlmnctte center, about, one-hundred in al were at the, meeting on May 15, to hcar a nost interesting talk by a representa- tive of ani exclusive jewelry 'ccnccrn on "The' Historv of SNr. In ilustrationi tables %ver~e arranged dis- pangthe proper settings for a formai dinner and a buffet dinner. Examples of the many silver patterns were also shown and explaitied. Tea w*as served at the conclusion of the program. Car Hits Motor Sweeper; Man and Woman Injured The Village street sweeper, parked on Main street iii front of the fire station, was struck by 4 car driven by Charles Kalder, 35 years old, 3336 Soutiiport avenue, Chicago, iast Sat-' urday morning about 2:22 o'clock. *-The accident occurred after thé Vil- lage street lights hiad beent,.uirned oüt for the night.. It was raining at the time, the, \Nilmette police report. Albert Etýien>ne, 2004'Schiiller .s tree t. who operates the street swveeper, had stopped in front of'the fire station because of- engine trouble., Kalder driving south on M1ain street, crashed into the sweeper. He and Miss Kath- erine Oliver, 35 vears old, 1633 Hudson avenue, Chicago, were taken. to the lmW LA&e Av.Wlmt 25 PATRONIZE O UR A DVER TIZERS,1I Actuat ph. uograph slàowing c.4n, - Henr9's exclusivje PermanentWaes Fret Church of: Christ, ýScientist' I z E = = WIEýBOL'D'T'SW [VA NSTO N T E'