a-as r-lctdp,-sidcni to/ iii' ~,ln'ùeCountr-v cliii'at liii', uiîw fliii' clectioi i.l dTlîirsila v. Mla v 1 , QOtler officcrsç lîo.wz wcrc .oiliiis j?.Fi'ren -ch. , cp~sdn R~olanzd1P. Peu ,nan, trea.0t rer. <lidu A.rcl Al. JJoIqren. sccretarv. Gin.- Crnor0PS elýCct a sèri'c tlîr<"'c o h. HldoavAlbert *. vsIro, and id h lîIl. Auhl. IN TREE DAY PAGEANT Miss -.lizah)eth Mary Balihatdhet, daughiter of Mr. and M-Xrs. William Bialhiathet of 725 Tenth street, took, part. in the T'ree Day Danîce pageant, an atînuai spring festival at \\el1esle*college S-atnirdavN after noon. May 20.1 'rhec<ramna enactcd this N'car Nvas that of. Pandora, who, with Eve. *sharcd the Marrie of havýing broiîgh't woe to woina.nkind thrôugh liernin- Mr. and Mrs. Johni W. Pmwers. 307 Cumberland avenue. Kenilworthi. ill entertain sixteen guests at the for- mai opening and (limner dance àt the Evanston Golf club' Saturdav.' -0- 'T 1 Ai AT TENTION1 z- 2 x x ~ NewWedding G t Idea is in Vgue iginatedI the new method of pturchasing flat silver by "'Place- wedding gifts now want to know the Bride's pattern so :hey garet Dalmars in the Theta house at the University of Wisconsin. -o- Mr. and' Mrs. Walter Grimm and daughter, of Chicago have leased the George Middendorf home at 515 Rotnroad, Kçenilworth. 1636 1T, CO ST SI ORRINGTON NOMORE AT AVENUE, EVANSTON SPA ULDI NG-G OR HAM'S.