Beloved of the Mode, for r Sufme r! Gibsoi G i r 1 Sailitr .$3à85, Cartuileel of Pakii ., $2.95 Sivagger Stitched * . $1 .7S Choos. your fabric. your. style. your priée but théell b. no question aboufthMe cotor, we know ...WHITE if's bound to be, if your. ttuly monrt titis season. M4illinery Salon-Second Floor l WIEDoLDT'rS.EFVAN STON On Davis Street WîlMette 1100O i D.RADUATION 1932. Securities-Under the samne rule, the banks return securities based upon 20% of their miarket value on .April -1, 1932. .The individual tax payer is governed, -by the saine. rules - thereêan be no discrimination be- fween classes of citizens. T1he assessor wil assume that the amount of money and securi- ties returned by the taxpayer is based upon. the above mite, and the. extension of 37% wil' be made uponi the amnount of such.return. Remernber-everything, that is, îiot -afixed permanently to land -is personal property-Your owýn .and: your wife's personal wearing ap- parel is personal> property and should be scheduled on Une 41. Return Schedulesý promptly. It is the. taxcpayer's duty, to ap- ply for the schedule and'if, lie does. 111ot receive one lie is* hable to Le penalized. G eorge R. Harbaugh, Towniship Assessor, I1159 Wilmette avenu-I, Wilmette. >felephone \Vi1. 3336 Hold Final Exam s at ýAvoca School This Week Thîis is final exanunation week for p)upils at the Avoca school on Ashland avenue west of Locust road. The school closes for the year on Friday; june 2. 'rhat nighit tlhe upper grade pupils wil presen t the one:act play, -Taking Father's Place,"hy \W. C. Parker, The pupils have been practicing for the play under the direction of Mrs. Glen Clinebeli, the principal. The lower grade room, taught by. Mrs. Marie Murphy, is arranging a Japanese drill for the closing night exercises. Par- ents are invited to attend the exercises and to viewv the children's work in the classrooms. CRITICALLY ILL. Mrs. George. Levernier, mother of Joseph and Gertrudle Leverni er, ptipils a t the Avoca scbool, is at St. Francis h ospital in Evanston, where she uncler- 'M A In the mnatter of police activity, the villa ge manager reported that the Wilmette police made 944 arrests dur- ing the year, that there were twenty less burglaries. during. the year end- ing, April 30, 1933, than the ýprev.ious year, andi 102 less petty. larceny cases thani during the previous year. Fifty- seven p ersons were. bitten , by dogs during the year, Mr. Osbornl said. Fire loss for the year ending. April 3,1933, was $27,825.55. while for the previous year it, was. $76,011.50. The firemen,272cti urn the past year. Following is the compléte sumimar- ized report: Building Departnient The Building departrnment issued five (5) permits dur- ing thée month, with an eStimate cost: A f $1,175. F ou r permnits were for altera- tions ofexhting buildings ani one per- mit wvas for a ývegetable stand'. The total puniber of permits. issued for the year was 54,t with an estimated cost of $94,410. Last year 104 permits were issUed wlth an estlrnated cost of $840,680. The. number of familles provlded1 for bY new buildings this past year is 7. Garbage Collection - 203.9 tons of. garbage and combustible wvaste was collected and disposed of at a:cost of* $4.19 per ton. 215.3 tons were ocolleeted last month, at a cost of $3.97 per ton. Thisincr-ease- in cost is due chiefly to the less tonnage handled last nonth. *There were 187 comiplaints reeJ.-ed durlng the mionth on this collection Non-C'ombusj.tible Waste - A total of ')40 loiads or 2,258 cu. yards of waste material Ivas collected and disposed of. 159 loads or 1,440 cu. yards was di- posed of at the GI.enview dump. Police Departmnent - This departinent made 75 arrests. of whlch 47 were fined and 26 Were dismîissed and 2 turneýd over to other authorities. The Police depa'rtment' made 944 ar- rests during the past year. The detail report shows t hat therie. were 57 persons bitten b y dogs during the year. There were 20 less, burglarles during the past year than the previou,; year., There were 102 less: petty larceny cases reported during the year than thé. previous year. *Fire Departmient This departmnent responded to 17 calîs during the month and has responded to 272 cals during the past year. The fire. loss during. the miont h was $115. The fire loss for the' year was $27.- 825.55; The tire Io." for the previous Y'ar NOYELTIES 164% @ngton, Ave.- 7O ;obi 0770