TiHEopening of the World's F air and Memorial Day bring the first big photographie week-.end of the season. Deveioping and printing of your films is a speciaiized servic eat: the, Aimer Coe Stores where al work is done in our own iaboratoryi., The fine grain process used makes certail? that al the vialue of your ne gatives wili be retained in the fini1sbed prints.. Sp e cial enlargemnent service on Leica and other miniature camnera work. FIlm for ailmkes 'of cameras in every mez aI ail stores; Aimer (ioe ' Company O~s~L Aooyw1w~& lko<iaf'usun*a 1645 Orrington Ave.. EVANSTON 105 'North wabasb Ave. 78 East Jaekson Boul. 18s onti Lasalle st. CIIICAGO Play ut Once You Will Play It A gain. Eeyday if is becoming. more evidenf thaf once a player at Vernon, always a player-af Vernon. There must be a reason Mrs. Kart Schmidt, in charge of child's reading for the Parent-Teachier association, was the speaker and gave some advice concerning the careful choice of books for cbildren. She ad- vised reading good books and-poetry to children at an early age as the best züeans oëf cultivating a- taste for good 1lit erature. Mrs. Schmidt urged the Parenf-Teacher association to make an appropriate selection of books for. each grade in their schoot. The Rev. James E. Shevlin of St. Francis-Xavier churclih spoke. to the mothers ..md expressedthe opinion that' the first grade children were. to him the mfost interesting. "I love to watch them f rom their. first tearf ul. day in sehool until they become well 'accustonied to school routine and are happy in théir new adventure,". he said. Asýsisting bhostesses at the tea were .Mrs. A. Eversi Mrs'. E. ,Cunnlinghia m, Mrs. PeterMcNamnee, and. Mrs. W.-F. McNulty. PUPILS GIVE MUSICALE Piano pupils of Mrs. Ernau Akel. 615 Lake avenue, appeared in a recit- al last M o n d a y afternoon. The Akley trio, composed of Frances Akely, vioin; Blythe, cello. and Mrs. Akely, pianist, also plaved. Mme. Sturkow-Ryder .was a guest at the re-cital. !t priO*. LUNCHEON DaIIy Dinher Orders have been taken during the past week for graduation announce- ments and calling cards. The an- nouncements wére made f rom a de-. sign drawn at New Trier and have the school seal in gilt at the top. They are"being sold to the students for five 'cents a piece, though. they cost* the school only four ând one- half cents., The profit from this'sale. 1wiIl be.used to hire an.orchestra for the after-comni1encement dance. Plans for the. Sen ioir hop*,- which will. be. held Saturday, June 10. have been formed. According to Icustorn, it will not be a programn dance. Bids :have been taken, for the amplifying system which tbc jui.or and. 'senior Classes are presenting, as a, class. gift. The. original, price of $250 bas been substantiated, >and the gift romimittee bas -now but to finiish making. collections and send for it. R ecause of the. 5ize of this vear's graduating class, each senior will only be allowed- four reserved seats, with two more optional, for coin- mnencement night. Ho7wever, there wilt be 1,600 unreserved seats in the balconies.. Friday. and Saturday, lune 2 and 31 will see the auditorium in a rollicking mood, for the senior ýplay, " The Youngest," isý to be presented 'on those nigbts. "You'll be sorry if you missi corne and spend an enjoyable even- ing at the last play of the; year," is the word, from sponsors of. thils MOVING TO WILMETTE MUr. and Mrs. Frank G. Hall and their daugbter, Miss Janice Hall. arc moving from Evanston next week tin Wilmette, having taken the Axel Lonquist homne at 500) Elmwood a've- nue. The. Halls'* other dauglter, Mrs. Tliornas B. Singlton of Larch- mont, N.Y.,. thefomer Kathr-m Hall,. and ber baby daugbter, Marth.a jan, are coming for a visit during PLAN BASEBALL GAME COUNTRY 'CLUB ROUTE-dny Road Io Waukegrin Road, North te, Deerfed., ,Then i1/V2 Miles. West Phone W Watch.m, docks, jewelry, siver- ware, optical, bemde restrung. 1166 WILMET AVENUE WILMETTE 1061 214: Speci*al Selling For a limîted period recondi. tioned and discontinued camera miodelà are offered Bt exception.. aIIy Iowv prices-Eastnoilu. Bell & HoweII, Zeiss, Leica, Grageik. Rolleiflex, Sec the wi n d o w displmy in each of our stores.