-s ime,*.. W% BUTTER CREAM LAYER CAKL Liglit, fluffy layerai, iced and fied w -th ivanilabutecrmn3 b«r". orange, pineapplo icingr. ,-Portion. Each SANDWICH BREAD. White, rye or whole, Large lomE 13C.... 2 o25 ROL.Parker Hou&eý Finger or S 1andwich ..............d .35C PECAN ROLLS. Topped with plenty of pecansanad rich caramel. Pau . ...23C, DAINTY WAFERS. Made with pure table butter. Large assortîpent. 49 FRESH APPLE PIE. Deep, rich crust wefl filIed w i th apples,- aeaaoned wth butter and apices. Open face or covered. BUTTiER PRETZELS. Twists or sitcka l. J POTATO CHIPS or SHOE STRINGS. FreaL daily l.39c] GRAPEFRUIT, Murah. Seedleset. Heavy banla of jusice Dom..9 5 c for25 ORANGES. Califorma' Sunkist. Lram for table use.2 6@ Do.39C do. - Straw- be.rr iesi qts4 PINEAPPLES. BLACK CHERRIES 1 LEMONS. 'Sunkiat-.- Ripe and 29C. Full of d 7 aweét. 1b.juice , oz.2 7 APPLES. Extra faney Wlnesapa . . bs.29c F HURDAYON 1 ASPARAGUS. Home grown. Large buaçime.. tender3 for 2.5e RADISHÇq . or Laàrge, alun and "ft .,.f. r TOMATOES. Red ripe and fil ase Wi/k(k~' Sanboru 1pkg. Pine-. p. CANADA DRY GINGER ALE. Doz. <iplua depoait)$ *3 GOLD VINE. Graf'&. TOM COLLIN JR. <Life of t he' Party). ROOT BEER or GINGER ALE".$* colonial club. Dom. largoe bottles...1 JUMBO KII'E OLIVES. BDlack Beautir. Plat oea. 25e STUFFED OLIVES. OId Monk. Lar&e, select fruit .... . QUEEN OLIVES. NANCY HANK. PICKLES. Old fashioned cucuîpber aIle. .J3in~ DILL PICKLES. Genuine ~ jar POTATO CHIPS. Freah, criopré ICAKE FLOUR. 2 2@ Swansdolwn ......... pkg. WLCOME .,ENTrUlY 0V Pr footEU "~b-39e SOAP F Ainerican Family 2 THIE CUSTOMER MUST BE SATISFIEDIdevvms FOR SATURDAY ONLY. WHITIE BREAD. Madewith fruali milk and the finest 1l. g Northwest Flour ...e~~ 0 Zdoz. e a o un 1 FW ý ' 0 i.6 -1 ............. «.Z-