c*H CAbE SUGAR sack .490 SKOOKUN SPECIAL HONET BAR D: ,anal Sat.. TENDER ROUND OR SIRLOIN Ibo 191/2e Frosh Jumbo sHRimps 2 Ibn. 290 lb.15/2e LIBBYPS BARTLETT MEARS «Dr I c JuwVWffrvkp a -V - v j'L W- 'rVf wo especially designed airplanes art The Goodyear blimp, Puritan, ar- bigbltt aepr nteAe rived. at Pal- Waukee .airport from en ultoakprtithAnr- Akron, Ohio, last Sunday. It will cani Air races at the Chicago municipal be docked at Pal-Waukee, as it was airport juiy 1 to 4, it was announced last sumkner, and will carry pas,. this week at .headquarters of the Chi- sengers from A Century of Progress. cago Air Race corporation, backer of The Puritan was piloted here by the aviation spectacle.1 R. D. Wilson. It was in Miami. FIa., Both planles will be capable of for the winter. On the trip north it speeds close to 300 'Miles an hour. A stopped at Akron to becbc.ecked oiver third ship,,able to fly 350 miles an before coming on to Chicago for the hour, is, pastthe blue-print stage and world's. fair. E. M. Laird,. its designer wbo has About.June 1 the Punitanl will.be been -building record-breaking racing joined by a sister ship,, the, Reliance., planes for yeais, is attempting to com- In' ordet to accommodate both plete and test fly it before July 1. blimps, the Goodyear dock at Pal- > John Livingston-, -Who h as won more Waukee wasl enlarge.d. Work on1 the air, races than- any other plot, bas been addition ýta. the dock is completed. at the- Cessna Aircraf t company plani Th e addition ,extends Westward f romi in Wichita, Kans., 'for several weeks the, portion of. the hangar built last supervising final construction details of year for the Puritan. his speially-buili* Cessna racer. AI- tbougli powered with, a Warner engine -Ae MIl Eseort.HonorS of only 145-horsepower- the plane will Flyr Klld i Sothhave a speed of more than 250 miles> an hour, Livingston said. The secret of1 'A 6-place. Travelair flown by Capt. the plaine's, high speed lies in the fact ýRalpbH .-all, manager of Curtiss air- that it is istreamlineid to the last inch. pon t, ~ was .(.)ne o f a fleet of plainesthat ,Roy .Lget ieieqsbidn f ormed an aerialescort at the funeral a * t<igettr kweei butedil fag services for Arthur W. Killhps, na- plane at l'is- factory at Omaha. Like' tionally famous stunt flyer, wbo* was lýiv1iigstoîi's Cessna, the Liggett racer killed Saturday. May 13, when bis sbiP wiîî be powered with a 145-horse- crasbed during an acrobatic exhibition power Warner engin -e, and1 Li ggett at Oklahoma «City. The funeral services claims the plane' should attain a speed were beld Wedinesday morning, May of nearly 300 miles an hour. 17, in St. Hugb's Catbolic. church at The world landplane speed record lvons. 111. The aviators dropped flowers 1 26mie.n or as thev passed over Killips' grave in__________ Mount Carmel cémetery. Maj. R. W. .T l tla hpt Schroeder, former manager of SkyvT l tla hpt Harbor airpont, was one af the active Mirnesota This Summer pallbearers. Edward Kleinschmidt of Highland Park, who owns a Savoia-Manchetti, 2 Planes Are Carrying Italian amphibian wbich lie keeps at Passengers at Curtiss the Cuntiss airport hangar, bas been taking flying instruction ini a North -Clarence Clabaugb, maniager of the Shore airways sbip preparatory to get- North Shore airways, in charge of ting his solo pilot's licejise. Klein- aIl flying operations at Curtiss airport, schmidt soloed two weeks ago. This reports that a Wasp Travelain and a 5ummer be plans ta fly bis own sbip to- Challenger Conimandair are heing used Bmdi Mn.Ms.Kenchitas ta arr paseger attheflingfied.is coiitemplating learning to fly, ac- Mr. Clabaugh states also that a' Fond carding to Clarence Clabaugh-, manager tri-mator will be on hand soon,. ac- of the North Shore airways. cording to prescrt plans, for pàssenger- carrving puruoses during. the neriocl of y- - -r IA Century of Progress exnositoni. I 2d f.- Yf Ln sd is Fresk Kioui y~em I .S~I~3 1141 UUI ~îrpunr na IDetroit last, week. Hl Jpassengers witb hini. T Sof Oak nat the flew to ook two E~xtenc1ed B M. C. Meigs0 Weekly took Dean out for several da3 business trip.. Thle in use, is kept at airport hangar.ý Spl afr GENUINE SPRiNG LEG lb . 15îA~c YOUNG LEAN POR LOIN ROAST RÎ r Loin End Fancy Ceiuinme Imported flSmoked Uiver Bologna ROQUEIRT and Soft Sumner. CHES, b.59*U sAusAGE -qlb. lige Lmerican Stinson [y on a lien flot Harbor.