spires June Art Show Otie of the loveliest anti most ex- i tefisive exhibits of its kind ever helti < on the north shore was the exhibition of applieti arts -bythe members of the Shawnee Country club on, Satu?- day,, May 20. The members of the' Club anti their frientis were inviteti-tu: corne early in the muorning anti bring witb them -articles of -needlework anti hand work of aIl kinds. About, 150 womien attendeti the luncéheon helditii connection. with the exhibit which was followed by a talk by Miss Eliza- beth Wells Robertson, of Raviniia, on the educationai anti vocational side of quilt making. Five original songs composeti by. Mrs. Edigar D. Coolidige were pre- sneiby a group of. wom en tiresseti in costumes _ appropriate for, their songs. Helen. Farqluahar. Rutiolpili, sang "My Garden," on English song; Gladys Marx Johnson chose a Chiniesc song, "Winig Tu Wee"; Mrs. Hernian F. Malott sanga Negro composition calleti "Banjo Luillaby"; the loveiy poem< of Lew Sarrett's, "Chippevwa Flute Song" wa s sung by Mrs..Robert. L.Chesnutt, anti a Gypsie Song, "Waniderlust" was given by Ms Claudie C. Lake. Thie wortis, as mwell as the music, of thie -Banjo Lullaby'" anti "My Gardien" were composet b'y Mrs. Coolidge. * Besities the unusually large nu i'- nii.ature stage miodeis.. There was' also an exhibit of rare olti glass, ai several pieces of olti china, lusteri, anti pewter. M rs. Charle.s H. Dennls, is chairimai of the art com imittee of the 'çlub, anti thisexhibit of ýapplieti arts was uncler the direction of Mrs. Glenn O. Pear- son anti Mrs. Pail 0O. Dittniar, hotiu of Evanston. An exhibition of ,paintings, both oils anti water colors. of, scenies .ýof Chii- Mrs. Harry, E. Smoot, 731 Park avenue, will entertain members anti guests of the Business and Profes- sional Woman's club of Wilmette at a brid4ge partyr'in ber 'home, Friday evening, May 26,: inaMugurateaU emorAai(iJd ay, maiy ju, witb a 'holiday bridge party. Lunch- eon wilj be served at 1 o'clock. and special prizes are planned for the bridge which will follow, Mrs. Fos- ter McGaw of Evanston bas charge of, the holiday bridges this year,' parties a little more festive than the regular club affairs, andi taking place on holidays when the busbands of the; players are: on the course ail day. The spring opening. golf- day for Sunset Ridge womnen wîIl be held Wednesday, May 31, hàvinig been postponed o ne. day, becanse. of the. holiday May 30. Thereafter womnen's. golf day will be Tuesda y. The events May 31, will iticlutie olti niexber- new memiber"play, and a blinti bogey with prizes. Mrs. George Doven- inuehie of Winnetka. is chairman of women's',golf. 'The flrstý of the regular bridge <ays at,:Sunset Ridige wiil be Fritiay, june 2. Lunchieon.will be served at. A o'clock. Mrs. George Traver of Chicago is chairmanof the commit- tee in charge. The spring formaI dance wvas scheduled for Saturday, May 27, but, because of A Century of Progress opening, has been 'postponeti to Mon- day,: May 29. This is to be a- dinner dance. Sunset Ridige juniors Nvili open their season with a formai party 'Sat- urday, june 24, in charge again of Miss Jessie Pocock of Evanston. .Mrs. Ralph Huszagh is chairman of the entertainmnent commiittee for womnens activities at the club. Re- servations for ail club affairs are to bc madie at the cltibhouse. Junior Auxiliary Entertains at Dinner On Thursday evening, May 18, the members of, the Junior auxiliary of the Women's Club of Wilmet te werc gracious- hostesses to their parents and to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Dixon.,, the latter the out-going 1President :of the senior club, and to Mr. and Mrs.. A. E. Klunder, the latter the newiy elected president, as guests of honor. It. was a gala occasion. The tables Nvere decorated witb candies anti and Elcanora . Welch and Rose -Stoetzel of Glencoe, anti Margot Bessîing of Evajiston.« avenue, Ksenilwortn, witn Mrs. J. iK.. Farley, assistant. hostess. Mrs. Vin- ton Sisson of Winnetka entertaine.d the cliapter with delightful "Notes on the 1933 National Con ference," told in ber own inimitable. stylé* and combining views both f rom the -out-. side as a spectator, and the insitie as a participator, Mrs. .Sisson being one of the comimittee, on resolutions. In closing Mrs,. Sisson quoted an edito- rial on the D. A.. R. ini an issue of the "'Wasington Star." A most enjeyable social bour fol- loweti. duringý which, a deliicious tea was served by the bostesses witb Mrs. 1. 'C. Cope,: honorary regen t. andi Mrs. CharlesS. Jackson. regent, pre-* sitiing. The Skokie Valleychapter, l)augh- ters ýof the. American Revolution, ivas reprëeenteti at the Joint Americanîza- tion committee of the Fourth division annual breakfast Friday, May 12, b% Mrs. David DeCamp of Kenilworth, anti Mrs. Charles S. Jackson of Huib- bard Woods.- Mrs. Melville Chatten of Winnetka represented Kaskaskia chapter. The D. A. R. are much in- teresteti in., anti urge the support of the "Baker, Bih.l" 404-405, which passed tbe senate by an overwhelm-, ing majority -and is niow before the Hüuse. This -bill prohibits teaching. of radical principles in tax supporteti 'chools. Musicale and Tea for Wranglers Auxiliary The Woman's auxiliary of Wrang- lers, a fraternity at NorthwNestern University, which wili bc officiaily or- ganizeti next fall, will bolti a pre- liminary meeting, musicale, andl tea this Fritiay afternoon at the WNranlg-: 1er bouse. There will be à group of songs by Mrs. Paul T . Gilbert, . of Kenilworth, who is known in professional life as lise Forster, with -piano accompani- ment by her son, Paul T. Giiber t, Jr., a freshman Wrangler at the unji- versity. Mrs. Richmond Corbett of Winnetka is chairman of the hostess committee, which is composed, of WhflI 4I Ig the colleg chiltiren earlier in Shore, in1 given by student players of ge, delighted bundretis of wben it was presenteti the spring on the North. La Grange aniOak Park. (Contributed) Dr. Martin Hl. Seifert, health tioc- tor. in Wilmette, gave a most inter- esting- and. helpful taik on: the "Func-. tions and Duties -of the H4ealtb De- partmenit,"' to the Business Womeén's club at its dinner meeting last-Thuirs-ý day nigbt. After the super-structure wvas ex- plaineti, many tietails were ýadtied, tiealing mostly with the preventive, medicine whic.h is the primarv pur- pose of the hiealth department. Vac- cination, liceniýeti food hantilers, milk tests, water tests,. muzzling dogs,,anti many other methotis of preventing spreati of disease were discussed. Right now there needs'to be a more rigiti licensing of, food hanilers especially since the popularit3v of milk being.solti inlulk, which if hiot prop- erlY handled i ay spread (isease. "The cow is néver to blaine.'" Dr. Seifert saiti, as is oftèn the comimon opinion, *it. is the -hailinig of inilk which is tiangerous.": Many interest-' ing and pathetic instances wvere cited, by.> the .tioctor. on the various types ,of infectious diseases, anti how ap- parentily innocent off enders wvere- the cause of many tieaths. Then the dliscussîin of rabies le(I to m.any miirthiful moments, eachi club miember relating experiences of (ldog bites and "mad dogs.'ý It was heart- ily agreeti that aMl dogs shouiti be muzzle(l anti every possible means taken to prevent rabies. ,After this inost ieliitful hotîr. the nominating cominmittee presented the new candidates for executive' offices. next year.. The comimittee composeti of Mlinnie Hughes,.Anne Welch, anti Dorothy Boyington, nominateti the following ,memibers.,: Ruth Slown, presitient; Frances ,Taubert,_ vice- presitient, Blanche Gay, correspond- tirg. secretary, Anne Phiilips, record- ing secretary, anti Cornelia Jones. treasurer. AIl nonmees were unani-. miously electeti anti will take office at the next. business 'meeting in June. Friday, May 26, thiere wili be a carti party at the home of Mvrs. Harry E. Srnioot, 731 Park avenue, Wilmette. unrt wil De field riuays. *Contract bridge lessons are given each Thursday ini connection with luncheon anti are proving to be an-, other 'popular featuire at the, Crad.