The music for next Sunday wlll ln- clude soles by Mr. Walter T1enney and the. following organ numbers by Miss Emlly Robert»: Prélude: I'Elevation Il...... ......Elgar Ofertory: "Thé Quiet et the Forest"............ ......... Dunharn Postlude: "Fugue in C Miner". :. .Bacls Junior choir niembers'are ýhaving a picniç Thursday, June 1. lnstéadet thé usuai reéarsal. The picnlc wlill hé held àt thé Waverly roadbeach, ene block forth of the> Kenllworth Watérworks.. Bach: oneéles te« bring -hise wn cake; cookies, fruit and' drink. 'Wlie and buns *111 hé provldéd. Thos e who have noéniéans et transportation are askéd tO corne te the chiurch directly afier school. and. arrangements will hé made te jake thém -te the beach. On Menday. Juné 5, thé North End cîrele'will hold *its final Meeting of thé yeair at the émoreoe Mrs. Mlles Mc- Donald, 1046 Michigan, avenue. Thé as- slstlng hestesses wlll hé Mrs. C. P. Bix- by, Mrs. F. H. Corneli,, Mrs. ýC. D. Ewer. and Mrs. J. A. Pancoast. This wlll hé a lunchen meeting. Thé board of trustées'will meet Tues- day, June 6, at 7:30 p.. n the cllurch 'hrough-the-week activitiés for beys arid girls for next wéek.are scheduled as follows: Tueeday - 4 p.m. - Girl Scouts, Campj Fire Girls. Tuesday-7 :30 p.m.-Troop No. 2. àoy Scouts. Thursday - 4 p.m. - Junior Choir, ré.- hearsal. Thursday-7 :30 p.n.-Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts. Frlday-3 :30 p.m.-Brownies. Frida.y - 7:36 p.m. - Seior Camp Firé Girls. Saturday-9:30 a.m.--Cub Pack No. 63. Saturday - 10 a.m..- Junior choir ré- hearsal.t Our Senior choir will sing in thé per- formancée ofthé Messiah ai thé World's P'air Sunday afternoon, June 4. Mr. Tén- ne>'. Mr. Nettinga, Mt's. Edwards, Mrs. Wishover. and Mr. Learn are among the sololats for this performance. Thé Woman's guiid et thé church willi hold its annuel, meeting théea.!térnoon of Friday, June 9. At 1:30p.m. the, Board will meéthI PllgrIm hall. This wl 1* followéd at 2:30 by thé annuel business meeting with reports frein al ofilcers. A. social heur wlll follow thé business meeting. On June il we wlll hold our annual Children's day services durlng the morning wershlp heur. AU .the parents of .our scholars and friends are invited to be with us. Metkodist Chur-'h Rev. Oscar Thomas Oison,. D.D.. minister Thé minister's sermon theme for the Il o'clock' worshlp service next Sunday mornlng wlll be "The Bréathing Sp1irit." .Thé musie for the serviee next Sun- day mornfing wïll hé as follows: Organ Préludé:, (Sonata ln >"Allegro con.brlu," "Adagio" Anthemn: "Spirit off Ood"... Humason Offertory Antbem: "PeaceI Leave With You"'........... Roberts -Organ Postl 1ude: "Finale" (Sonata in- E Miner).....Rogers The H.1g9h School league willl meét Sun- daY evening at 5:30 at thé Elmnwood avenue beach. Therée wlll béý a beach supperand camptiré service. Mr.; West will be the speaker at ibis cloi ing nmeet- ing. The Cliurh cl, hoiý:;esions are held each Sunday morning at 9:30. There are classes for ail agés. The Young People's departrncnt will meet at the cburch Sunday événirig at 5:30 and willI go ouite the Glenview forest presér-ve., Dr. Oison wlll be thé speaker. Thé Woman's Foreign Misslonary s0- ciety will hold ilis Mite-Box openlng meeting Thursday, June 8, at 2 o'clock, at thé home of Mrs. D. A. Stoer, 228 Myrtie street, Winnetk.q. Sévéral musi- cal numbers. will bé on the prograrn In- cludlng a trio by Mrs. T. H. West, Mrs. O. D. Jones. and Mrs. C. B.. Cochran and ,a solo by. Mrs. Carl Qéppert. Devo- tions: M(rs. B. C. Davlson. The speaker will hé a native Indian, Joe Devidanum. Hostesses: Mesdames C. Roflin Smith, H. 0. Crews, and Carl Zipprieh. The Woman's 'Aid society ýwill holdits annual rmeeitday, Thursday, at2 o'elock at thé .churchi. A party fer Fit th division members will hé held Saturday evening at thé home, ef Mrs. Harry Mens, 57 Wood- stock avenue., Kenilworth. Thé Meni's Anniversary dinnér wIll hé héld Thuresqay evenlng, June 8, in thé *Senior Luther léagué will hold Its meeting June 8 ai thé forést préservé. 1We. will. reét at thé churlch at 6:30 o'clock and have our supper at thé for- est pré.serve, We are pleased te announce o .ur in- creased programn for thé. summer. Be- glnning Sunday, June 18, we, wlll. bave an additional. service of worshlp every Sunday morning. This service wil hé held ai 8 'clock for thé convenience of golfers, picnickers,, and World's Vair visitors. We wlll aIse have our usual service atIf l 'clock. An hour. mpent ln thé House of God 16on Sunday will maké your weék more Joyous. Sunday school and, Congregational picnic Thursday, Ju-ne' 22. from 2 p.m. to sunset-foresi preserve-Harms road, west of Wilmette. Let's 'ail plan to hé there! st. Ausgustine's Sunday, June 4, wlill hé Whltsunday or thé Dayreo. Péntecest commémorai- ing thé descent ef thé Holy Spirit'and theé brthda.y ofth~e.Christian cliurch. Theré willl héHoly Commuion ai ý a.m.. Church scheols and Bible classés at 9:45 and Holy Commufflon wiih ser- mon at il a.m. On Whitsun Monday and Wbltsun Tuésday, Juné à and 6. ibère wlll hé Holy Communion at 8 a.m. R. W. McCandllsh, J. J. Walworth, W. F. Joncs* and thé rccter répresénted St., Augustinc's at North Deanéry meet- ing ai St. Luk's Pro-Cathédral last Monday night. Last nigbt a délegation ef the té crs ef our Church scbeol, accompanled hy thé rector, atténdéd thé North Shore Church .Sohooil natîtute dinnér and, meeting .at Christ church, Winnetka. Thé réctor bas blanks for thosé. wish- ing t9o rent rQems te Century of Prog- réas visitors through thé Church club of Chicago bureau. Please apply te hlm. There la ne chargé for aueh régistra- AKenilworth Union. Dr. Herbert. L. Willett, minîistér Children's day éxeroises will bé héld Sunday, Juné 4, ln thé gymnasiumn at 10 o'c.lok. This will be the final ses-. alun of thée.Sunday achool. .They tell us that the corning conven- tion of thé. Walther league ef Lutheran Young People ls tô b. one ef the larg- est conventions scheduled for Chicago. thie prÉesent 'year. Ail the socleties of, Chbicago and vicinIty that are .miembers have been worklng very hard to make it a succeséln every way. Corne to' the meeting next -Friday. June 2, and héar thé, last pre-convention reports. EvIery loyal leaguer will.attend. St. John's- like ail ohr smlt r ganizations bas also feit the effeets of thé times. It ls happy to report, how- ever%, that It hias been very well able to meet the Interest, on its bonds on the day. it *as due, as well as to redeem -such bonds whose ownérs asked for their rédemption. The' balance of théý bonds were éxtended five years or until May, 1935. The annual festival at the Luthéran Manual Training school for boys and Industrial home for ýgirls at Addison. Ili., wlll be held Sunday, June 11, on the grounds of 1the. institution, .St. Charles rnad and Lake stre-et, Addison. Evéryone la invited. LegionA uxili*ary, Wilmette-U tNo'. 46 Wednesday, May 24, Wilmette Unit 46 was hostess to the seventh district of the American Legion Auxiliary. The meeting, .which was held at the Masonic temple, opened with a short memorial service in honor of de- ceased members of the past year. F'ol- lowing the business session, Rogers Park unit presented a. Poppy Skit which everyone en~joyed. Mrs. R. L.» Floyd, president of Cook Cotinty council, was the guest of honor of .the district. May we. at this time offer thé ,thanks and appreciation of, the unit to- those friends and members who gave their time, and. helped m 1ake, Poppy'Day the success it proved to be this year. The regular board meeting of the month wiIl1 be -held at the home of Mt~ <Y i, 618 evening, a -.tien Through Activitlés3." Thé Lord's Supper will be Thé Chritian Endeavor FretY' wli . . in thé il o'clock .service4 meet wth Paul Veneklasen, 721 Nlnih Senior choir rehéarsàl Friday evening nexi. On this occasion theé etreet, at 5:30 o'clock. An effort la being at 7:30 o'clock. firmed .will recélvç iheir firs uade te have a spécial speaker. Further in oeei sntr inoneetw!» hé nmade, Junior Luther leaguersar going on a thé néwly confirméd. -Ail tho biké Saturday, 31une 3. We wlll méet at te réceive thé Sacrarnenti - The prayer-imeeting vdll be held on thé church at 9 e'clock In thé mornlng., maké this known, te thé past Sunday -'0' vly con- Polly Spiegel, 140 Meirose avenue. .ernmun- Kenilworth,. is returning. june 12, icted te from Sarah Lawrence college to desiring 1 kindly spend her summner vacation. with ber on sat- parents,. the Modie J. Spiegels.