sheer hose have bg so as to meeft he 'ted with great of every miss. Lovely Graduation Frocksý aslow as $ 8 In Organdi., White end Pastel Colors Pretty Formai n. Chýiffon, as ýlow Prýetty -Gifts in Sport Handkerchiefs for the IL ý2 f" 25C and 50C Eacbh ,ROLLINSIý Non.-Run 'Carier To P SILK HOSE With the. beautifuI lac& top. qs1 2.85 Thne Biggest Swimming: Suit Ne ws 'of 1933! The New JANTZEN aitla new low prkce $3-95 L a d ie s , Ote styles sellingj for and Sure It's a JANTZEN What ail the, men and boys ask for. Tboy don't say, givo me a bathin, suit. Jusi say, "I want a JANTZEN SWIM SUIT l" Men's 'Suifs Yo ut hs' Suifs $3.95: $3.65 MONITO sox full fashioed. r3 Bags $1 Each 35c, Mode Dept. Store-I 14648 Wllmefte Ave.-Phone Wimett 588-589 Mons Store-Fors* National Bank BIdg..--ýPIone WiImette 26'56 >f cotton coYert mes IÀ Tan, and gray. pair $1.50 4. to 18.