Hoaldmer Couaey two-y«sr oh!. Rich, crasmy. and extra snappy. lb. 37c WAMERS Uneeda fakers extra fine' box of pleinauni filici wafers. lb. 35c And as temperatures climb, fit is fincreasingly important that your food be varied, super dlean and garden fresb. It's your business to enjoy. these summer montha and our business to ýkeepyo properly and, economically fed. THESE PRICES EFFECTIVE MA Y 31 TO JUNE ountry lb B TTEIRols VANILLA IDr. Price'. superior extract. For beat cooking results. 2 ounce32 bottle32 VINEGAR Pure apple eider vinegar. Ful strength andextraclear. qt. 5 POTATO SALAD This ýsalgd is'actu ally home-made for Us$ fresh every day,,using t he best- inaterials thromghout ........... lb. 29c luxTuletSoap 4 loc BARS25e COFFIEE FREE-10e PACKAGE of Royal Pine- a p ple Gelatine' with each pound at this special price. 16. 29c, OLIVES Old Monk pimento stuffed 33c large queenh, -Pt.. FC PICKLES Budlongs extra fancy Dills. Fine floyor, quart. . i17 HALIBUT. Strictly fresh- cauight.......L.28C WHITE FISH. Lake Silperior............ lb. 28c BACON. Sliced. Ail branids................... 25C LEG 0F LAMB. Best Spring stock...........l. 26c LAMB SHOULDER. For roast or stew\ .......l. 19c RIB ROAST OF BEEF. Prime......... .. lb. 21c &24c DEEF STEAK ____ Our supreme tender quality. Sirloin Club Porterhoute l.34o IL.38cILb.380 GINGER ALE Morand's Dry or ,Golden. Plus deposit ....qt.. 1 MUSHROOMS' Small French Buttons. The2. large size can. Each .... 39 ... E SALAD D'RESSING Kraft's OId, Fashioned Boiled Dressing. Especially recômmended- for malcing potato salad ...........q,. 29c