avui y xlic ou s sand iawnis throughout the north shore area. the Ades Vexans, the Most energetic of the mosquito tribes bas been infest- ing tbe area and making life miser- able for viliagers. Many inquiries bave been received, lit tbeh LEr~LIE fie and at beadquarters of- the, North Shiore Abatement district concer ning the apparent cessation of abatement work thi>s spring., Abatement Worker Bu.Y The Abatemnent )district bas, beeji doiâig everytbing within its power t.. couniteract the, nuisance, its officijais explain., Tbe flood ' waters bave re- ceded and .ail smhall pools wb 1ich re- m ain in, tbe Skokie area have beenl ouled and mosquito breeding in that area is -educed to a minimum. The princip-al diffié-ulty, it. is po0t ed out.,cornes fromn flooded lawi1s flooded golf courses and places oi that nature Wbere oiling is flot per- missible because' it would kili thie grass. Furthermore, it is explained, tberf are areas west of tbe district wiîere flood waters bave b.een permitted to stand and from wbence the Adte., Vexans, rising ini great swarms, baý'e been blown to the ýnorth sborir area. 1Bred OnIy In Water Mosquitoes do not, as manv bouse- ldffers believe, breed in the grassI and about sbrubs. Tbey must have water as a breeding place, it is ex- plained, and they merely seek the damp grass and bushes for subsist- ence. According to the Abatenierlt dis- trict officiais, the Ades Vexans are a short lived tribe, and, providinir there are no more' beavy rains, thev shouid soon be through with their orgy. REVERES ELECT TONIGHT A special meeting -of Wilmiette çhapter, The ,P«iul Reveres, wil be hield Thursday evening of the weckç in the Wiinîette Villave hall. at 8 o'clock. Election of officers wilI be among tbe important items of busi- Il 26 Confiai Avo. e9MD?( Thae new bal iN park is to be cal- week gettirig the grounds ready for the opçnlng gaine, Sunday. It is hoped .to bave the bleachiers finisbexd in time for this gaine. LastSunday Minette lost a. close, game to Niles Center on the latter's diamond. The score was 8 to 7.. Nules Center won with a four-mn splurge in the. Iast baif of the ninth. Wilinette's biggest inning was the fiftb. With Nules Center leading, 2 toel, the local team scored five runs to take a 6 to 2 lead. Going into the ninth . Wilmette was still .abead, 7 to 4. The starting lineup for Wilmette was: Jack, Connelly,. pitcher; W. B. "Bal"y Robinson,, catcher; Grant Phillips, first biase;, W. _.D. "Doc" Rennolds, second base; Bill Melien. third base; Ed Wahl, shortstop; Bill Schroeder, left field; Joe Borre,ý right field, and Monty Rudolph, center field. On Memiorial day the Wilmette team lost to Murray's Evanstons, 9 to 2, at Evanston. Bentley 'McCloud, 338 Kenilivortlî avenue, Ieft Tbursday of last week for Omaha where Mrs. McCloud and Nancy have been visiting Mrs. Mc- Cloud's parents. They are al e- turning together. eobert Olmst'ead, Jr., of Glencoe, who is Mrs. Mc- Cloud's brother, stayed at their home with Bobby McCloud during their ab- sense. WILMETTE I HOME BAKERY I Peraonal Attention to Ali Orders ýj OpIost.TViage 1Hall 1193 Wihuitte Ave. WiL S429 DRY CLEANING CENTRAL AND MAIN George H. Darling, a junior at ' Rochester, is a member of the Board of Control, art editor of Interpres. the university annual, and a memb)zr ofi the swimmning and golf teamns. Hr was. director of the. freshman camp in .932 and 'bas been electe totm Keidaeans, honorary senior societv of -which Clifton is, a memnber., Botb are members of AlIpha Delta Phi. M.and Mrs.' Darling. expect to leave tbe latter part Of next week to attend the graduation exercises June 12. Watch.g, dcke, jew elry, silver. war, optiemi, boem rm&. 1166 WILMETTE AVENM WILMWTE 106 Ref eshing SODAS That l"Rit the Spot" Try orne of our Chocolats Sodas made with our own home made,, rich, crearny cliooolate and two dippers of ipe cream. PV. Serve Caunengham's Ice Creuse MAC' WIET1I CONFECTIONERY. 1204 CENTRAL AVL Plhone WI. SM WILMETTE. I j~~;fl\~ JN. A. HfANNA INC. 952 SpinisIi Court J Phone Wilme$t. 467