A ctual phosograph shogvwin* one of Henrys exclusive Permanment FVwaves. 547 CHESTNUT STREET PHIONE WINNETKA 119 S>e cialists jin- REWAVING RINGLETS and ail leading PERMANENT W AVES Scientific Facials and ScaIp.Treatment Fin e Meats, at Lower Pices!. CHOICE NATIVE, RIB ANY CUT, ROAST IL 15½2 SMALL, LEAN, BONELESS, ROLLED PORK LOIN ROAST 1 Ibo 5c1 TIhe Infant Welfare clinic will be held on .june 14 from 2 to 4 p. m. The Wilniette Health Center.. den- tal clinics which have been held dur- ingý the school year will close* june 20. These clinics ýwill,"be resumed whien *school opens in the fail. ýThe Highicrest dental clinic wilI close J'une 14. The next cheést' clinic. wiil be hield june 19 from 1 pý.m. to 3 P. m. Dr. Julius Novak -of theý Chicago Tuber- culosis. Institute is in charge of this cliniic., Mrs. Ruth McGrew passed. away at the Evanston hospital Suniday, june 4.- Mrs. McGrew was in charge of the Chicago Tubercular, Institute workinEaso and at one time had ýcharge of T.' B. hurs ing in" Wil-' mette,- she also relieved, our C. T. -I. nurse, Mrs. Inez Bliss, on1 her va- cationls. She will be 'greatly missed ni the comimunity. Mrs.'A. B. Lambert, mother of Mrs.1 Clarence Drayer of 1034 Elmwood ave- nue, returned Tuesday f rom a visit at Hollywood Beach hotel ini Florida. Shc also visited another daughter and her family, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. White at. their home in Oberlin, Ohio. SPE4CIA&LS 50c Gloco Hair 9 soc X-Ba.zin33 Depilatory. 51k Pepsodent Toothpaste $r Lavonis Cutex Cuticle. Remover 33C 26c- 79ç touUIIUwnICAI LLiN Âews-i1UA iex scor two runs to take the Iead. Wilmette then tied the score at three-a11 in the seventh inning. .Doc Rennolds, the starting pitcher. held the Index tothree scattered hits and' three runs and,. until. the eighth inning:,*had the heavy 4.itters,,com- peeyin control when he retired in favor of Blackmore who entéred in the role, of. relief pitcher.. At this point, the News-Index bunched. their hits and aà home run by e. Kilby net- ted six runs.- :Wilmette counted again in 'the ninth when Rudolph connected with, one of, Bush's. fast ones for, a triple and' later scored. -It .was .Monty's h itting and alert base running, that kept Wihnette on even terms - the first seven innings. The. game originally scheduled at XVilview Pa rk, at Lake avenue and Harms:road.was transferred to Boit- wood Field after complications arose resulting in, a delay which made it impossible to havýe the new, park in playi'ng condition. Next Sund1ay Wiinette lbas sched- uled the strong Rogers Park team which will be the opening game at Wilview Park, on West Lake avenue. The game is scheduled for 3 o'clock.' John-PRoeier, former Wilmette hurl.-_ er, now with the Rogers. Park .club. 1will probably be the starting pitcher. Several niew playershave been added to the roster and Sunday will findi Earl Kilby, former minor league player, in the starting lineup. PRESENT RECITAL A spring recital wvas given by pi- ano pupils .of Mabel Rippe, assisted by the dramatic art pupils of Edna Reiner Marshall, Friday. afternoon of last wveek at the home of Mrs. Wil- liai A. Flogans, 260 Fairview ave- nue, Xinnetka., Those participating were Dorotb,-,Alice Woltze, Marcia Nordburg, Normian Rose, Barbara Flogans, Nancy F ox, Dick, Baker. NI riorie 'Jane.XVoltze, Thora Han- sen, Thalia Serriades, june Salzman. Jean Wilson, Helen Hedges, Virginia Mae Heisley, Corinne Marshall, 'Ruth Anderson, and Lorna Tideman. SLBý Ceutral-Wiln.tte Avenues Phonies: WiI. Z8-2S MOT INGI kl