ire as expesse amazement at thle progress the children had made dur- ing the year. The poise and bril- liancy with which each number was rendered showed a command of tech- nique rarely found in children. The hall- was .beautifully decorated for the occasion which added no small part in mfiakingit* one of the most beauti- futi programs ever presented at St. Francis' school. The. school orches- tra opened. the. proigrani with 'two clas-sic selections. Besides. the mem-' berfs of the'orchestra, thefôllowing Wilmette children took part: Cath- erne McDaniels, Jane Ethel New- man, Suzannie Barton, Eugenia.Sher- ry, Thomas Lucas, Mary Frances McPhelin, Patricia Mroz, Jane Ro- ho!,,Jane Redlin, Gloria.del Carlo, Frances Venn, Francis Berminghami Mary Ruth Venin, Mary'Patricia St. Clair, Ida Kathryn Cummisky, jean Reidel, Theresa Peifer, Marie Peifer and Georgana Grignon. The concert closed with: another orchestra' selec- tion. .As a fitting' close to the~ musical activities of the school year, the younger children, adding their aspir- nggenius to the talent of the ad- vanced pupils, gave a very attractive recital in theirspaclous, studio last Thursday afternoon,. Lending'much charm to the piano and violin number,, the Children 's Rhythm band appeared for the last time playing, two selections: Klapp~ Dance, a folk tune, and La Czarine. by Louis Ganne, both pieces being specially scored for. Rhythm band. An unusual skill in the use of ton was displayed by the able little director, Mary Janet Grant. The personnel of the band included: .Margaret Ward, Mary Lucas, Fran- cis McNar-nee, Marjorie, Grignon. Darlene Foley, Katharine . McDer- mott, Mary, Hun-ter, Theodore Cha- m1aIes, Clement Cummings, Ph.illip Mergeiler,, Patricia. Hughes, Cather- ine Broad,. Patricia Evers,. Henry S1amin, Richard St. Clair,' George McCarthy,- John D. Flynni, Marie Rogers, Jeanne Macferran, Paul .McNamee, jack Hickey, Madeline' k,Ç;irtsen- Thomas McGowan, Mar-, IVe're sure vwe don't InoW'. Probably the saMe person191Who said that etrgbread cusswbuld give. lie girls curly hi... Of course, we grant that there are store ANI) STORES and that > makes a> whale oôf a diileërente With two- fisted men. AtEDGAR A. STEVENS, for instancel, there. are an uwsual nuberof :the rçgiiiar he-men type of husbands who corne Mn to enjoy a pleas- ant afternoon while their wives and. daughters tiy on clothes. These North Shore meni show surprisingly good. taste, too. They recogauze Quality when they see -it andi the sight of bargains britigs a sort of phosphorescent' glearn to their eyes. ... They're ticlcled pink to, thunk. they've spotted a '"buy". for the: littie woman. Naturaliy we try to niake thunga as unviting as Mrs. Ernest R. Reichmann, Romoûna road, accompariied , by sister, Mrs. D. Beckwith, and1 Mary Howell of Evanston, left Th -l"ay of last week to niotor to Dunr and New York City on a tep d trip. 0e. * e.. r j n.