in a shifty northwest m-ind varying fromi near calinis to puifs of freshi in- tensity over a course of approximate- ]y 13 miles. 1The twelve boats cros.sed the finish Ue . i the folowing order: .lst Smack (Pa'jeauand Ells);, 2nd, .Ali Baba (knight and Clemetsen); 3rd. Silver Spray, (Kendig); 4th, Hum- mer Il (Denison ); 5th, Twinkle Dit- to, (Hayford and Twitchell); .6th. Carol' (Elliott andl Goss) ;Y 7th, Fram (Manegold and Boxvman); 8th, Glider. (Howard Jones); 9th, Xalrus (Stock- ton Brothers) ; lth,. Fanny (J ohin Halstied) ; 1th Gnini (Pirie Broth- .ers); l2th,,Cora K. (Hassel-sailed by \'Vn. Noble). The resuits 'of :this rac e place Smnack anJd Twinkleç Ditto in a 'tic for, first: place in the first three of tule four races in the A series, with Carol third and Xalrus fourth. In order to accomniodate theÀni- creasing, nntnil)ers of club mÇmbers, and their friends Who are interested in yachting, Sheridan Shore Mhas re- (lueste(l each skipper to carry a total of three mien in a boat during the home races, although only two are allowed in inter-clul) competition. Four ieiviian'es have been added to the ctub's roster of family memi- berships: Allen W'. Cook, Richard D Bamnes. Dr. Arthur R. Colweil, and Alfred Brittalin. Jr. BrËittain buit aý smnall sloop during the winter. me.nthi and now has it nîoored in the lharbor which is alreadv fi lIed to capacity. An exper]iment whi1cl 'i 1undoubt- C(ly prove popular has been under- taken '1w the Ladies' auxiliarv under the leadership of Mrs. Harold, L. Receve in scrving a buffet supper in the club's loune. on Sunday nights A. large nuimiber -ar e alwavs on hand on Sunday afternoons ti ejoy, thé sailing anld -*ar sports, and thiis ar- rangement. wil accbrmmodate .tbose %v'ho wi lh f( coiitiiiuie their saiiing in the evening or mercIy enjoy the evening l)reczes from the club's beach. No damage to the craft. in the har- bor wvas .rcported after tlhe scvcr( strion Sundav night. \J~ N 1~ -the talk of the town "P LAC E SETTI .NGS". illustrated above 2 TEASPOONS (regular) * * I LUNCHEON DESSERT KNIFE I; LUNCHEON or DESSERT FORK IBUTTER SPREADER 1, SAIAD.F9RK. * e S foree - $2.08 *$2,60 *$2.19 * s e $1.25 * 'e e $1.56 then she and her father went., to see Robert, Jr., who attends L<awrence- ville f rom wbich he returns the middle of June after taking the col- lege board examinations. C T OS TS N0 MOR-E AT P AU L 1IN G Go R H A M'S by S PAU LDI NG.,GORHAMý You may buy these pieces. in the Edgewoth Patte~rn