$3 .88 T h e s e are made in plain pastel crepes and in Prints. These dresses were made to sell at a much higher price. Size 14 to44 Other Fabrics Made with the lovely Jackets and Capes to match - ot h e r s with a contrast in colors. Selling $1650 Others as low as $.285 New Cool Cotton, ln eyelets and Dresses other fabrics. $1.95 each It's A JAN T Z E N The suit ail theW ths season, and Wide WaIe Pique S-KI-R TS girls are .asking for at a new low price. In Colors, each Plain White, each. $1.95 .$1.25 ('7 Mallory Straws Wear the hat that is ahead of them ail. Only other Straw Hats as ow as 00 each NEW SUMMER A "ry's""' 55c each Others selling for Organdie Blouses Sweater Blouses Misses' Suits $3.65 Girls', Suits .$3.00 Ladies' Suits ..$3.95 And up to .$6.00 or leg. Dept. Store-1146-48 Wilm.tte Ave.-Phon. Wjlm.tte 588-589 Men's Store-First National Ban Bidg.-Phone Wilmette 2655 weight, Very light $1.00 ai I $50