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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jun 1933, p. 50

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Mrs. Gustafson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilbert of Wilmette, were the guests of honor. The party was an expression of ap- preciation for the many services ren- dered the church by Mr. Gustafson, and a means of wecôming him'and bis family into the coimnunity.. Mr. Gustafson. has been actively affiliated with the cburch for some time, and for the past few yé«ars 'hlas "given bis services as choir director. As a resuit of bis leadership the choir bas growvn steaduly, and in. addition te itsregu- lar choir work bas presented severa! N'ervsuccessful concerts. TO WIN DOCTOR'S DEGREE Miss Thelma Beatrice miel of 1010 Sheridan road, will receive lier Doctor's degree in op tomfetrY on Friday, June 9, fromn the Northern Illinois College of Optometry. Miss M ancinelli formnerly attenddtiNorth- w estern, at wbicb uiniversity she re- ceived ber preparatory work. Sheis> ,-,a member of. Alpha Gamma Delta sorority and is also past president of, ber optometric sorority, - Pi Kappa Rbo. DEMONSTRATE PLANE A new- Kinner, with collapsible wings.dropped in at Sky Harbor air- port last week for demonstration purposes. The sbip bad corne froni the Kinner factory. FLIES TO RACES M. C. Meigs of the Ainerican Weekly went to Indianapolis for the races on Memorial day. He made the -trip in a Stinson renteti from Sky Harbor airport. H1arvey A. Craig, 716 Lake avenue, saiied Friday on the Volendam of -the 4,olland American line f rom New York for' London. His daughter, Dapbne, wil 1eave 'June 26, for Camp Nagawicka at Delafield, Wis., where'sbe will spend the summer. jamfes Craig will spendi bhis third sumûmer at Owakonze camp, leaving June 18. The yrounger boys, Norman and Roger, are leaving tbe end of June for St. Jobn's camp ati Delafield, Wis. Thtis band;from Price, Utah, has the distinction ,sot :only of holding the championship of its statel but aàlso of coming the greates tldistan.ce to take part in the nation ai con test. ils Evansion. It represéiuts the Caïrbon County High school of Price.,:and il wilI comtpete iii closs A. its mernbershrip of 82. j: comting ntearly 1,500.,miles.. To Visit Wellesley on. Motor Trnp Through East Mrs.William Balhatchet, 725 Tenth street. is leaving Thursday-of this week to -motor toý Wellesley college to nmeet her daugbter, Elizabeth, wbo is completing:,bler fresbman year. flniving. east witb Mrs. Baîbiatche t are Charlotte aid. jane Waltz of Glencoe. Margaret Boynton of Win- netka -and Betty Mulford of WiI- mîette, Wellesley alumflae who are re- turning for tbeir class reunion. Betty Mulford will remain in the East to visit a classmate of bers in Boston. The otber members of the party, to- gether with Eizabeth Baîbatchet and Anne Boyd Linn of Wilmette wbo is a freshman at Vassar, will return with Mrs. Baîhatchet. The party will go east by way of Canada, and will motor borne leisurely through the states, visiting the various college catupuses. HONORS BRIDE-TO-BE Mrs. Frank Stoerp of Prairie View, '111., entertàined at a rniscellaneous shower and bridge tea on Tuesday of last week ini honor of Miss Verna Iverson of Wînnetka who is to be married, on junie 10, to Anthony Ludovice: of Kenilworth. Mrs. Geoirge F raser, Mrs.. Boyd Anderson: (Helen Fraser), Doris,, and Agn1e.s ."Babe," 645 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth, left Friday of last week to motor to Annapolis to attend June week. Th-ey will also visit New York Wilmette Unit 46 Mlonday evening, June 12, at, 8:15 o'clock. Mr s. Arthur Johnson, 322 tFourteenth street, ,wiIl be hostess at the regular 'mQnthly meeting, Mrs. E. V.Cu.llisoni,.Fid-ac chairman, bas, arraniged a most interesting prograin O.ne of ou~r memibers, Mrs. Haig Kashian, will give a talk on Turkey. Mrs. R. H. A. Green bas sent us a fascinating account of ber recent trip through French Morocco, wbic.h will be read by Mrs. C. B. Cochran. T'his is the last meeting until fail and ail members are urged to attend. The last sewing meeting until Sep- >tember is to be at Mrs. 0. G. Daily's, 618 Tenth street, '.thursday evening. June 15. Mrs. B. C. Wilson of Morgantown, W. Va., left Saturday after a visit with ber daughter and f amily, Mr. and Mrs. William G. Bayliss of 610 Central ave-* nue. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bayliss of Columbus, Ohio and Mrs. W. G. Bay- liss of Charleston, W. Va., left Tues- day. motoring borne after a visit with the. Bayliss family. MIr. and MIrs. Theodore Hemimel- malin of. St. 'Louis, Mo., spent the week-end with their son-in-law and daugliter, the Laurence Schwabs who have recentlv m.oved froni Chi- cago, to 627 Warivick road, Kenil- R. M. Johnston -Speker t .N. W. Men' Club Meeting Rl. M. J ohnston, Wilmette- realtor. addressed the Northwest Men's club at its regular meeting Monidai' eve- ning. l une 5. hcld at the home of -An- thony Kyle. 1931 Schillerý street, On thé gencral subject of the mortgage sitiati n sit applies to thé, small hume-*(ivler Heexplained Ilegisia-' tioii iio pen(ling in Congress relative to loais on stnall bornes.. His talk' conIclu(led with an open forum dlis- cussion. .Plans for a club picnic were an- ranged at the meeting this week. The club is org 1anizing a soft bal tearn %li.hicbexpects ýto find compe-ý tition witb other grouips in the vil- lage. COING TO SCOTLAND Last Monday evening a few friends and acquaintances gatbered at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Wise- man, 726 Eleventh street, to bid, bon voyage to Mrs. J. -MackilI, 1343 Ridge road, wbo sails this Saturday for a visit to bier former borne in Scotland Mrs. Mackill is return.ing toý \Vihnette the last of August. Harry Weese. Jr., 141" Kenilwortb aveiie, eniterta.ined bis orchestra, the Weese-Holmes lorchestra, :at dinnen gaturdav.. Harry's young brother,'Ben- ny, also entertained on Saturday a. group of neigbbor cbildren in bonor of his fourthb birtbday. ---- y .jn ot .uavenpor, owa.avne Gordon Cutier, 207 Woods tock ave- Richard Cooke, 355 Kenilwonth ave- Thé Ralpb T. Huif family of 706 Mr. and. Mrs. Otto E. Hillsberg, nue, Kenilworth, will visit a classmate nue, netunned F'iday from' Bethlehem, Washington avenue are leaving next 1220 Gregory avenue, spent the week- in Baltimore before returning from bis Pa., whene be attends Lehigli univer- week for their.summer place at Del- end and Memorial day with -friends surimer vacationi from Princeton. sity. avan Lake, Wis. in. Madison, Wis.

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