B. H. BARNETT 526 Center St. Winnetka 965 Office. open daily and Sunday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. 97LTN7-ltp CHARMING BRICK: COL 1ONIAL S.bedrms., heated 811>g. porch, 3 baths, brkfet. rm., sun! rmý, oil ht., 2-car'htd. gar.; lovely large lot,' beautifuily landscaped. $32,000. Other remarkable bu.ys In large or smnall homes; also, rentais in furnished' or unfurnished. Franàces J. Winscott )02 Spruice St. Winnetka 1 '267 97LTN7-1tc GLENCOE BRICK COLONIAL - N. E. SECTION. 6 bedrms., 3 baths, 3 heatéd porches. Siate roof. 2-car brick gar. Oil ht. Landscaped lot 621/x320. $23,000. SMITH AND GOSS r25 Elm St. Winnetka 3500 97LTN7-1 Le FOR SALE OR FOR RENT :E;ast Kenilworth-New]3y decorated 9 rmn. 2 bath home on i00,-ft. wdded lot. Ideal location, near schools and trans- portation. Rent $80 per month. Anx- boue. Sale price $20,000. MILTOIN E. REID.& CO. )01 Lake A'venue Wilmette 771 EAST, SIDE W1odern 7 rmn., 3 bath, brick Wlinetka home. Sun pch., slpg. pch., oil lit., fenced yd. '$115. -Comlete List of Houses MRS. FULLER & WM. PICKARI) ~46 Elm St. Winnietka 3722 97LTN7-ltc KENILWORTH-EAST SIDE. CHARtM- ing Colonial home, 3. batha, oil heat, near schools and transportation. Ph. Keniworth, 4590. h7LTN7-Ite >9 WANTED TO RENT-HOUISES 3Y RESPONSIBLE PRIVATEFÂ- ily of four; Winnetka or Kenilworth, 5 bedrms., 3 baths, screened pch., quiet neighborhood flot on Sheridan Rd.; *2, yrs. or more, begin Aug. 1 to Oct. 1. $175 or less; might buy equity; gilve address, brief. description, telephone. This is ' not agents ad, replies con:- fidentialI if requested. ý.Address A-169, Box 40, Wilmette. .99LTN7-ltcý SALES - RENTALS. rd RESULTS liet -Your property. with McGuire and Orr. Etablished 1893. Opposite rail- road station, Kenllworth. Kenilworth * 2,Winnetka. 1492. .127L7-Itp lits: EXCIjANGE--RUAL ETATC WOULD LIKE TO EXCHANGE MY well-located city lot for business prop- erty on a highwayr, within 5Q miles of Chicago, north, 'No dealers. Write Box 41, Hubbard woods, 1Iii 12SLTN7ltp la* FOR UALE-HOUSENOILD SOODU B3ED SPRINGS, $1; PORCH SWING', $1; chairs, $1,; electrie washer, $10; 6-burner gas range, 1$5; dresser, $1;- rugs, 50c. Ph. Glencoe 918., TO BE~ SOLD TUESDAY, THE 27TH, furniture of 4 room apt., Includlng a $675 player piano for $150, and a $165 eletile cnsole sewng 'mehMne, $65.' Phone Glencoe 451. 129LTN7-ltp FOR SALE-ELGIN BICYCLE WITH accesries. Like new, remeolnable. ,Also violin, and victrola ln good con- dition. Phone Glencoe 1411. 181.LTNI-ltp 182 WYD. l'O BUY-t*ISCELLANEOUS INVALID'S CHAIRý Must be cheap. Winnetka 1305.' 132LtiN7-Ite GRADUÂTES AT ROCHESTER Clif ton Lee ..Darling, Jr., of, Wi1- mette, received the degreebachelor of'arts.at the recent eightyý-third. an- nual commencement of the University of Rochester. Mrs. -D., P.,'Mahoney-,and her daughter, Jane,. of SiouxCty Iowa are visiting the William Kcixilir, 789 Michigan avenue. Mrs. Mahoney and Mrs. KixMiller were collegc, friends. Il h Yes! Peo pie are Looking for ROOMS 'and LIQUSES For the Summer grade work and twenty-eight pupils who wete eighth graders during the past year are listed on the honor roll. To win this hohor a pupil must have an average of 325. Under the Stolp grading eystem,"E" (excellent) counts four-,points, "VG"' (very goçod) thre points, "G" two points .and-' one point. In-the minor subjects, such as: min ,atan cence, th e credit is divde by two, that lis, if a pupil receîvesý a grade. of 1"E" in- one of these subjects he ii given credit for t*o points instead of four. ]HOMOa RopilPUP&l Following are the namies of the Stolp honor roll pupils:1 1 IIGrade David Geppert, Carl Hotue, Charles Gre gory, Betsy Wilson, Frances Ake- ley, Fred Birdi Beth 'Hindley, Betty Galvin, Nancy Robb, ýBob Hein. lMade- leinie Clark, 'Jean, Riedel, Lilliara Zet- tergren,. Dorothy Yarlan, Evelyn Smith._ Pauline 'Shank., Joan Rosenberg, Bar- riet Lagerloff., Shirley Hughes, ,Shirley Hausernan; Marjorie von Frankenberg, ~Jean ÉveVrson, Jen h GÛ'nis, Vfrginia Sommera, Jane Naethans, Raymond Hal- let, Betty Jane Pose, Shirley Paterson, Helen Hall, Josephine Russo, James Wolf, Clifford Goodman, Cherry Sue Orr, Arnold Abrams, Elizabeth Boeuli, Norman Deno, Betty Claire. Elli, Ja r- vis Lingel. Sth Grade Geraldine Kempnich, Jii» Lamb, Dor- is Mayhercy, Marian Mottschall, John Oison, Phil Rogers, Jean Spanuth, Ash- Mr. and Mrs. -George Benson, 210 Meirose avenue, Kenilworth, enter- tained twenty guests at a buffet sup-, per Sunday ini honor of Mrs. Fred Fraise of Boise, Idaho, who is visit-, ing Mrs. Walter Johnson of Chicago. 0o Mrs., Leonard Siben of Geneseo, Ill., arrived Saturday t o visit lier daughter andi family, the Arthur. Asic for an. Ad4-akcr REDUCED RATES lidAvriig in lmette Life, Winnetka Talk and Glençoe News more economnicaL. Aak about N"-tg 'j i