DOLLAR DATS AUGUST 11-12 I IL. cdy 1 qt. ice cream ' 00 Choice of 'ail varietibs Make ,your own selection DUTCH'MILL CANDY. 1187 Wilmette Ave.. Wilniettc 2140 I I I DOLLA'R ,,DAYS BARCAINS New Fali Nets, limited numnber.$ Clearance Summer Hats, were $ 1.95 fo $5.00.-.. s'- Summer Hats, f values $6.00 to $1 5.00 ... Sof lies, Tams, Flowers, VeiIs. NHas-4 for ..... New Feul Sof*ies, owing to I new price; Ilimited number $1 Mi ss,.M cM a hon,-: At Worth.n s 148 Wilmette Avenue rw ., tu. vwon oar su<, soies DOMINIC PÂ&GLUARULO JeweIer and Optician 1166 Wihn.tte Avenue 'Phone Wilmette 1061 Following the ceremnony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. McGrew, 1721 Chancellor street, Evanston. Mrs. McGrew is a sister of the bride- groom. 1I .The bride is. a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. McLoney, 925 Dempster street, Evanston, and is weIl knoWn in. Wilmette, the family having lived herefor somie time before théeir re- mioval to their pre sent home. The bride and bridegroom left .imi- mediately for Pittsburgh, Pa., where Mr. Stayman has acceptedan im- portant position with eastern steel interests. TO GO ON OUTING A group of nérth shore 'girls are. leaving. Friday ,for -Culver, -mId., chaperoned by Mrs. Stanly.Twist. Of Winnetka, for a- two, weeks' outing. Arnong them are Cynthia Holmnes, Virginia 'Johnston, Barbara Oileson, Beverly Bouchard, Betty Byirne, and Sue Carpenter,- of 1enilworth; Fran-, ces Bluthardt of Chicago, formerly of Kenilworth; Dorothy Goetz and Jane Twist of Winnetka, and Mollie Mercer, formerly of Glencoe. Pa-, tricia Davis of. Kenilworth may spendý the week-end with them. Mrs. W. A. Tucker, 1214 Lake ave- nue, has as her guests her niece, Miss Thelma Colby of Los Angeles and Yuma, Ariz., and the latter's friend, Miss Sue Fain of Los Angeles, who are here to visit A Century of Prog- reps. .They are leaving on Mofiday for theig homnes, returing through Yellowstone, and other' of the Na- tional parks. 0o M.r. and Mrs. Anthony J. Bemis, 337 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, lef t Thurs- day of last week to motor to Canoe Lake, Canada, to visit ýtheir1 sons, N-ôr- man and Charles, who are at Camp, Ahmek.. They are expec'ted home to-' day. Miss Marjorie Kupferman. of New York City is the irous.e 2uest of Mis$ f rom further competition in the Evening American league, but each of the, players will receive a gold inedal for winning the champions hip of bracket B153. The "L" terminal team, in winning, the bracket B153, championship, %von seven, games .and ,The Foster-Damien tea m, was chanmpion of, bracket A150 in the Evening Anerican compeition. The -Wilmette players had an, off day last Sunday. both in fielding and batting. The, break of, the game oc- curred in. the second inning. With no outs and three men on base, Lar.ry Langdon of the "L" Termhinais drov a ne drive to the, pitcher, doubling Ferrarini off first« base, and Jobnny Moore was caùght trying to reach homne after the catch.' This triple play took the pep out of the Wilmette ,boys. The 'V' Terminais have announced that'they are anxious to bookgames with other Wilmette or Winnetka teams. Any team desiring games has been requested to cali mana ger Johnny Moore at Wilmette 4380'. Following was the lineup in Iast Sunday's game: Foster-Dameià (1ô) Ackerman, cf. Woltjen. ss. 'Lindho1m, if. Carlson, c Balk, lb. Phillips, 3b. 1T{tterth. rf. W Neef, 2b. Nelson, p. '6L§9 Terminais (4) ]P. Huck, cf. E.gerol, If. T. Harrison. 3b. Lgrry Pahiman, 2b. J.ý Moore, ss. I. Sieren, p. r. F'errarinl. c. .& 'P. JL. Lngdon, rf. W. Rogers, lb. Wyberg, c. Wyle, 2b. GUESTS FROM TEXAS Mrs. J. A. Hunter (Martha Lav- inia IJunter) of Dallas, Texas, andi her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Rich-, niond of Dallas, and other daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Frasch left early this week after be-- ing the house guests.for tien days of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Edwin Comf- fort, 812 Prairie avenue. -Mrs. Hunter i a promhinent writer :and c lub womnan in Texas.. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hughes and their daughter, Mary Loti. 1917 LA JEUNESSE, nc. JUNIORS' and GIRLS' WEAR 1168 WILMETTE AVE. WILME1TE i m~m