club, and for its time, Tuesday August 15,. at 2:30 o'clock. Danie Saidenberg, first cellist with the Chi cago SyVmphony. orchestra and a gift. cd young arist, will present the .pro. À grain supplernented . by Carl Fýormnes baritone, and EleanoreBocra tive dancer. Saidenbemg, who has appeared, be- fore nôrth. shore audiences with 'the Mishakoif Stingi quartet,. receiv;ec his musical education. through his study with, Andrae Hekking at the Paris' Conservatory, and later, witli Salmond in America. He won the Naumberg Foundation prize in na- tional: competition. He was a memf- ber of the Philadelphia orchestra for four years under Stokowski. Excel- lent refined> technical and thorouh musicianship. is revealed in bis, play- Carl ýFormes not only is the leading baritone with the Cosmop~olf tan Opera company, but is its managing f diector as wel.l. With his company hée will appear in a series of operas, in Highland Park in late August and early September. Formes was asked, to sing the role of the Ethiopian King in "Aida," at A Century of, Progress in honor of Italian day. Eleanome Block is an artist who, one critic writes, "makes hem dance portray a human, living story." Pro- ficient in' the art of pantomime, and dancer of 'no particular type or class, she einbodies ail the beauty of the art in which she eiccels ini hem danc- i ing. She receivéd lher first training froin Adolph Bolin, with whom she e- mained for seven yeams, appeaing with him at numemous performances. She spent a year in study in France, Austria, and Germany, and bas work- ed witb, Mary Wigman, acquiring, skîll in the new German work. In Vienna she spent hem* time at the Vienna State Opera house and at the Hellerau School in Luxembourg. Miss Block creates and originates ail of hem dances. oad, Kenilworth. 1 chàirman of the :ed by the.-board. al and tneans commnitee of which Mrs. drawings, on "Naturalistic Design in LS Clifton L. Darling is chairman. Modern Gardens.- y"Refreshments and prizes will be The ribbons in the flower exhibit r provicled and the club will be décor- which was arranged on tbe porch, were ated with fiowers 80 that this is an awarded for perfection of bloom, as opportunity to. entertain your out-of- follôws: t,own guests, in a delightfül way as WtrLl-lerboMs d we9aep orcu, tecmi-ward Scheidenhelm. tee urges. In case of extrerne heat electric fans will be donated'for the. Zinnias-Blue ribbon, Mms. A. E. occasion, Gebert ; white ribbion, Mms. 'Frank, Mms. Richardson will be assisted byHans e the following 'hostes conimittee: Phlox-Bl1ue ribbon, fMrs. William Mesdames George E. Walk, H. Toep- KixMiller; red ribbon, Mrs. Ed mr 9 ýpen, Rodney Permili, J. Kiel, D. W. Scheidenhelm. *Smith, J. R. McClure,' J. C. ýCrossley, Gladioli-Blue ribbons, (two), Mrs. Roy F. Best, H. A. Storms, J. E. John É. Weedon; red ibbon,. Mrs. Wothen, Frank Wolf, William John F. Weedon. .Shellman, Frank, Randali, Ludwig. Trumnpet Vine- Blue ibbo ni Mr s Skog, George Williams, Don. Rans- Gordon Wilson. r- bumg, Eaml Orner; Iowvamd Koehn, Garrett Johuston,ý Charles Keller, Lilium Henryii-B lue ribbon, Mrs. Photo by Carlos David Hall, George Rose, H. G. C. D. Ewer. Miss Marjorie Prinice OlesoU, Weishaar. Helianthus MtiltifIorus--Red ribbon, dazighter oqf Mr. and Mrs. Johie P. The fiower a rrangements will be Mrs. Edwamd Scheidenhfelm.' Olesopn of 240 Woodstock avepnue, in charge 9f Mrs. Worthen and Mrs. Hardy Peqm-BIue ribbon, Mrs. W. *Keinilicorth, zvas utiarried té . Wolf and the prizes in charge of Wallace Kerr; white ibbon, Mrs. A. Gordon Lmnke of Evanston, at 5:30 Mrs. Toeppen. Table reservations W. Peard. o'clock on Friday, August 4, zvith may be made by calling Mrs. H. A. Annual Canterbuiry Bels-White.rib- Dr. Jaes AM. Stifler officiating in Storms of 251 Wood court, and tick- bon, Mrs. C, D. Ewer. a el'cmolnv performied il thé, homne ets may be secumed f rom Mrs. George Nasturlium Golden Gleam'- YeIlow of her par*ents. E.., Walk. Refreshmnents will be rm'ibbon, Mrs. Edward Scheidenhelm. -.served under the direction .of, Mrs., Nicotiana Rose-White ribbon, Mrs.. William Crossley. Edwamd Scheidenhehn. The bride's gown was a charming WiePtno RdrboMs one of white organdie made with a short train, long sleeves with cap W'ellesley Hosteasea at 'W. Wallace .Kerr. Snapdragon - Yellow ribbon, Mrs. shoulders, and flat shiring amound the Fait August I1O and 28 William KixMiller. n eck, its tailomed effect heightened Welse olg' hsesdyat Ptcdn-RdribMs.C *by binding of the saine matenial. Hem heWellsyCollegeBostrsday ath n P.Wlatlds. e rbo, .C Veil was of tulé with a fiat piece of teWmnsCleeBadbohi .Wls d'AI'encon lace acros the front. the Time-Fortune building at A Cen- Swvantp Flower-B lue ribbon, Mrs. Orainge blossoins held it in platey tury of Progress are August 10 and C. P. Berg. The bride carried an amm bouquet of 28- The complete list of those who Salv'ia Farinacea-Blue ribbçn, Mrs.ý white roses and lilies of the Valley, will be on duty those two days as an- Edward Scheidenhelm. at the end of which was a corsage of nounced this week by Miss Margaret Marigolds- Red ribbon, Mfrs. A. orchids which she retained after, Broomell of Chicago, chairman for E. Gebert. tossing hem bridaI bouquet to. the August, is Marion McDonald.of Wil-, Verbea-Yýellow rjhbon, Mrs. A. E. young people gathered about her. mette; Sue Potter of Winnetka, Gebert. Her maid of honor, her sister, Eleanor Wetten of Chicago who. is Hibiscus-White ribbon, Mrs. Wil- Barbara, wore a gown of blue lace spending the summer in Winnetka; liam KîxMiller. and carried yellow roses and blue. Elizabeth Kingsley- and Elizabeth. The judges, Mms. W..W. Wheelock- delphinium. Mrs. Oleson was in sea Peitzsch of Evanston; Mae Blis$ of and Mrs. Fank C. Nason of Kenil- green chiffon with a sinaîl old- Highland Park, Anne Steinbrecher of worth, awarcjed the ibbon for the fashioned nosegay, and Mms. E. F. Chicago, and Ruth Rau, Marjorie outstanding exhibit of the show, to Mrs. Linke of Hartford, Conn., the bride-. Lufkin, and Dora Dixon of. Oak Park. Edward Scheidenhehn for ber rose lavis, Cr.anaIrenus, Gordon. Stinson and Dm. Romans. noon of for itsi and, GI party is ein dditiootai Society News o. Page -26 aaeu of the inetka pa"y, is being g.ardens, ',in