.Every Vacation Sport and Com fort FIS$HERMAN.S', PARADIS-E BollaireocMiciganý rée fteau:ty Spot of Northern Michiga n * S ORT Gof, ennsSaddle.Hor ses. -shuffe*board Swimming; Dancing -and the.majestic beauty of the Limibrlost wh.r. hiking is à ael thrill. * ES Dlightful rustic cottages,1cern- forfable ,rooms in the Iodge and clos. to Nature cottages. FO S -more thon' You can pàssilty qat of North.rn Michigan's finest food. M FISHINQ A chain of the. finest gamb f.shinq lalrns in the North. A variety of gurgling trout streams. Fish galore. 0 RATES REDUCED Now only SI8 to $22,50 à week including .11 mels. For Free Bookiet, write MISS LERA M. SMITH., s BeIlaire, Michigmn WuýEB13ID'T 'j- VANSTON On Davis Street Wilmnett.I1100 -IN OUJR BASEMENT Bsariy sv ice ........ ....8 s .nM. Sunday sel ........ .... 9 a* m. Second service ... il..... 1a. nm. This ovening (Thursday> there wl1 jbe a reception at the parecrnage for Rev. and Mrm. William R. Guise. The Re.v.~ Mr. Guise la a former pastor of our church and we know many wlIIl want to greet ýhIi. Choir. rehearsal Priday evening at 7:30 o'clock; Many are, enjoying the finue pctures being sbown each Sunda.y morning dur- ing thieSunday se-hool hour at 9 'oiclock. 'rhese pîctures are of a relîglous nature. WýeInvite you to corne to Our StiiidaY, The,,W man'fs society -will,1 hold Its Aigust work meeting on .August'17 -«àt 2 o'ciock at the home of Mrs. E. B. I<nrudtson, 1030 Ashland avenue.:' '.THE SABBATH WAS, MADE Does it do you any.good? Depends on how you use AtU Let us.help you getý the best benefit' tron ILt We have. two services of worship each Sunday morning duI'inz the siim- mer m6hths. Our' e&tiTy EeI is helId at 8 o'elock for the convenienc-e of those who wlsh to wor»hlp before going on their day's outing. First Prmeebyterilan Womants club roomIs Tenth street at Greenleaf avenue James T. 'Venekiasen. miin la;ter The pastor will preavh at the ivorashipt service at 11 o'clock. The theme oif the r sermon will be. "God's New Deal." This la a suggestion as to what God 1" will- In o do <lan these days wh.m' the die-1 Our Sùnday scbool. whieh la 'mtn uing ln regular sessions throughnut the sumnner, meets at 9 :30 o'clock. 'We Welcomne visitors. The three aduit Bible classe., nis-et ln joint se ssion. at90:45 1o'clock, litudY- *Ing «'Thç rinclols* of Jesue" as a.ser- les of elsbofis. The, pastor ls teaching the clans- We are al Invited to, join lni thi, great vesper service at Soldiers' field at 5:30 o'clock this Sundav afternoon under the auszpicea of the (Chiragn F'ederation of Churches. flev. Oscar Thos. Oison, D. D., minîster The guest preacher for this Sunday miorning, Augueît 13, will be the -Rev. William D. Schermerhorni. Ph. D.. D. .D., proféssor of Christian Missions. at Garrett Bibilcai institute. and .teacher of our men's Bible ClUBss for the* past nine years. is sermon theme wlll- be "The Living. Christian." The service is.ý at Il o'cloDck. Thé m nusic for, iunday niorning w.ili be as foilows: (.>ga n. I1aiude-'.ýChoral Prelude"- Vaughan Willianîs. (P:sdon Welslî tune--Rhtosymedre [Lovely]) - oennPieluie" (rn Goi mini") ............. T. Tertius Noble Offertio-y -zilo-"Where'er You Walk"-- Handel Walter' Chambhers ()rgan »4os-tludeý-"I)e Profu ndie" (130th Psaln).....................Batrtlett Dr. Oison will be the guest preacher this Sunday morning, August 13, at Ali Souls Memnorial chu rch.:Bethlehem. N. MH. During next week, f rom Monday to 1SAturday. lie wifl be the evening preacher ~at the summer assembly and camp meeting at The Weirs, New Hampshire. Anyone In need of pastoral eie Eurlng the mnonth of August may phone the parsonage and arrangements for suchà service will be made. Tesecretary wili leave next Week for 'two weeks of training at Camp Edith Macy. the national Girl Scout training camp at Briarcliff Man- On Siunday, August 20, the Rev. Wm. Pl. Schermerhorn. D. D., wlll preach. and on Sunday, August 21, the Rev. Harris Franklin Rall. ID D.. wlll be the The Aokiya casus and the men's clasa are continuing their respective Sunday morning sessions throughout the suým- :mer. irst Con gregational Lake and'Wilmette avenues John G. Hindiey, minister This church i. cooperating with, the Bapttst church in a suimmer prograni of union Sunday mornlng services. For the remaining Sundays of August and on the flrst Sunday in September these seêrvices Will be held lu the flaptist vhurch. The hour Is Il o'cloclc. aua r a n eed Ofertory ,Oh Wlngs of . ng1 .$n ...i.......Mendelssohn M. F Pootlude: Toccata...... ....Boellman Ks The Wpman's soc<ety ha. planned a retur dellghtfui tea to b. given fflday, Aug- her. Kyser, l004 er had bee rned by m ut anld ýte with