Rates-- iIXMUX CHARGU ONU DOLLAI A verage of ive ods to the. Une. No black face type us. 8»% diseoit on &Il cauh dvertlu,- Melt. wh. brougbt te Our oce at 12382 Central Ave., Wilmette. or 561I Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. 19%dilseonat on&IlI advertisemnts run fourI oonsscutvlvq 1MW DeadineforInsegrtions CamiSbIIadVertUeMentà wiU b. suc- WILfWTULIE or &Ul three Papers; Wedneudoty 9.. P. M. for WINXêETXA TALK and Tburedoy P. I. for GLENCOE NEWIS. Telephone.: Wllmette 4»00. Wlnnetka, 2000, Greenlea.f 4»00orShedrake 5687. à &.O67 AND POUNO 42 PAINTrINU AND DEÉconrAiNO LOS1T - BROWN SILK -COIN PLYRSE PARTICULAR PAINTING AND DjEC. containinig $35, betweeni Robsart Rd., Foors retinished with eieetric machine. Keniiworth, and Wllmectte Avé. N. S. Very, reasonable. Best of references. Station. Reward., Ph., Keniworth Il. Fred Broberg, Briargate 1061.-, 3LTN14-ltp 9, 42LTNi3-4tp LOST--PSI U.-FRATERNITY PIN, IN or near Christian Science Chuirch. En- 44 PETrs graved «on back W. 'H. Potter '75. Re- FOR SALE- REGISTERED, SCOT- ward. Phone Wiimette 4476. tish Terriers. Teiephone, Wiimette 3L14-ltc 1 2081. 44LTq14-ltp Lu-S'r tiREEN AND WHITE 'NM eled bracelet, probabiy In Winnetka.1. Finder please cali Winnetka 105. 3L14-ltp LOST', - FOX' TEýRRIER, FEMALE, black 1h. d, -pot on~ back. Child'si pet. Reward.Phone Wilmette 2480, ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION as to the whereabouts of, Benny, i3iakemgre, last seen in Chicago, plea"e communicate with Anna Blake- more, 730 Linden Ave., Wilmette. 4LTN14-1Lp lB DBINESS SERVICE MOWERS SHARPENED-BICYCLES repalred; used for bsale. Machine work, 'weldlng. G. SODERBLOM 906 Linden,1H. Wds. Winetka 294 16LTN11-4tp Rats, Roaches, etc. P. J. UEDELHOÉEN, EXTERMINAT- lng engineer. Ph. Wlnnetka 591 or North'brook 128. 16LTN25-tfc SAM %lGOLDMAN JUNK DeALER Paper 50e per 100 ibs. Magazineis 70e per 100 ibs. Wiimette 5417,. 16Ll4-ltp CENTURY OL. 1URNER SERVICE-- ALL BURNERS AT ALL: HOURS POSTER NISTLE PhonýeWil. 5405, 16LTN14-4tp 45PIANO TUNIýNG EXPERT PIANO TUNINiO $3.UP- right or grand; also -repair ýwork, guarantçed. 16 yrs. Steiliw;ty,N.. H. C. Thomàs, Park Ridge 699-R. 45LTN 14-4tip Si REPAIRENG AND REFINISHING lURNITURE REI->AIRING 0F AL kinds. We specialize in recaning. Reas. prices. Christ Wire, 851 Spruce St., Ph. Winnetka 2976. 51L14-ltp 83 SEW INS MACHINE REPAIRINO IMPORTANT SEWING MACHINE REPAIR SHQ1, Established more than llfty yoars ago ln Ilvanston, la now iocated at- 1008 Oakwood Ave., Wilmette. Also re-ý paîring of ail Electrical homea ppli- ainces. Tel. Uni. 2200 or WiI. 4368. L. B.. Blunt. 53LTN40-tfe ; *9 WEARIJ'G APPAUE$. FOR SAL-.ÏULL LINE 0F GIRLS' and misses' clothing, ixicluding sport, *afternoon and evening dr-esses, etc., sizes '6 to 16, also G-irl Scout and Cub .4uit. Good condition, reasonable. Phone Wlnnetka 2934. 59LTN14-Ilp. FOR SALE, ASSORTME NT 0F LA- dies' clothing, size 16, good côndition. 79 AbbotsAford road, Wlinnetka. 59L21ý-Itp rAUTOMOBILES. ervice, legai rates. LO1,AN .CO. hisewk. yrs. pre employer. REINAPT'S E MPL. AGENCY 748 Eim St. Winnetka 3399 EXP-ER. PRACTICAL NURSE WANT.$ Position. Companion, capable of tak- ing full charge of home. Good cook. Free; to travel. Réferences.' Cati Frankliln Park 13-W,- or write A-193, Box 40, Wiim.ètte, 11i.. 68ÈLTN13-Stp- WHITE M'AIDFOR GINEnAL housework. Mother's heiper, go home nights or stay. Phone Winnetka 984 6SLTN14-.t GIERMAN GIRL, AGE 28 YRS., WANTS 11 gen. hsewk. 3 yrs. last pla.ce. REIHAR'5EMPL AGENCY 748 ýEli-St. Winnetka '3399 68LTNl14-Itü EXE.GERMAN WOMAN WISHES genéral housework by hour, day or week. Ref. Phone Winnetka 2639.. 68LT14-1tip WH 1T E 0GIR L PFOR >GENERAL housework. Good cook and laundress, North Shore references. CalilWîi- mette 5382. 68LT-N14-ltp É>ANISHI GIRL, AGE 30 YRS., WANTS gen. hseWk. 2 yÊs. former employer. REINHART'S EMPL. AGENCY 748 Eim St. Winnetka 3399 681,TN14-lte NURSE. N UR SE R Y VERNESS. First ciasa cîty references as to char- acter and abiiitY. Cali Prospect. 4146. 68LT14-ltl) COOKINGl, TEMPORARY OR PERMA- nent, aiso housework. White. N. S. references. Phone Winnetka 689. 68LTN14-Itii EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL, housework. Good referenees.Phn Wilmette 51382. ST1- s SITUATION 1WANTED-MALE EXP. WHITE -MAN WANTS HIOUSEll- work, window cietning, gardening, or anlY odd jobs. N. S. refs. Phone Wilmette 3254. 6 9LTN14-ltlp 70, SIT. WTD.-MALE AND FEMAI.. EXPERIENCED ,HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HViGHGRADE, domestie help. Ail nationalities. No chargeé to emiployer. Referencçes in-ý vestigated. Under State Supervision. REINHART'S EMPL. AGENCY 7,48 Eim. St. . Winneétka 3»19) 7OLTN14-1t"- EXPERIENCED woirk, si nights. ýsst, ln care of cnîîa over ýences. Salary $6. Phone M3. 71LTN14-lto ID, GENERAL HOU$E- 1house and famil-y.. Homei ýone Winnetka 2572. 71LTN14-lte WANTED-W-HITE MAID. FOR GEN- eral housework. $5 week. Ail or part Urne. No laundry. Phone Giencoe 991. 71LT14-ltp GOOD,. CLEAN GENE RAL MAID, GER- man preferred, experienced withcook-, ing and child. 7ILTNI4-ltc WANTED - -GIRL. FOR GENERAL housework for 2 weeks. Call Giencoe 412. ' 1.171LTi4-ltp WH ITE IN1AID FOR GEN. HOUSE-. work, $5 per week, no washing. Phone Winnetka 3826. ý71LTNl4-ltip 73ý HELP'WANTED-MALE WANTED - FOR LOCAL, EM2PLOY- ment, two young men between, ages of 20 and 30 to learn saiesmanship ffrom ground up. This opening affords an opportunlty toý connect' wlth a na- tionaily known.organization -with over 560 branches iocated in ail important cities.. Promotions are based on ac- con1pitshffiet. ApplV *911 Liliden Ave- nue, Hubbard Woods, between' 4 and 6 in the afternoon. 72LTN14-ltc 73 HELP wTrD.-mALE AND PEMkALE COUPLES. COUPLES IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A Po- sition eall at' our offices. Good posî- tions open at ail times. Wages $100o to $125. REINHART'S EMPL. AGENCY 748 Elm St., Winnetka Winnetka 3399. 634 Davis St., Evanston, Davis 7777 73LTN14-1te $100 MONTH. WANT EXP. WHITE COUPLE, NMUs' have good working refs. 4 aduit tarn- ily. No iaundry. PAULINE'S EIMP., AGENCY 4th and Linden wilmette 73LTN14-1te WHITE COUPLE, H0OUSEiAS AND somie>gardenlnig. Womanri ust be go0d Cook and, do 'donstirswork. Good references. required. Address A7199, IBox 40, Wiimette.. 73L14-1tp 77 yom ALE-AUTOS 1931 BUICK ROADSTER, 118-IN(.il wheelbase, equipped wlth 6 wr wheels. Car finished in black Duc'>. good . tires, iow mileage. Cati tal<e smali down payment, bal. 16 mnos.. CAL LMEAND.I. 748 Elm St.w tka .2511. COLORED MAID. BEST1 42LTX14-itp ;Glenco. 73. Pli. 1l4ltp 1I 1M.- E prot., for gene Good hoime., Kenilworth 121 Win] -71tp' 1 reakfasit tka 1167. riouds s.aý- S., Phona 82L14-ltp