TO BE MARRIED Miss Theo, Claire Hirscbh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hirsch, 716 Greenwood avenue, will be married quietly tomorrow noon to Paul H. Lessmann, son- of, Mr., and Mrs. Richard' Lessmann:of Chicago. The cer emony ill, be perfo6rmed by Rabbi Abraham Hlirschberg of Temple Sho- lom, before only, the immediate, fam- ilies.: The Wal ter H. Williams family, '614 Earlston road, Kenilwortýh, bave re- turned frnm a visit w'itb Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Huck at their summer home. at Trout, Lake,' Wis. Eugene > phmner, a nephew from Massachu- setts, is now a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Payne, 367 Sunset road, -Winnetka, Francis, 7Payne, Bill Nelson of Kenijworth, and Jim Richards from» Birmingham, Ala., are taking the lake trip to Buf- falo and then motoring to interestingý points in the. east. Tbey will be ýaWay about ten days. 0o- Mr. and Mrs. Hughston McBain, 466 Poplar street, Winnetka, are leav- ing nextý week, for Keith's, Island, Wis.', for two or three weeks. 'They wili take their children, Jimmie, and, Peggy. .Miss Helen Taylor. of Bar- rifngton will accompany them. 0o- 'The. Tom Dix, family wil again oc- cupy. their home at 236 Oxford road, KenilWorth. They bave been living' in. Seville,, Ohio, for the last year, LJut. win i reurn the middle of Sep- Barbara Crowei Ruth and Prudence tember. Johnson, Mary.Fowler of Kenilworth, -- and Marjorie Benson of, Massachu- Mrs. Jesse 'Trump and. daughter, setts bave returned from à bouse' Barbara, of 415 Cumnnor ýroad, Kenil- Party at Keith's Island, Wis. Jean worth, are spending a short time ini and farriet Keith will rernain away Milwaukee. Thev will visit Mr. longer. Trump's sister at Nagawicka Lake -o- for a few days. Mrs. Cornelia Keith. 310 'Warwic'k-.0 road, Kenilworth, entertained eight guests for'dinner and bridge on Fni- day evening, August 4. r BEEU Delivered ICE Cold Phone Wliiette 53 Willneie ice Cominpany r EII Y.eur FavorfieBrando .MMEDIATE DELIVBRY PHONE WILME'ITE 410 WINN. 2470 - 2471 Mrs. Ida Hampton ofý Kansas ýCity,. Mo., is renewing acquaintances ini Wilmette this week while the guest of ber cousin, Mrs. A. C. Wenban, 900 Lake avenue. -- Mfr. and; Mrs. Albert E. Gebert, and their daughter, Betty, 1526 Greenwood avenue, returned early this .week frorn a' fortnighi's vacation at Pelican Lake, Wis. Eugene Lathrop of Melbourne, FI1a., arrived Friday and wiIl . spend1 two weeks with the W. W. Kerrs of 707 Forest avenue. Mr. Lathrop is their son-in.iaw. Mr. and Mrs. Wil iamn Wallace Kerr, Jr., and their son, Wallace, of Jackson, Mich., ar-' rived .Sunday to visit Mr, Kerr's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. AtweIl andj daughter, Betty, arearriving Saturdayj from their hobme- in BIoston to visit thej Harvey Craigs of ý716 Lake avenue. Mr.I Atwell is with the Edison company and' came to attend Edison day August, 12,. at A ýCentury of Progress.I Mr. and Mrs. Earl E., Orner, 823 Park avenue, had as their guests for a week t'heir cousins, Mr. and Mrs. D.. B. Meyers of .Harrisburg,.:Pa., who had stop ped in Wilmette on their wvay' home from the west coast to see the Fair. M. and Mrs. William Harridg e, j~~ 14Foet avenue, are back from a ten days' trip in the east. Tbey visit '- I ed New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Washington. Mr. Harridge is presiçient of the American League of Professional Basebaîl clubs. -o- Doris and jeannette. Lechler. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. -E. F. Lechler, 210 Fiftb street, are bomne after spending ten days with their grandparents at Rose Shore farrns, Mrs. Lee Ellis and two children of Mrs. S. W. Maher, 424 Warwick 207 Cumiberland avenue, Kenilworth, road,* Kenilwortb, recen.tly eniter- returned home last Friday fromn a tained Mrs. Herbent Hooker' of Ur- visit with ber sister Jane (Mrs. Wil- bana and Mrs.. Albert Jackson of liamPlumr)~ n Boton.Tama, Iowa, who came to visit A Mr. and Mrs.. R>g'er Williams of Cnuyo rges Sy'cue N. Y., are 'visiting the for- mer'csbrer nisfmly h Retty Backus of Hamilton,,.Ohio, Walter H. Williams of 614 Earlston fomry of Kenilwortarrived Sat- road, Kenilworth. urday to spend a few days with. the an 'W. W. Wheelocks of 132 Oxford Mrs. Fowler McConnell, raeil o z 401 Hawthorn lane, Winnetlça, and ress, mrsV mtneii jenic~ins ,n diJUÂJsb Bertha Kline. The Misses Anita and Linnea Mat- Son of Lacled.e, Mo., returned to their- home last Sunday, after a week',s visit with- Mrs. George Gauger,22 Linden avenue.VisitinigMrs. Gauger now. is her cousin, Mrs. Robert Large of DeéWitt, Iowa, who0 wilI re-, main another week. The guests came to, see A. Century of, Progress. 0o M:and Mrs. Donald J Hoskins and their two children, Barbara and John have returned to their home in Columbus' Ohio, after a month's visit witb Mrs. Hoskins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Iliff, 1115 Green- Wood avenue. Mpr.. and Mrs. Theron Chapman Patty Foresman) and Mr.'and Mrs. fRoger White (Caroline Everett). of ÎCh icago, returned, Sunday from -a cruise Io Georgian Bay. ~Mrs. Chap- man and Mrs. White are both for- mer residents of Kenilwortb. -o- The, Louis Joncs family, of 327 Richmnond road, Kenilwortb, bas re- turned from a two weeks' t rp .to. Mondovi, Wis. . Jean Snioyenbos came home with tbem to'stay for a few weeks and see A 'Century of Progress. 0-o- Mrs. Wallace Bebnke, '524 Maple avenue, was Iwicheon bostess Monday at a, bridge foursome for Mrs. Walter Mace (Marjorie Baker) tif Glendale, Cal. Mn. and 'Mrs. Oscar Townsend a nd daughter, Miss Libby, 1337 Ashland avenue, returned Tuesday -of last week. froni a week spent at Lake Champlain and Montreal. 0o- Mn. and Mrs. William Fisher of BronxviIle, N. Y., left Friclay after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Mintz of 50 Crescent place. Mrs. Fisher is a sisten of Mrs. Mintz. atWholetale Prie., (includes tax) DEVEAGE De UXECO* Plhone. Wmn.tka7& PEER ASi For Isfoi 414 i il ve ~<om dot . 1