R'eadthe .Wantm-Ads, 'OL-L AR1 I WiluettWlactti Superb Values- for Your entire week-end bakery.requirernents for -a famnily of five. for One Dollar. A SK F O R COMBINATION B CONTAINING THF,-FOLLOWING. 1 Home-made lOc Rremd........ 1 Cracked Wheat Bread ( wouderf ii moiat O whole wheat loaf) 1 18 Butter Krust Reilia(or ou Saturday you may hâve a filled coffee cke,' choice of texi 36 id)........3 c i: Green Apple Pie (heéped up with tort 35 iuicy apples) ...3 : 1 Special Cake, Wellesley Fudge (the kind popular at the. famous 45 school> 45 . Total Value $ 1,36 DAYS iifUIlyFuneral services were. held Wed.- bSft 1 edya -0a .a S.Dsp' on church. Soiemn high mass was read by the Rev. Peter lEtzig of Oconomio- e te-le woc, Wis., a nephew of Mr. S!chuetz, àssisted by the Re.v. J. A. Neumnan of St.. joseph's church. Wilmnette, ani Father Wand of St. Martha's chulrc',, Morton Grove. Buriai was at St. Pc- ter's cemetery, Nules Center. SydeyAnderson, Dies; In Lumber Business 42 Years Sydney C. Anderson, 638 Eider Jane, Winnetka, died- Thursday, August 3. at thé age of 66 years. Funerai services, which were private, were heid at Scott's fun el home, 1118 Greenleaf. avenue, Wilmette, jast Saturday. Burial was at Mecm- oriai Park cemetery. Surviving Mr.' Anderson are bis wadowand three sons, John A.., of Wiimette, Sydney C. Jr., of Evanston, and William L., of Winnetka, and one daughter, Mrs. Kenneth B. Mc- Cleilan of Chicago. p Mr. Anderson was born at Peter- head, Sotland, in 1867. After coming to America he engaged in the lumber business in Chicago, and with Syd- ney C., jr., was conducting the An- derson company, in Chicago, at the time of bis death. In point of con- tinuous years spent in that industry W he was the oldest dealer in Chicago, ~his activitîes covering a period of AID FLOWER GUILD Mrs. Bcntly McCloud and Mrs. William Fitch of the Kenilworth Garden club, were in charge Wcd- ncsday of the donations to the Plant, Fruit, and FLGWer guiid. The two garden clubs alternate at the.North Western station in Keniiworth. It, is hoped donations will be at the sta- tion by 8 o'clock cvery Wcdnesday. morning. a farce-cornedy, will be presented by a group of college girls, al members of the Baptist. church. The mem- bers of the cast Are Dolly Bellamy, Winifred Dingle, . Katherine Kerr, Ardis Reed 'and Cynthia Richards. Members of' the society .are urged to corne and .bring their guests, it is announced Tea wili be served, on the lawn, with Mrs' A. *V. Gruthn,. chairma'n, Mrs. Edward Meier -and. Mrs. M. ýS. .Diller in charge. Mrs A. C. Youngbertg and Mrs. Walter S. Campbell wili act as hostesses. Mrs. Catherine Neiweem Diesý at. Age of 75 Yeaàrs Mr.Catherine Neiweem, widow of George Neiweem, died at her home, 2;032 Wiimette avenue,, on Juiy 30, at the age of 75 years. Funeral serv- ices were held on 'August 2 at St. *Jo-' seph'schurch, and burial was. in St.. Joseph's cemetery. Mrs. Neiweem is survived. by seéven chiidren, Bernard Buscher, John-Buscher, Anna Roc- mer,. Markaret Rocmer, M a r y Balmes, Peter Neiweem and joseph Neiwecm, thirty grandchildren and two great-grandchidren, Mrs. Nei- wecm had been marricd twicc,. She was born in Germany, but carne to America when 12 years old. Shie had lived in Wiimctte for sixty-four years. SEE INTERNATIONAL BOUT Stewart Wàde of Detroit, Mich., spent a week 'visiting Tom Antrim of 1136 Ashiand. avenue. Tom entcrtained at dinner in honor of Stewart.at the Palmer Hjouse Thursday of last week, taking bis '*gucsts afterwards -to t he International bout at the stadium. Both boys ieft on Satûrday for the Wade's suinmer home at Traverse City.' The boys werc schooi f riends at Cranbrook His, Bloomfield, Mich. IDAYS ON LY Bo*ulevard Drug S'tore iiei CmenraAv"eu.Wilmette. 4298 1, 122 Central Ave. Phone Wil. 2526 I~ mAi ALL1?ORt..ý...... lIA Il GAINS 'I . 1