Wilmette wîil assist Christ church in entertaining the delegates. Bisbop George Craig Stewart will give the opening address at 3 o'clock Satur day. afternoon, September- 9. Departmeûtal classes for 1teachers of the various age groups in c hurch schools wilI fàllow the bishop's ad- dress. Dr. Charles H. Young. rector em- eritus of the Howe schooI, wilI give the three assembly addresses dur- ing the conference period. On Sat- urday 'night, September '9, he will s peak -to ýthe ,-,assembly on "A Teachcr's Preparation for the Holy Communion," preparatory to the cor- porate, communion, Sunday morning, September 10.. The Rev. Hubert Carleton, rector, of St. Augustine's. church, WiImette, and chairmnan of the diocesan de- partment of reIigious education, is generail chairman for the confer- ence. 14 Automobiles Carry Group to Beverly Lake Fourteeii automobiles carried sixty memfbers of the Northwest Men's club and the Northridge Woman's Cllii> to Beverly lake last Sunday. .Care, worries and everything that could dampen the ardor of confirrnedl merrymakers were Ieft behind. A program of athletic events, basc ball and swimming followed a bouri- teous basket lunch and nccnniefie cur in childhood be corrected, if. pos- sible, before thé child reaches' schooi age. "Let yourfamily doctor de- cide." The nextý chest clinic will ot be held until Monday afteirnoonh, Sep- tember 18, from 1 to 3 o'cloick. Thé dental clinic will open the first part of September, and we urge as. mfany of the, parents as possible to have the ir children's teeth looked over by the family. physician' before school opens in, September. RETURNING FROM EUROPE' Miss Josephine C om fo0r t,, 812 Prairie avenue, who has been travel- ing through , urope the lastý few montbs* with Miss Rosalie Schùlz of Chicago, wilIl be home on Saturday. The girls. land ina New Yor~k tomor- row on the, Aquitania. They had been traveling extensively through Italy because of Miss Comfort's in- terest in classical historv. Miss Coni- fort is. leaving on Septeniber 10, to reueli--aching in Big Timber, Mont. Mrs. Lee EIlis, 207 Cumberlan'd avenue, lenilworth, entertained ber bridge club on Tuesday, August 8..ý NON.RUN HOSIERY $1.35 value, pr. CHIFFON, SERVICE HOSE, 2 Pr.. o10 PANTIES andi FABRIC i VESTS, 2 for ilGLOVESt2pr HAND 'BAGS ,95alj CLEARANCE of COSTUME JEWELRY $1.00 and'2 for $1.00 11t57 WILMETTE AVE. WILMETrE. ILLINOIS PI40NE WILMETTE 4406 brtrhday of Conrad bcherzer, son oftI .Mr. and Mrs. George F. Scherzer, 2135 Thornwood avenue, so the party 'was continued until dusk when the ! o $ D qO l candies could, be lighted on a birth- day cake. Before. the group, dis- persed it wa s voted to have another outing in the near future..A g 1 1 DINNIER AT SHAWNÉE Mrs.' Oscar Thomas Oison, Lake avenue, gave a dinner r 1126 Central Av@..b O Fer App.frntmumtPh.... Wlm*#* .4582 Isc D. ..... qts. $ OIL WELL Bob 'n' Mac Maini St. et Linden Ave.. Phne WiImette 3334 I, DAY S 5~ ~ ~ Ls. Lb.Sie ~ Pot acon'......$ ost.... 1 ,Lbs..Ham.. Lbs. Pork A Shanks.....1 7*Loin....... Si PEAILS@N'8 MINolE Ridge Avenu%, Wih.tt. Phono WIhnste Il