miraU. i neV race, was scneauiVUU1 'LU Saturday but a strorig and tricky west wind caused the postponemtnit to the next day.' It was feared' that the north-easter which piied up a, heavy sea on Sunday would again delay the start but, the women ski- pers would, fot be domwned and 'went out ai-d handled the tillers in'a mnan- ne.r. which surprised the veteran men sailors. The. course was once a 1round the triangle starting south to the twin buoys off the Grosse Point iight, out to-,thethree mile- buoy and back to the, harbor entrance. In ' this race each lady skipper is allowe-d >a crew of tW'o men -from whom 1she mnay re- ceiv advice, but hers is the oiy hand whicb may touchthe, t iller. The boats. got away to a difficuit' start in the rollers on a -broad rea.cn - which brought. ail the yachts to- gether at ,the south mark making a hazardous rounding i.nto the beat to -eastward. ,Although there were sev-. erai- tighit squeezes the 'skippers pulled, their craft throt.gli without a foui in expert fashion. The order of 'finish was as' foiiowvs: 1. Sniack--Quinn Ellis (mrs. WV. Bur- ton), Cha.S. Pajeau, W.B. Ellis. 2. Genifili-Jean Pirie (Mrs'. s. C. Jr.'),1 sàmn Pirie, Gorldon Jones. 3. Glider-Helen. Noble (Mr. W. H.), llc(iward Jpnes, Bill Noble, M.Nrs. J(nes. 4.. Carol -Hazel Eliott (r.H. H.),.] llarocld Eliiott; Sain o. 5. Twiiilél Ditto-Alice TvVilichell, max Ilayford, B. Chapmlan. 6. Be e-(',ertud l'tt ikwy(V.'hîs E.). Dr,. Ch«aS. E. <loaGrrd Galloway. H-arrld Reeve, Rtichiard Barnes. S. Walrus-Margaret Duflban. WV. T. and R. C.' 'Stockton. This was the largest, fleet ever t,) enter the %vomen's' race and hw the increasing *jnterest in sailiing,,ý a'mnong. the women memibers of the club. 'M.\rs. Gailoway sailing the P'ce %%va-s --inifortunateiy ,late in 'starting but picked, up, two boats to, fini sh il, --ixth place., There %vas no repot of se asickniess amnong the. , skippers in> the rolling sea, they being too bÙsv' to think of anything but gaining an- other length on their rivais. Prizes for this event %vill be dis'- tribu.ted at the animal winter party, of the 'club: to be heid sometime in , iowing from the Bible: "And now, Israei, what doth thue Lord tby God require. of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk i l ahbis ways, .and to love him, and to serve the Lord thy God: with ail tby hear t and with aIl'tby soul. To keep the comrnand- ments of the Lord, and his statutes, which I command thee this day for tby good?" (Deut. 10:-12, 13). The, lesson-sernion 1aiso inciuded the following 'passages from the Christian, Science textbook, "Sc.ience and 'Health with Key to the Scrip- ttie'~y' aryBaker Eddy:.."Man walks ini the direction towards which he >IoOks4 and where bis treasure is, there ,.ili bis heart be also.. If our hopés and affections a re spiritual, they corne f romi above, flot' fromi be- neatb, and they, bear as of old the fruits of the spirit". (p. 451). MOTORING TO OMAHA Bob MIcCloud, 'son of .Mr. and 1Mr-s Beit iv ' c'io'td. 338 Keniiwortb avèe' nue, KeilwNNortb.i accomipanied by; Frank Christen.sen of \Viimette ieft Monday, motoring to Omaha to visit his maternai grandparents. '\r. and M-rs. Robert Oimstedý The Oimstes wil return tô Kenilworth w,%ith Bob to keep house -hile M.Nr. and Ms \IcCloud and their .daughter, Nancy., go to Lake Piacid. N. Y. for a fort- nigbt'sý holiday, ieaving Sunday. VOGUE SCIIOOLý OF EASUl MON ART ial t00k place at St. josepn's cerne- tery, Wilmette. Mr. Diettrich was a farmer. He was the, second oldest. in a famiiy of twelve children, only. tbree of wvhom are now living. He, was born in aIog house on Green Bay, road where the stone entrance of tbe Sko- keHeigbhts subdivision is now bë- cated. His father, joseph Diettrich, was a.cooper, and the Diettrich.farm was lcated where the Skokie Heights subdivision now is. Surviving Mr. Diettrich are one brother, Frank, wvho lives on. Green IBay *road in Glencoe* opposite tbe oid Diettrich homestead, andý two sisters, Margaret of . Winnetka and Sis ter M. Virginia of, St. Jo sepb's convent, i iwaukee. will: cour f ree of ch2 the *ocker eandi i Mrs. Walter D. Launder, 230 Ox- ford road. Kenilworth, is entertain-' ing ber brother. Lester De ýForest Hlardiman, from Pine Bluff, Ark. He will be here a short time to 'see A Century of Progress. 4! I~R~ 0FF 4NE AIRTS Part T Iime tir ,Pul Two-Year Course for Beginners. Post- Graduate Wo)rk.' Evening School. Children' s Classes. SculPt4ring and Modeting. FüllTerm.0enhssept. 11 Applic~ationsf Made Awy Time 884 Chureh Street, THE .SPORTS ýSHOP of HUSSARD WOODS 976 Linden cAvenue TO0 CLEAR AWAY immediately SUMMER CLOTHES including stock from our LAKE - FOREST SHOP MANY SPORTS TYPES SUITABLE FOR AIL YEAR 'ROUND WEAR. LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F SIZES 8 3 COATS 32 SWTfs; tRANT5, p & Feil, lac. à BON@ AmilOeer 424 LOO ARE1 ArFILIATED WITH RAY SCHOOLS sanie address, specializing in Commercial Art, Illustrative , Photugraphy, Advertisig Copy and Lavout, Industrial Art4,,Colotî, Dreign, Le ttering, ýLayout and Comnpositi on. DST AND FAR BELOW .PRICES 80 S. Lu 1 ---