Waller at the Daton. MisBertling's' gifts as a singerc and as a dramatic artist are excep-a tional, and she bas the temperament- *whicb, artists mujst have in order, to aspire, as Miss Sertling does, to- ward an operatic career., Even if, ber voice' were flot 50su tperbl i quality, so. billiant and flexible, an audience instinctively would flnd her asoloist, of the first rank, for slue lias ýthe per sonality -and the emnotion, as welI as the inteligence to, pro- ject mood an-d to reacb out to hier audience and draw it close to lier. Considering.ber voice alonle, M%1iss Bertling sings ýwitb unswerving good, taste. She sang "fleépuis le: Jouir" from "Louisee" Nedda's. "Bagadelle"l from i"I Pagliacci," and "Vissi d'Arte" froîù "Tosca,' and ail of the arias were individual. Tbey ve re sung' witlî vitality -and style, and the1 ."To.sca" aria, particularly, glowed w1th ývarnith. The audience wvas quick to, sense that here was an outstanding artist, one with extra- ordiniary gifts. The long applause after each nuruber was a tribute toi an unusual artist and a charrning,1 persîonality. 1 .A Milwaukee critic wrote.. of Mfiss;, Bertling, "She is an exceedingh, beautiful *,young. singer and lias a * gorgeous voice, with power, brilli-,! ance and basic sonority and depthi. Added to a fine voice are- tempera- nment and fervor .. She sang with flare and vibrancy, proving lierseif' an artist of genuine promise." Music, Sorority Wili Give Concert at Fair, M,\u Phi, Epsilon Hon.orar.y Musi- c al sporitv, will grive th.e fifth cou- cert in its senies, "Music As a Social, Scienice,", on Wednesday afternoon,i August 23, at 4:00 in the lecture! roorn of -the Hall of 'Social ScieneI. A Century of, Piogress Exposition.1 The programn will'be on ancient in-" struments and music and will be pre-, sented by 1Myrs. Elizabeth Ayres Kidd oi Winnetka, assisted by Geraldinie and Ffarlan Kidd. M~any rare folk-1 songs and the instruments of differ- ent countries will be featured. Tômorrow will be Ecuador hoilday Jr, of WVinnetka who left: july 22 on a WthelStevens Kag l. r.C1LrI ,U Sr. .and as there is no Ecuador colony asvniek' ot mr -e .1 the Stevient elc. D.oftelnos in the city Dr. Ernest Alcivar, consulasee es Sôt Aeran tersietec.ofheIlos of Ecuador, will be guest of honor cruise landed in Rio de Janeiro Fri- State Dental s6ciet3i. His wife*is a and wvill tell the eidren ail about day. They wilI stop next at Santos. sister of Mrs. T'ugawv. N15ARE VOUIIENJOVMENT WIIJTIONE AT HOME! *While you enjoyyor vacation, e in ber to telephone those -you left at home. It takes, 1to telepho ne n, Anîz. ter for urn will ýservice is quick. ..clear...inex-pensive. Dan McQuid, 731 Elmwood avenue, had as bis week-end get Bert Paradis of Louisvillet ]KY. en-s he Univei