WHEELING FARMS Fromn Farms to Consumer C. ýF. BalIIngs, Prop. Phones {Mlle§ WVest ai *3W~2GIeîaeot-) BUTTER, EGOS and POULTRY DRESSEfl to ORDER BiSHoP's AuGI 1 fr2lmilv retiirned lI2(.T I ,1I1rRn to their home in Cleveland, Ohio, after a -week's visit with '.\r. and MIrs. Hiar'veY'A. Bush, 721 Greenwood avenue. Mr. -and 'Mrs,. Sawyer are former XVinîietkans. Mfiss Helen Jerrems rnotored from Pasadena, Cal. to visit her niece, ŽJrs. Xilliam XVW. Sears, 556 Green- wood avenue, 'Kenilwvorth, for a short time. She i on ber ýNvay to Holland, [JST FUR SAÉ. Means: Real furs, bon- .8tIy descibd, sparkIiugIy styl.d, reason- aMby priced and backed by the nain. of Bishop need no further endorseument. Rats and Furnishlnge South &aat Cornier KAND) beach t'riday, ftugust 4, at Il 'o'clock. The parents were kind enough to fur- HAD "LOT OF FUIN" nish the transportation. We took our 1 had a lot of fun at tbe playground lunches down. The wonderful sand this sunhmer and 1 amn sorry it is rnodeling began at 1:30 and was judged closing. 'We made many things.this year at 2. AIl présent bad a swell time.-, at the playground. 1 made a jar for 'Susie Lyon, Vattnian.' the exhibit.-Joe Voeller, Village Green. at Village Green. The lineup for Vatt- The medal winners of 1933 at -the mian was: Ernest Bail, , first 'base; Village Green playgroùtnd are as fl Charles Cederberg, second base; Ken~- lows: neth Hoffmann, short stop; William Senior girls: Dorothy Davis, first, Lane, third base.; L . Boling, Ieft field; 107 points, gold medal, Vattmnan: Don Vance, center field; Sonny Ben- Blanche Kreusch, second, 82 points, sul- son,rih field; jack Meyer, catcher;. ver medal, Village Green; Diorothy jack Iavey, pitcher. For the Village Neuses,, third. 50 points, bronze, medal,, Green the lineup.was: Howard Bohnen, Village Greei. first base;- Bill Davis", second' base: Senior, boys:. Tom Carney. first. 72 Henry Janeas, third base; BobDVn points. gold medal, Village Green; Xi- ney, short stop; Jimfmy Phillips, left liam iJenikinis, second, 56.points. silver field-, Leroy Schneider, center fiel(I.-Imedal. Vattnian: James Badger, third, George Clarke, right field: jack Welter.!i 35 points, hionize niedal, Vattman. catcher; Earl Borre, pitcher. Ed. Placek ý Intertuediate girls-: L.ucille Her .rens, was umipire. The score at the- end ofi first,. 73 points, gold medal, Vattman; the: game was Vattmran 3~ Village iM.\argeryM oe eod. 45' ons Green 7.--Howard Bohnen. Village sýilver medal, Vattmah; Adelaide Koen- Green.. en, third, 42 pijints, bronize medal, 'Vatt- - - tman. Interinediate boys: Jack Welter, first. Girl at illae Gren 148 points, gold medal, Village Green: CaptureKickball Gain Robert, Schenk, second, 46 points, silver Aýugust 10. the junior: girls of 'Village 1.medal. Vattmanl: Charles. Cederberg. Green played the, Vattman girls a game! thtrd, 45 points, bronze medal, Vattmian. of kickball. It xvas the1 last game andl Ijunior girls:, Dorothy Nilles, .first, the~ final score was 28-0 in favor of 48 points., gold miedal. \'attmani;' Fileen Vil lage G-'ree;n.' Villagçe Green lias played Borre, second, '34 points, . siver medal, seven gamies and %von theni all. rhe Village Green: Nancy Henderson, third, l'iieup for Village Green was : Atin 31 points, bronze miedal. \Vattinail. Boýrre,' catchîer, Rut'h Pape. pitcher. 'junior boys: >Normnan Hoffman. flrst. Miary 'W\\oodbutry-. frs bse Mri 32 points, goki medal. Vattman. Ralph Niagnison. second( base, Rosalie Schniei; XX hite.. second, 26 points. silver medal, (ter, tbird base, Dorothy Ortegal. 'left Xttiaî:Wibu al. third. 24 points, field,. , Florence Nlilikel. center field, bronze medal. Vattman. H-ilda Voeller, right field, M.\arlin Mil- We aIl try hard for the inedý4ls., WNe ter. short stop. Elaine Lei.,sh-ort stop oe Miss 'Slidmore, will corne back I.orraîne 'Cross. Patsv Svmnonis, pats, next year. Good hye,!-J.uior Schnei- Welter, sublstitutes.-Hi Ida Voeller, Vil- 'der, Village Green. lage Green. Vattman Exhibit Day TENNIS EVENT EXCITING Poe GadEet Auigust .3, the tennis tourtiainenit rvs" an E eC wvas. hield. It w~as a very excitina; rhursday noon, August 10,. wa,,d gaie. he enor girl vowo last day for Vattmani ch'idreni to turn gaine.l'lieseni .rIs wo Nv lin thieir handicraf t for. th e exhibi't that are:. first,' Dorothy Davis, Vattmain\a ;l hr rd'afeno second, Dorothy Neuses, Village ya ed eeFid ,ftron Augustý 'Green'ý; third, Beatrice Leal, Vattman. .11, at 1:30 o'clock. It was a grand' The senior boys are asf oîlows: first,' event. There- were races for bicycle. Pat Hendersen, Vattmfan;>.secondJn scooter,. tricycle,, roller skates. and- Badger, Vattman; third, Tom.,Carney,pshoîe Aljuirineîeats .Village 'Green.-Dorothy' Bruchhattser. seniors, and over age were eligible.. Al Vattma Park.parents wvere invited to attend the' ex-, Vattma Park.hibit to. see the wvork of their c-hildreni EXHIBI AT LBRARYas well as that of other children and[ EXHIIT A LIBARYto see the races. XVe are aIl sorry thiat Miss Hughes asked Miss Skidniore 'the park is closing so soon, ebpeciallv ifski would bring some of the thinigs because 'Miss Riggle will, flot be with 'the didren have miade this 'year at us next summer.--Shirley Pearsôni,