"Zoo in Budapest," said to be One Picture Coming Next Woek of the most unusual motion pictures ever produced, wilI be shown at the 'College Humor," a picture that's WVilmette theater Friday and SaturZ >ust as entertaining as its titie, hias dy Atigust 18 and 19. Built aon been booked by. the Varsity theater thda, _ e.an te atmshreun0 for a four-day run starting Sundav, the ctiitis a d th at osp ere O!August 20. Included in the cast of theý a great zoological park, the story dute deals with the romance of a youngprdcinaesc wlkon man %who >has lived.all his(le among stars as Bing Crosby, the eminent the~l nd siple unophs-crooner. jack Qaki.e. the comedy a simasteam of Burns andWAlen. and Rich- ticated 'orphair girl. who comes to the ard Al len.. Zoo, for a lesson in natural history. à lr I.oretta Youngland- Geneé Raymond nicpigalreatndcet 'r thé- show ings :of *Collège Huùor,". hav th ledin roes.the Varsity management booked the Besides the feature picture, the picture ,for four days.. %Vilmette al so is 'offer ing a Mickey Loyers Of Zane Grev's novels ýwil Mouse cartoon and, a Bing Crosby have an opportunit' to, see One of: comedy Friday and Saturday of>.this his stories portraved oni the screen *eek. at the Varsitv on Friday and Satur- Mother Love. or» Tyranny ? dav of this -week. when *"Mwan -of the That thin line dividing. mothier Forest"; is to be shown. The picture love f rom outright. tyranny is dis- i15 5d to be even better thani the cussed ini ail its pernicious aspects nvl in" The Siver Cord,"P RKO-Radio; On the Friday and Saturday pro- Picture version of the hit Sydney gram also is a comedy", "Popey-e.,the, Howard .play starring- Irene Dunne. Silr, the Varsitv manaàgemient an- coiniulg to the Wilmfette theater Sun-! ilouneces. day, August 20, for a runi of two 1 For Poweil Fans (lays. Miss Dunne enacts the clear- -Private Detective 62." which ,will seeiug Christina wlho resist e please ail Williami Powvell fans, is inothier-in - law's iniordiisate love for coming ta the Varsitv Thnursday, lier >.i, s-o. Among the -wel-kinown', August 24, for three davs. nainseo movielanid in the support- Disitssed fromi the diplonatic i ig cast are boel McCrea, France service, Powell turnis private detec- Dechri Lidenandiara opetive in a crooked agency run by Crews. Arthur HohI. One o-f bis M~~ist framne argaret Linidsav. but lie mnar- Rüthi Etting, i%%-ho wvou faine- sing- ries bier inistead anid showvs up the iug iii Ziegfeld stage productions~ crooks, Bill Powell does bis, usual alic! wlio is equally popular ou1 the job) of smootli, playing. aind Miss screen, 'wilI be heard as a special Titidsay's work seclet feature (o'f the Wilmette's I)rogram i ecelet for S uiday and Mondav, iii additioni to the feature film. Every sa often-and perhaps for 01s 1 T e s d a y, 'lo reason at al-Ye 'Movie Editor ain( \\.ednesday-,reclîs the dear dead delirlous days * ugis t 22 aud Of the sulent flickers when the play- 23, the Wilmette e rs were like charming ghosts adrift will prsn o-o reat billows of pipe-organ music. ert M\ontgoniery ii "ad e o I3roa-av" and a Mack S e iiie tt Troubl r wn gomerv bias the .role of a high- : les SUCCESS IN A YELAR Lt took1 Sheila Terry just eleven pictures to work herself Upfromù bit, parts ta a leading raIe. She had ber firstý bit. part aàt Warnte Brothers studios about a year in ".Week end M,%arriage." Her twelfth assignmcnt was the leading feminine role in "The Silk ýExpress," ta be shown at a. local theater next week. LIVE THEIR PARTS Jack Qakie, co-featured with Vi- vienne Osborne in "Sailor,]Be Good #"ý caming .ta a local theater s oan, en- gaged 'a, supparting player, Max Hoffman, Jr., in such a realistic fis+.ic battie that James Cruze, directing thse picture, had. to shout '"cut" and stop~ thle cameras and microphones while he separated the participants. LAST timEs TON1GHT ALL-STAR. CAS inl "INMTERNATIOQNAL HOUSE" Thelmo Tédd-Z«su P, C m FRI.j SAT., AUG. 18-19 Lore.#a Youag-G.ne Raymond ;n' "'.6ZOO IN: BUDAPEST" Bing Crosby C@m.dy Mike ouse Carfoon SUN iON.. AIa II 1 yramy Of GIA TUES.. Wl Robert M The plo)t is engineered by a grou' Of men trying ta corner the silk market. Practically aIl of the action, including arson 'and murder, takes place abroad a heavily guarded silk express speeding .acrass the. con-, tinent; a aration ut theeternal triang! ling the story of a selfish wom2 ho intervenes between ber son ar s wife. L in 62