On. quart, any fiovor, our ricb k.e cream, and on. pou nd $ frsshly sotted and butered nut meets ........ Weely Specicd-Peppermin~t IceCream 45c qt. JLUA 9KII& ICE CREAM>SHOP,' l 632 ORRINGTON AVE. FREE DELIVERY-ýPhone .GREenle1af 5540 Infuitals Si... to 7% Sizes 9 t. 0iO3 S wes ffli-13- 1apafrý w $1.25 a pair ;15 a The shoes in the above gros.> are practicalliy ail oxfords. Values go Group No.'.,.. 250 Pairs. Salesmen's Samples as fiiiiows- Children'sSizes Misses' and Youtha' Girls' Sizes Brand.New ,Samples, neverused by the. sales- 9 men. Ail are, Fail Oxfords* and Sljpers lain Brown and, Patent etes LOt 50 - A IJ values. Al sizes, lnelndlag girls;', only.....-- Group No. -3 White Elk and Natua l igh Shôes Infants' Sizes-$ 1.35 Si1.50 23e-tI J.61 to 8 Lpair $4.OOý PAIR TATMAN 'S, illhold foTth at 526DAVIS STREET on Dollar Day This space - the above address - is across the str eet f rom our main store. On this DOLLAR DAY we wiIl hâve a great quan- ity of both costly and Iess expensive merchandise at ridiculouse prices, in. many cases 1/10 of .the former Good Looking ..... .... $2.50 and $3.00 $12.00 Ice Buckets .............. $2.50 $5.00 Vases ............... ...... 50ç $8.00OCornports .......... ....... $1.00 $10.00 Crystal Cand1esticks .....$1.50 Ail Shoes ini the-Above Groups WiIl Be on Tables for Your Selection, About 2% wililbe added'to eaehb purtbase to carry our additlonal taxesi ALSO SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON OUR REGULAR STOCKo a DOLLAR, DAY $ LINEN No. 1 ANTIQUE LACE DOILY. ge Size i2x18 oblong..4 for WP M- Noý 8 LACE DRESSER SCARFS. Çolored. 1 long scarf and 3-pc. vanity ..4-pc. set $1L 517 DAVIS STREET EVANSTON JOBOUL .BROS. LINEN SHOP 16M5 Sherman Avenue Opposite Post Office