1 or pkg. $ Dollar Day Discounts Dollar'Off on Al Iew Fali Dresses, Attractive Iow prices, on Gotham Hosiery MyrleRosewIc 509 Davis St. Evanston DAVis 1868 ONE DOLLAR May Never Buy So Much Again IMPORTED HANDBAGS: French, Selgjian, Austrian, Florentine and Germ4n. In seedpe.rl, calfskin. anfelope, tool.d. leether, silk and waters na eski n.. Values t. $5.95 ... $1I JEWELRY: Wittiout doubt the greatest buys of the. day. Genu- ine jades. camselians, rosequariz, Brazilia n crystals, Chinese amber. and Persian turquoise. Bracelets, necklaces, earrings, alLset* insterling silver s IMPORTED COSTUME JEWELRY: For daytimo, town and sportwear. Probably th*. most comploe selec- tion in town. Values to $495...... ~$I ART GOODS, POTTERY and .Ail for ttage Cheese $1000 CASH and CARRY at eéther -of our 21STORES WEILAND, Watch, for.. opemiàg of Main,-Se* Store 1108 Daviis St. 2014 Central St. SMART SHOES and HOSIERY 806. Davis. Street 5O pairs of womens $.0 35 higjh grade shoes...........iJ pair A Il sueès but moi in ail styles 70Oo P irs of, Ray Parker $ 5 qualify foofw.r.. .jpf Sodd formerly at S3.95-Widths A A A tgo $ro .50eulrsoc 0 ipair. ausfrn r29'ý$.9uIa;pair BATHING SLIPPERS-2 PAIR FOR,51.00 TRCAL DE LUXEý MODELS I.A value y.. can never du>icate I .PAIRS. including maiy $1 Sho. - 300 new fail modelsI $2 Pair Il 4884 UNI VERSITY 1630 a O ringtonAvenu 737 N. Michigan Avenu., Chicago - Palmer Ho6Use Arcade No. 14, Chicago -DOL DA -SRCIALS-, DRIVE YOUR: FORD INTO- L. W. SHANESY'S FOR ANY 0F THESE DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS 1033 CHIC III I :ýi 1