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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Aug 1933, p. 9

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For the most part, however, the teaching staff, nunbering more than one hundred, will be the same as it was last year. Only one vacancy'rernains to beý filled. -Miss Emnelyn.Waltz of the so- cial ýscience departnsent will not teach this year, and ber successor had not been named early this week. Mrs. Kathryn. Smith wvill be a new teacher in the English 'departmùent. She. cornes. here, from Minnesota, having taught at East Grand Forks in that state. In the rnathematics departrnent, Miss M'argare't Black. and Robert Harper, graduate of» the school and *son of J. R. Harper, superintendenit of the Wilmette public scbool5. will be apprentice t eachers. Miss Black is a Nothwestern uniîversity grad- uate. Mr. Harper was graduated frorni the University. of Illinois and then received bis Mas&ér's degree in cdu- cation from Northwestern. WV. j. Ascheîrbach, football coach and one of the rnatbemnatics teachers, bias been given a ycar's leave of absence a Ill' be at East Orange,. J. Joins Sicience Depatnmnt Philip). Delaporte will be a new tueinhber of the science -facùlty. He cones to. New Trier f rom Missouri, where be taugh*t iii the State Teach- ers' 'olege Highi school at WAarrecns- burg. He is a brother of Paul G. Delaporte, also a science teacher at New Trier. M Niss Adah Flemington bias been added to the list of teachers ini the commerce departinent. She formerly taugbt at Central Highi school., Aber- deeni, S. D., wbere Supt. MI. P. Gaf- tjey. of New Trier was at one time head of ýthe sçboàl system. Miss May Fqgg, head of ,the girls' :hvsicaI1 education dcpartmnent,, who bas- bee n, with the >United States Ihockecy tcarn in Europe, will lic on leavýe until Thanksgiving. During her absence her work is to.be handlcd by Mýiss jessica Nixon. Miss Eýliz abeth Findley is a new inistructor in .the girls' physical education dcpartment. She is a gradulate of the University Helen -MUloneY, Rk C., Routsong, Miss Dorotby Walker, C. O0. Waters,. Mies Margaret Black and Robert. Harper. Social science depiartment--Miss Laura, ifUllrick,. MISA Ora Cole ' F. D. Frisbie. Miss Marlon Hamilton, Mies Alma Horst,. John, Nay. Miss* Mary Helen Paul, C. W. JRei1ey, B. W. Shearer, Roland 'B. We1hr and Mru. Florence Wehr. (One vacancY to be filled.), Science department-P. C. Windoes, N. G. Christensen, V. H.* Condon, Pa ul G. Delaporte,, G. D. Edwards. IU.]E. Hildebrand, R. S. 1tea ml S. S. 'Vernon and Philip Delaporte. Foreign language department-C. R. Small, Miss Lucilie Brady, Miss Fraânces Bredin, Miss' Elizabeth. Breidenbach, Mrs. E.ý Carîseni, Arnold Bridges, Miss Helen David, 'Miss Virginia. Donham, M. E. Duckles, Miss Frances Flentye, Miss Laura Fulton, Miss Elsa,,Karst,, Mrs. Frances Mundeil, Miss Mary Helen Paul, Miss Jessie Sentne"y,. Miss Ella. May Shaw and Mrs. Elizabeth Webster. Commerce departmient-Y. E. John- son, A. L. Grinnell, Miss Elizabeth lad- eén, Miss Ellen Lorimer, J. W. Rau. J. R. Smnith, Miss Eva Thorne and Miss Adah Flemington. Home economies department - Mrs. Jane W. Lighter, Mrs. Marion LaMetre and Miss IrmnaMoschel. Manual. edpeation-R. L, F. Biese- meler, H. . B. Aram, W. S. Brown, G. H. Flanilngainiafd O. A. Oaks. ArtU - Miss Olive L. Grover, Mrs. J1osephline Case, Mr. Marie Holland and I ss Catharine Murphy. Mui-r. Marian Cotton, Miss Suisannah. Arinstrong, Mrs. Adelaide Bradburn, Mrs. Winifred Mickey N*oný 5.--. The five classifications exhibited' and the prize winners were as follows: An arrangement of green - Mrs, Otis Heath, first prize; Mrs. Walsh Bald- win, second prize; Mrs. Stînyvesant Butler. Mrs. Herbert Lucas and Mrs. Robert Olhsted, honorable mention. A. mixed bouquetM'rs..,Otis Heath, first prize; Mirs. ýOgden Cook, second prize; Mrs. Wendel! Clark. M.mSam Clark and Mrs. Stuyvesant Butler, honorable, mentioni. Fruit and Flowers -Mrs. Stuyvesait, Butler, first prize; Mrn. Robert Olmsted. second& prize ; Mrs. Herbert Lucas, honorable men-* tion. Special occasion arrangement - Mrs. Stuyvesaint Butler. first prize for an E aster decoration; Mrs. H-foward Knight, -second prize.for.a Valentine Day decoration., Miniature. exhibit- Mrs. Xendell. Clark, first prize: Mrs., Ailati Bullev, second prize; Mrs. Qg- den Cook, honorable mention. Mrs. W. B. Fitch, Mrs. Betitly Mc- Cloud and Mrs. Gilbert Keley from the, .vjsitiing garden club served. as judges. Mrs. Herbert Lucas was general chairman for the day. PRIVATE PARTY Wouud like to sel Platinum Dianiond Bracelet contalning 215 perfectli, matched diaiionds weighing v~er 12 karats. Ver, 1~snbè Can be 0 een at PAGLIARULO'S Jewelry Store lidWiimette Avenue- ExeerRebairhsg- Waftaks, .docks, j.w.ly, il,.- 1166 WILMBTTE AVENUE WILMBTTE 1l61 FOR SATURDAY S AND SUNOIAY I You've «Ver nw how remlly, deliciotnu ice coe1a mc«n ,beutil L you've tssted ours. CUn»ingh.mn's e. Creaim MÂCPS WILEfI CONFECTIONF1RY 1204 CENTItAL AVE. Ph... Wul. SM5 Read the Want-Ads' D. H. S,'howley. Health department- Mrs. Margaret Moore and Mrs. Gladys Boice. Library-Miss Eleanor Libbey and Mrs. Elizabeth Todd. Cafeteria mianager ' Miss Eleanor I tobson. Office-Mrs. M. B. Arnold,, Miss. Rhea I<ll, Miss flernice Rossberger, MrS4. Mar- ion Showley, Miss Gertrude Wagner, Miiss Martha 'Wilen and M. Ruth. Wilen Milier. -Edward W. Thomias, Jr., 1136 Cullson motor I25 Min St. 1WU.,tt. 2U Ford Paris and Soec FUR CO. EmIusive 1-urVliers 7 WEST MADISON S T., Certier of State St. CHICAGO. Enifire Foiurtli Floor... Same Location sirrce' 1875... Central 417974180 ust

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