,rçar ine i reauIC KHunt seems 10 grow more popular and tlie.treasure hunters more' enthusiastic. During the course of the summer-that is, since .j une. 19, 2W boys and girls have soined- the h mit to play the garne of finding treasures in books. Chi - dren from third. grade., up through second year. high -school took, part., and ail of the schools o f Winette, as well as a few froîn outside, were repreë- sented. Everyone who has read at least t en books on his graded, list and' found the treasures for. them will be, en- titled to a certificatte in the Reading Club. The' awarding of these cer- tificates will take place in the near future, the -exact date to be an- nounced in .next week's- W LWr. Lin. Y his does fhot mean that ýeiéryone Who signed up for "the Treasure Hunt reached the "goal of ten books; many, because of viit.ra -or vacations, ioNl by the wayside. But more than one hundred certificates will be awarded, showing that the greater number of those who set out along the treasure- path in june, persevered to the end.- Congratulations to you 1 We are Jooking forward to presenting your reading certificates to you!1 PHYSICIAN BECOMES ACTrOR Vernon Steele, one of those suave Powell-Colnian-Menjou types of play-. er, has the role of a doctor in "The Silk Express," now showing at a north shore theater. He practiced the role in reai life for several years before he gave it up to become a first class actor, He has, he says, neyer regretted the change. Neil Hamiltonýand Sheila TUer- ry have the leading roles in "The SiIk DIRECTOR - LIKES WOITE Jaqmes Cruze,- who* directed Jack_ Oakie and Vivienne Osborne in RIKO- Radio Pictures' "Sailor Be Good," has neyer worn anything but a white cap, shirt. trnusmrrs andi thaewhileir*,'ê,no Curtis irport ait Lake, aüd Shermier avenues nrh.vs !Glenview umilI bc the scene ol, the litternational Air races and the. Gordon Bennett international balloou race on ,Septembýer 1, 2, j3 and 4. Tite air races atd t/te balon race twill comtprise the eficiai compétitive aerotatictal event of A Cextury of Pro qrsss e.puto.Ble<Lcber stands are dready erectd, <and thte airport £r alive t&ith artm"iz ' y vpreparatory to the opesi>sg of the races,. Pared *roads, Iead to Curliss field 1 .rom ail directions. Adequate parking facilities are being, provided to take care 'of the thousands of cars bringin air race spectatars. Pinkerton Agency to Protect Car Owners As part of its campaign against automobile stealing, the Chicago Mo- tor club has announced the install- ation of a new. service .calledj the inkerton Protective service, The lub has made an arrangement with te famous detective agency to guard th cars of its members and to pro- ide special operatives where mem- ers' cars are stolen. Withi n a short me local members of ýthe club wiiI -ceive stickers indicating that their .ars are protected by, the Pinkerton ltective agency. , S"It is reasonablie to sutppose," said 'harles M Haye,' of Winnetka, brsident of the club), "that thieves ooking for a certain type of car will roid the cars witb the stickers." ai tc th th vt 'bc til de p r lo( av Junior Balloon, Race Scheduled for FridiLy The north shore will be well rep- resented in the Junior Gordon Ben- nett Balloon race, sponsored by Mar- shall Field and company, which is to be staged tornorrow (Friday) ini Grant Park. A number of local children have entered the contest, one of the most unique- and exciting from the stand- point of both children and adults that has corne along in a long time. £Entries are being received in, the toy section of the Evranhston store of Field's, and also in the toy sections of the Oak Park store and the 'Main retail store downtown. The entry fee of 25 cents covers the cost of the big pilot balloon which each contestant will enter in the race. "How did they act duriig the cor- ner on gold. the Fraico-Prussian war, 'bought-atid-paid for justice, poverty, ill-health and disappointed ambition?"' What were their rulinge motives, how did they succeed, why did they fail'?" It, is for ai these things .(plus that 'of curiosity) tbat biography is in. deMand. at"the Iibrary, Miss Whitmack explains. ,Ail the new b.iographies are going to be on special ,disiijay' this' week.: Ask for tbeone you want. Rulers, Dip'onats end Politicians Nevins-Grover Cleveland.: (Pulitzer Prize) E.berlein .Rabelaisian Princess. Lockhart-Brtish. Agent. Anthony-Marie Antoinette., Zweig-Marie Antointtte.. Cooper-Tallyrand. Wlnckler-Woodrow Wilson, Basso-Beauregard. Lewis--Shertnan. Bain vile-Napoleon. Lawyers, Doctors Somerville-lncorruptible Irishmnan. Marjoribanks-Carsoiî the Advocate. Grenfell--Forty Vears for Labrador. Litrary People Grattan-Three James. Austin-Earth Horizons. Bennett-journal. Robertson-Goethe. Lawrence-Letters. Sedgwick-Alfred de Musset. Rothenstein-Men. and Memories. Wilson-Sir Philip Sidney. ., Fausset-Lost Leader (Wordsworthi) Barbusse-Zola. Massingham-Great Victorians. * lnteresting Personalit les Jamieson-No Time Li ,ke the Present. Kéller-Midstr.eam. Liptôn-Autôbiography. Mitchell-Deep Wate.r. Cochrani-E. W. S1cripps. Browne-Blessed Spinoza. Terry-Ellen Terry's Meuaoirs. Mrs. Arthur J. Lindsley, 260 Ox- ford road, Kenilworth, has had as her Robert McNeille Burnis Il of Ken- mi ilworta with Chester Hatisoti of Wil- Cullo usefte Motored to, Anti Arbor. re- of th tmubudtêst Priday.. nue. icyW i V Â ýVIA. 1nepnew, 1Frank Laier1 of Omnaha, bas Mrt. and Mrs. E. Ialso lbeen spending about ten days as summer home. the guest of. the Murphy fganily. I + J, 't 4