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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Aug 1933, p. 24

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xi-ilut ucal çinceaiti -eJur n'ureucnucnin III IrFUi. lue of Progress. The exhibit is.sponsored bride, who was given away by her by the Chicago Youthi Peace Coun- grandfather, Hlenry J. Schatib of Ak- cil, with Jane Addams as chairman of ron, Wore an ivory transparent velvet the. e-hibit comimittee and niany princess gown with a cowl neck 'and prominent citizens on the advisory fingertip length sleeves. Her ma- board. Cooperating with the above donna .veil of tulle., as should'er orgatiizationl, is the .National Coun- l1ength in front and fingertip e1 t cil, for' the Prevention of War,. Wom-> in the back.. She carried calla fIles, en's :International League for Peace A reception followed the cereiinony and Freedoni., the Pennls3lvania ait the bride',s home. Magnus Thlotip- Conimittee for Total Disarmament., son, of Chicago,, a fraternitv. brother, the 'American Friends -Service Coni- of the groom, served as'best man. mittee, the- League of Nations and the After- a honeymoon, by motor Committee on Miitarism in Educa- thog h atte bride and bride- tion.. etc. groom will reside ini Akron. wherè Miss Duican-Clark is. also ini Mr. Anderson is associated witli Fir.e- charge, of the hôsts and hostesses $tolle Tire, and Rubber conipanly. Who are serving every dav and eve- The former Miss'Bowmaii is aý ning part time. 'There are many gradua te of Akron universitv'.and. is north shore- young people who have a member of Delta Gamima -sororitv. been acting in this capacity. and they Mr. Anderson is a.'graduate, of. the are as, follows: James Munro and School of Engineering, Univers ity of Phyllis Pool of, Highland Park; Alice Illiniois:,and is a member'of Triangle BurkhrtVigina an. PgY fraternity., He is the son of. Mr.. Layer,. Louise Fentressý and, Bill and Mrs. Rolland A. Anderson of Stevens of Winnetka: the Todd 11.32 Eake avenue. Wilmiette. WVheelers. Carlyle G. Duncan-Clark, and Rollin Sirnonds of WVilznette- the Lawrence Perkins, Edwin W\alkèr, Willard Utt enreut ber Ellen Coolidge.., Bill Smith, Frank Takes Evanston Bride McCulloch, Willard Grant, Donald M~iss Agnes Knepper, daughter. of Brown, Betsv Tittie,,Freddie Sargent, Mr.Pii .Inpro Alice Browii, Hazel Singleton. Bob r Bron, atcyan, Maryý KeanEaso was married to \Villard Lloyd Ryani, Carl Parker, Arthur Uttenreuther, son of Nlr. and Mrs. Stadle, Betty Baýlliniger, and jocelyn Johin Jttenreuther, 1844 Forest ave- NoriallofEvanstoni. nue, Wilmette, last Saturday morni-0 Miss jocelyn Norri hias been visit- 1 ng. The ceremonyî took place at ing the Dwight Perkins of Evanston, St. Nicholas' chiurch in Evanston at and teaching at the Ar t institute. Her 9 in1 the mornîng.... a father is one of the directorsof the Miss Knepper had chosen lier sis~-s League of Nations Union in Great ter, Edith, to serve as maid of honor, a Britain, Among other out -of' towN'r and her cousin, Miss Marie Reinii, , people who have beeni on duty at the to attend ber as bridesmnaid. exhibit, are Mortiner Pier from the John' Miller of Wililette xvas best University of California at Berkley, mnan, and John Dawson, also of \\'il-S james Fréemnan from New York niette, served as usîmer. Both are " City, Betty Finich of Vassar Clee nephews of t he bridegroomi. Joan pl fro Fret ilî, on I landgIa Heinzen, a neice of the bridegroomi, te garet. Chandler.,:daughter .of ,the The 'fouer gil hketer oe,' Henry P. Chandiers of Chicago, h heculwllnaetirom i also attends Vassar, Faith Fitzgerald ' vntn from' gSmith, College, and of River Forest, Emfilie Barron a studlent ait Hold Open House Mundelien College who cornes froxu Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur Lee, 925 Washington D. C., DO'rothy Gibson of U.anor dr~ive iol np niQ Moffett-Russell PhQtO 7'1;e mar'riage of Miss Alto Dec Be1ishe,, daitghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ii.diiiLu ter Belshe af 530 PFor- iest avenue, Wilniette, anzd Richard Carroll of E-vattston zwill be solem- iiLwýd this Satiurday ezPening at the bridels ho nte. Trhe ceremnony will be performed at 8:30 o'clock by the Re4,.- John G. Flindley of the First Congregational church, Wilniette, and will be witnessed onlv hy relatives and a few friends. Attending the bride will be her sister, M{rs. Robert E. Travers of St. Louis, and Henry Corbett of Winnetka will serve the groom as best man. Thle bride and bridegrooni will reside at 804 Sher- man avenue, Eva'nston. Miss Belshe' is a graduate of the School of Speech, Northwvestern uni- versitv. and is a member of Kappa AI-. plha TFheta. sororitv. Mr. Carroll at-, tended the University of Missouri where ,e was affiliated with Alpha Tau Omega Iraternity. Vilmette. GîiWill Attend Bride Sept. 2 This Saturday evening at 8:30 'dock ini the ch'apel of the First o jp.. "se i epeennpAVAI dproxiUatiU*Vy twenty institutions of high er learning for 'women, includes ini the group Wells college. Wells college bas in Chicago a Chicago Wells Collegeclub, and on the north shore an Evanstoi) Wells College club 'which draws its membership from Lýake Forest to Evanstoni. Each club is providing two hostesses, or à total..of four Wells hostesses, to serve at the Woinen's College Board booth one day every twoor three wveeks tbroughout the. durationi of. the Fair. Mfrs. William 'V. Pooley Of. Evanston is serving as ýgeneral chàirman of the north shore Wells hostesses, and has chosen the following for hostess dut: Mr. E. -M. Hartlett ýand Mrs. Bertrani A. Weber of Evanston, Mrs. Donald Pattison of Highlanid Park,,and Mrs. Calvin Selfridge, Mrs. Robert Beit* Mrs. A. S. Littlefield, Mrs. Sidney BaIli and Mrs. Stuyvesant Butler, of WVin- netka.- ýThose assisting at the: booth, .regis.ter ail, visiting alumnnae and' students f rom the colleges -represented, and are readv to give out tb ail attending the Fair, literature and other general informiationi about the various institutions. 1The hostessès for Lake Erie college for 'the nionths of Ju. Jnl "lv and An- 1gust 'have Previouslyý been announced. ,but this week brings an additional list of assistants for the monttî of Septem- ber. The four women assigned for La- bor day are- Mrs. Edward P. Farwell of Hubbard Woods, Miss' Josephine Pike of Chicago, Mrs. Orville E. Frv of Evanston and Mrs. Evcrett MNar.li of Gurnee, 111. On Septemrber 22 the Lake FErie hostesses wilI be: Mirs. Edwin D. Bueil of *Glencoe, Mrs. Jose M. Alonso of Evanston, Mrs. James McDougal of Riverside and Mrs. A. R. 'Buc kinghamn oif Oak Park. .Randoîpli-Macon wjll again . have hostesses at the booth September '9 and September 22. Those assigned for the. ninth are: *Mrs. Louis BrowtI'lou, of Chicago, Mrs.* George B. -Morris of Beverly Hilîs, Mrs. Carl ,H. Stroker of Oak Park and Mrs. Charles Saunders of Evanston. The assistants f or Sep- ion Pickard of s, who former- .bas been at- ilI in Burling- est avenue is giving a showel afternoon for Miss Alta Dee B More Social News on Page 31 whoi Mrs., for entertalned at a shower in'honor ocf Abbotsford ýro'a%d, 'Kenlv XMrs. Robert Dicus of Evanston. The tained at a bathroom shik guests were members of Gamma Phi Saturday in bonor of mi -Beta sorority: whoý attended college> son of Winnetka who wý together. tmerbie. areich, 314 ýrtb, enter- er and tea Jane W.iI- be a sep- ly rc tend ton, St. Mary s 49,USýe, Tues-,

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