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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Aug 1933, p. 35

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------ - u ic;u w ji w.ara1 their gardiens at A Century of Prog- a bronze niedal for the best collec- ress flower show September 5 to 10. tion of vegetables staged in. each Sponosored by the Men's Gardlen period of the show. In addition spe- club o- Chicago, a summer flower ciel classes are provided for sweet show will be held in the Horticultural corn, tomatoes, cucumiers, squash building, in which classes will be pro- and l al the other products of home vided for aIl fiowers now. in bloomf in gardens. gardens of the Chicago area.NoF.Rqr. In order to, maintain a display There* is no. fee required from ex- throuighout the period,. the show: will bibitors, and the flower show comn- be divided into two parts, the first: mittee of the Men's Garden.iclub of* lasting from September 5 to 7, indu-. which Arthur FP. Bronwell is chair- sive, and the second f rom September man will provide. containersý for al 8 to 10. inclusive. Ent.ries nia ' be flowers, except those arranged in spe-. made. in either or both periods, in cial bowls and.-baskets, and will stage any, class; there will be duplicate i Il nties in ýthe show. judging and awards in each period. 1 _, - ý Entries by members of the Men's CHURCH SOCIAL. Garden club will.be judged separateli Members and prospective mnembers of from non-meniber entries, with sep- St ay' S society of St. Joseph's arae ibbnsandmealsctirch Ridge road and Lake avenue, Certificate& of Awards have been invited to. attend a social In order that successful exhib!itors Sunday, af ternoon, Septenuber 3, at 2:30 1may have a tropby to hand down to 'cl ock in the St. Joseph's school hall. their children, certificates of. award A-1l members are heing, urged, to attend, bearing. the insignia of A Centuryv of jt is announced. Progress will be given to ail exhibits__________ deemed wortiiy... Edith Gillett, daugliter of the \V. W. To the garden club wý%hose members' Gilletts, 533 Roslyn road, Kenilworth. make the largest number of entries, returned Mondav f rom Miners Bay. a special medal .--will be giveni, with Canada, where she had been the guest another to the exhibitor in. the openofMrae iod.TeGltshve class who wins the largest num berooff M saigaret Giffr. TeGiîlett's mhav points. beens.Ta.in. îvtchaMrsi lt' nohr .Medals will be. awarded for the best Ms .C eca nEaso ic gladiolus in the show and for the their return froni their summer borne i11 best dahlia witb a special ribbon for Ludi ngton, Mich. The Gilletts are re- the largest dahlia and another for the turning to their Kenilworth home on outstanding flower. September 15. A list of 323 classes in whicb en- tries are invited may bc obtained1 A 4,000 mile motor trip through -froni John A. Servas, executive di-1 Canada, Novia Scotia, New Bruns- rector, Horticultural exposition. A wick, and the New England States Century cof Progress or from the se- was taken recently by Mr. and 'M r-s. retary of the Men's Garden club, 601 William B. Montgomery, 640 Gregory WV. Jackson boulevard, In addition avenue, and their chauffeur. The to these classes, .entries may be made;M ontgomerys, who were gone for a of filowers not specified and speciel month, returned to their home, on classes Witt be'created for them. Wednesday oflastwek wheré to Dïélivèr Flowers Amateurs desiring to enter flowers The. Rev. and Mrs. Frank Gesel- mai-delvertheu t th Fortenthbrecbt, of, Tulsa, OkIa., were recent stre. e gaerofthe epoition, ourttlh guests o.f their ,cousins, M r. and Mrs. sre aeof the Fil uexposatio0,p. ni. Louis S. Becker, 105 Fifth street. Septhembeld.8:30aeunSetembeP. M.The Geselbrechts came to Chicago to, 10p .September n 8:30 a. m.Sptm.r5 attend the Preshyterian convention. Also, a guest for'several weeks ofl - Mrs. Becker was Mrs. Tane 'r11.ill gr ana~f LI prprion. 1[lie grand, parade will be held Sunday afternoon and will start at 1:30 o'clock from Clark street and. Lunt avenue and then proceed to Niles Center, Wilrnette, Morton Grove and then back to the grove. Three valuable prizes will be given to. the best decorated' float, truck or, automobile. in, connection with this picnic, or rather fail festival, an exhibition of fruit, vegetables and flowers will, be on thé grounds and also valuabl e prizes wvill bé given for the best ex- hibit5., BREAK STORE, WINDOW Last. Wednesday M rs. Milton H. Friend, 806 Linden avenue, reported to the police that boys had been hreaking. their windows 'with BB guns. Investigation showed that ýa window which cost $500 had been puncturedin four different places bi. the pellets. In addition to ,beaiking the windows the boys had broken a street lamp. Mr. and .Mrs. Herbert A. LaRoy ~andthidahtr Jaquelin, and Mrs. LaRoy's mother,. Mrs. Thomas Griffith, have ail returned to, their home at '1746 Washington avenue af-ý ter a summer spent at -Red Oak, Iowa. Mrs. LaRoy, jaquelin and Mrs. Griffith have been away since the- middle of June. MIr. LaRoy went to Red Oak several weeks. ago and brought his family back with him. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Finch of .Greenwich, Conn., are visiting Mr._ and Mrs. Walter I. Beam, 411 Sheri- dan~ rQad, for several weeks while they- are here for the Fair. Mrs. John B. Driver bas just returned to ber home in Lima, Ohio' after a three months' stay with. ber daughter, Mrs. Beam. Mr. and Mrs.J. L.HaeoWs- field, N. J.,ý are visiingtheëirson and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Hale, 1025 Mohawk road. Mr. and ,Mrs. Lloyd Mellon and their children, Donald and Marilyn, of Meadville,; Pa.,, are also guests of. the Hales. Mrs. Mel- Ion is a sister of Mr. Hale. will take the fnrm of7 a garden party held on the -library lawn, at which tirne 127 boys and girls will be awarded certificate% inu the club. .Tx,%o h-undred and .sixty fine ebjîdren tonk part in the Treaçure Hunt this vear. and of this numbner 127,read if least ten books durinq the course of the çummner. entitliùq them toa Reading club certificate. .Special coniraftations should go tu, Muriel Tanicki. aneiçvhth, grade ýpupil at Howardr, scbool. Muriel flot only read, the fifty' books on ber own -raded Ii-t, but also completed those on, tbe, Other two lists,, making a to- tal of.-one hundred and fifty bookcs read and. treasures 'found dUringr the co urse of the Readin g club season. Theý folloing memnbers of the Reaingclub will be awarded cer- tificates: *Loring Armnstrong, Louise Balley, Lorraine Beecherý Nancy' Bercaw. Janet Bickl, Gordon Boling. Lawrence EolIng, Helen Born, Bill Broad, Nadine Brown. Betty Bruce, Jane Burbott, Dorothy Burgess, Ellen Burns, ElleenmButler, Harold Buzan, Eleanor Carlson, Wii- liam Cloud. Sara Jean Curley, Frances Dahncke, Virginia Daîstroni, Alice Deneil, Cecily DenelI, Betty Jane Erleson, Paul Eric- son, Patricia Evers, Jean.Everson, Dor- othy Faville, Elvira Ferrani, Norman Fifer, Patricla Fisher, Bil Fletcher, Don Fllnn, Jean Fremont, Betty Ge- bert, Helen Hall. Rosemary Halîdorson, Nancy Hause- nman, Henrietta Ilayson, Lyda Head, Shirley Head, Nancy Henderson, Evelyn Herbon, Betty Husting, Mary lice. Husting, Chrystal Jackson, Evelyn Jacobson, Julia Janieki, Muriel Janieki. Clifford Johnson, Jacqueine K~atz. Da- vid Kendrtck, Harriet Klein, Mary Lamb. Charlotte LangIll, Mary Louiise Lu- cas, Thomas Lucas, Randolph McCand- hIsh, Charlotte McConnell, Mary Jane MeCue, Cathc-rine lt$cDaniels, Francis MeDanils, James Melrath, Rosemary McKelghan, Rosamend MeMtilan, Les- lie Matson, ~Jr.ý, Billy Matthews, Bob ,.%atthews, Loufis Melchior, Ruth Mel- chlor. LouI.se .Menning, Bobby Mestian, Ruth Mestjilaýn Helen Mae Mevesý, Jo- seph Meyer, Louise Meyer, George Moore, Andrew Mueller. Jane Ethel Newman, John Nichols, Edward Os- borne, Margaret FPaulson, Geraldine 155wiimette avenue, and thieir son, Taylor: Miss Glacys Taylor, a sister Mis Milred .1 :enian, wtio is working -0 Leon, and daughter, Marguerite, re- of Mr. Taylor, was also a guest. for the American Legation there. Miss Alice Eldredgie of Lakewood, turned last Sunday froni a 12-day 0 0-o- .Ohio, lias been i vsiting her. sister, Mrs. moto>r trip to northern Wisconsin. Mrs. Philip Weber and ber daugh- Mrs. A. Jabnl<e of Los Angeles is the Ray C. Siggens, 1425 Maple avenue 1o-0 ter, Miss. Nellie Weber of Seattle, guest of Herman Hintzpeter and bis f or a week. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Anderson, Eli- Wash., are the guests for three week.s sons, 212 Sheridan road, Kenilworth. 0o nor and. Arthur, of Urbana were receit of. the former's son and bis famlly, Herman, Jr., is. leaving September 10 Mrs. O0gden Cook, 561 Glendale ave- guests of, Mr. and M1rs., Frank Adamns, the William ,Webers, 1635, Spencer for Tusçon, Ariz., to enter the Unieer- nue, Winnetka, is entertaining menibe*s 925 Greenwood avenue. avenue.. * sity of, Arizon. <ebr mhenbidgel. toniorrow,

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