ten ding the ýfurnace iiia .Gas IEIeated "hou se Cas fIkat ensa/drt grùe. a6 or, and drutîdery Toé prove that, every homne can afford to heat with gas... wc will instail it at our expense and remove- it at our expense, if, you don't like it. AS heat, is this easy and ,spe You don't'need to go- near the furnace. No shovel ing coal, no hauling ashes, no setting dampers. No fuel sup- ply to run low in zero weather. One touch of the thermostat, controls pur heat perfectly, day and .night. B~ut perhaps you sày, "Yes, of course, 1 icnow gas heat is the perfect heat. But it costs too much.-' New Ilow costs for gas, heai Theni here's great news for you. Gas heat now coss less than ha/f'what it did in 1930-31. A luxury priced for the majoriry~ A wonderful coniven.iencei, now within you.r reach. To prove it-and we take the fuit bur- den of proof -we'11 instali it in ypur home without your making one ce.it iyear after year. up ail winter long. There's no greasy. smudge. No dirt-tracked stairs and rugs. Now in effect NEW ILOW RATES for Heating Homes with T GAS Y>U-IWEST..NOTHIGI Without ONE CENT-of invest- ment by you, we instali the most moôdern burner ini your furnace or boiter. If you are Ad~aMzs boucc neacs Pbli SrvceComnpany tblic Service Companly, 71 Westm Chicago, Ilinuois. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPA 'NY. OP,-NORTHERN ILLI>iOIS . - i