'ç,Buy Nowý-Buy North Shore,,* Gali to Potential Home Owner, R. B. Wki t aker Companay Makes A-plication of Presi. dent Roosevelt's Idea With'north shore real estate prices at the lowe.st, point to. which they have fallen in many years and at the, * threshold of President Franklin D. R oosevelt's, National, Recovery miove-1 muent, there. has, neyer been a, more favorable.time for investmetints inost, stable. and preferred residentialý section. This fact is entertained by the R. B. Whitaker comnpany, general real estate. operators throughout the orhshore, wvith offices *at Win- netka, and Kenosha (Wis.). V. J. McDonnell, ..sales counsellor, de- clares the cornpany is sparing no effort to bring t-his fact forcibly to the attention of the public at this tnile. Qflfer Iaenuine Values '.The greatest concern of our gov- erniment today,".'. Mr. *McDonnelll s;.ys, 'lis to get the, American publ ic back into the homie and nowhere in the Chi)cago area is there such an ideal home section as our north shore. Values ini this section have become stabilized to. a large extent anîd prices are now down to the point *where they represent genuine values. *'Well seasoned,: close in, vacant ini fuliy, improved sections can now be had, in many cases, at less than boom (lay acreage prices and homnebuilding * costs are in 'tune with today's co~ndi- tions. "People are. now tb-inking, more than -ever,", he declared, "of the advisability. of a, home- and, wheth- er, it be in- the, purchase of oie or~ ~ th rcin of a new one, ti juoVement is ,botund to be- felt soon al ovefr this inost favored area." "'Buy Now, .1à Slogan * '~yNow". is the president's cal tu the nation and the R. B. Wbit- Ipro1perties ýeXist today on large, wèll located lots," be, points out. "Some canbe had at ridiculouisly low prices, modernized at relatively low costs, and, thereby convertedl into splen- didly safe investments. "People arc tuning in," be. contin- ties, "with the, President's call and we find a greatly increased interest in north s hore homnes with gainbbl here and there -at vacant.brais Skokîe Projeçt Big Aid: "The great'* Skokcie reclarati.on project is: attracting thousanids of Chicagoans (new corners) to the north shore," and he 'sug«ests that, because of the impetus given to the north shore -movement by this opera- tion, today's opportunities may soon become but tomorrow's memories. That the.,R.. B.. Whitaker company believes botb ini the north shore and now is evidenceci by its extensive. campaign under way to bring its -NRA message to, the public. At the northwest corner of .Win- netka avenue and Center street, it bhas erected the first of a series 'of large signs, beautifully designed and mounted, with landscaping and light- ing effects to tune in witb the north shore beautiful. Fqllowine its policy, ail workman- ship and materials on this improve- ment are the product of well known nortb shore firms. Again it says: "Buy Now-Buy North Shore." Waterworks te Chief Activity in Wilmette With the exception of the work in progress on the new -municipal wa- ter plant, building, actiVity ini Wil- mette-was practically at a tandstill last month. Only five building per- mits were taken out during the mnntb. and the building construction, Joins Bis Staff Robert M. Y'ountg, a graduùate of the Univecrsity ofI Ilinois lasi lune, Is. now associa ted with the Bis Realty, Iic.>. in its north shore bro- kerape office in No Man's Land. Mr. Yimy g will speciaIize in pro p- erties in Hubbard Woods, GIetoe and Razdnia, according to C. E. Drayer, vice-president of Bis ReaIlty in*charge of the north shore armea. While at the> university Mr. Young was business manager of the 11h0o of 1933, annual student publication, said to be the largest of its kind in Anierica. He was graduated witb the Shows. The number of building permits is- sued. in Winnetka during the month of August flot -only approacbed pre-, depression era figures but is also indicative that property owniers appreciate the fact that an gdvance market is approaching ýand 'are mak- ing needed repairs and alterations' to their: residences at this, time before eost of material and labor becomes a reality. According to Building Inspector:R. L., Anderson, a total of twelve per- mits were issued during the month, eight of wbicb were for remodeling jobs, totaling $20,900.. There was one. permit for a. ne' residence,. costing $6,500; one for a priVate garage, costing $200; one for a swimming pool,. thecost of which will be $2,400 and >one for wrecking a barn, en the. site of. whicb a garage is to be erected * The total cost of hnprove-. ments authorized during the month was $30,000. Bui1ds New Home The new residence is being erected. by Isaac Wagner, at 1066 Pine street. Mrs. Warren S. Corring, 381 Sheridan road,' is making ýadditions and alterations to her residence, costing $10,000. Hill Blackett, 614 Pine lane, is expending $7,500 in alterations. A. F. Marquette is building an addition to' bis residence at 62 War- dence, at 1109 Gage street. A permit issued to T. N. Thomp- son, of 192 Ridge avenue, calîs for addition and alteration improvements to bis residence., and a garage, cost- ing $800. A. H.l arer,ý 1214 Scott avenue, took out a permit for a porcb costing $275. D. D. Fuller, 192 Forest avenue, is spending $175 in alterations. .Frank Herbert, 383 Sunset road, is building a dormer window lu bis resi- and porçn adiion to Ln fis reiucricflfsnu'. .li tir-..* at 244 Woodlawn avenue, costing $1,- opened, a,Dffce at9 171. . nue, IHübbatd -Woci Apermit bas been issued to Daniel firm, kù'"dir a.s the L. Franco for a bedrooin addition 'to bisý company, will do a., residence at 102 Glencôe road,. cost- tate. and insuranc.e bi ing $150. .. nounced. L 'lhe IwWin cM*be C. 0db Realty calit .lots. i ýneral real es- is announi iness, it is an- prices preN ing from > rection andi a tew va- beén sold. recently, it A wide spread in on this vacant, rang- per lot, upward. lthat no w is an ad vest in north shà iraDie tirne propert3*.