M 11 Y! A LI;L A,.L11111 S--at- --r--d--- - "- -_ -_ _ Ginge r Rogers scores ber'greatest ______a opens its theater with a showing of success iin "Professional Sweetheart";. Ralph Bellamny of Wilrnette. has a that sparkling comedy-drama, "Eliner at the. Wilmnette theater Friday and' featured role in "The Narrow Cor- the Great," featuring Joe E. Brown. Saturday, September 8 and 9. -elped ner," Somierset Maugham story at the Schédules, beginning Friday evein g, by an ablecast and inspireil 1) mate- Varsity theater Friday and Saturclay, Sept ihr8 r suul- eening rial ýthat ".suits her to , a T" Miss me8,*rasualýe Rogrs urîs ot afin eviin ofSeptember 8 and ý9., Others winning Rogerstaient a i.e vnn high acclaim f rom critic s for excellent show-s Friday and Saturday at 7 and 9. ntétartn e resaent Frank k in this film are Douglas, Fair- o'clock, with Saturday matinee at 2 :30' McHgh uils hr p a th raiobanks, Jr., Dudley Digges, Arthur ýo'clock. "1Puritv Girl," advertising manufac- Hohi and Wilia. V.-og'thelate The. story of "le h ra"i turr regryRatoi's"Ipsi Wp-two as ld sea, captains who, contribute buit around one of the greatest bat- psie \Vash Clths." Ginger, howvever, several- fine scenes. tersý in the history of basebaîl, who is sobs, ti ien cr ies she wants to "sin and'. Unforgettable..spiashes of 1color both, lazy and lacking in ambition. How sufer":, so té save the day, Frank gleatled by magnificent photography, things- are. livened up for this born MlcHFugh imports Normanl Foster, along, with skillful .acting and direct- baseball man, forms a lively. hysterical noble mjountain boy, to1 provide ing,- make ,"The Narrow Corner" a and thoroughly entertaining. evening's r omance.. Gin ger likesthe idea; they picture wvell worth' the .ime of dis- or, afternoon's performance. have a radio wedding,ý Then the criminntinig theaàter-goers, critics *e. Patricia Ellis is the charming young rockets start bürsting! cae anfcetsomsees at séa woman playing opposite Joe E. Browvn. ZaSu ýPitts, Lucien Littlefield and. help provide the. background of -the Together-w'ith Frank McHugh, Claire Franklin Pangborn add .f un. "And story about, a younlgoutcast.,who steals Dodd and Preston, S. -Foster, they con- vêou'1I he ready for an encore when bis best friend's girl. stitute a splendid cast. Ssee Ginger perform !" the. Wil- udv odyadTdy e- "If you- think you have 'rea ched the mette theater. apromises. Se mett flea.er pomies.tember 10, Il and 12, bring ".Double lîmit -on laughs with Joe E. Brown be- CAr-ô, new seral, F heng Kit farness," a picture, scintillating with fore," Conimunity' House states, "we Carsine" <olinnyMa trowe B t isophistication, with Ann Hardingiilg challenge you tb see 'Elmer the GCreat'~ mauKngR.ohsNoac Bero , S Bet-Noahing rich idler Bill Powell into marri- -it's positively great !" Berr.Jr..Tull Marhall Lan age, and making, hini like it. Every Chadle an Wllim Frnu ~ member of the talented cast gives a SCOUTS AWAIT SERIAL .aIpea ii ths eic eril o th ~ performance that fully measures up to àpparinthi eicsera Saftherp-, aal ieto n the inter est-- Boy Scouts will enjoy "Fighting one ws. ofetretelecaaledretonad1h With Kid Carson," new twelve-part. (lay inatinees.igpoofe*tr. Mascot serial. The film depicts a Bttelmesa Featured Gangsters go nautical Wednesday significant period of Carson's life and "Her i o ae wl trRcar n hrdY. etnbr1 n 4 nis said to be replete ith incidents B rlesfS alte" VilestreRihatr G bl _ hi"nt h V -rit hea- that involve many arts which the Boy Sudvand M.\ondlav, September 10, t1--r. Car% Grant v.ins the hionors frSot ididsesbetdy and 1l. . . bi port rayaI of a deported guniman i *BeCaLISe hee.lhas always hiad a pro- this thrilling action picture. Benita iound math for the "under dog' Hume ite ags'r's moîl. Hereor and consideirs that bis besi.picture lnyo ùtoladectmn o lia%ýe revolved arotund "tinder dog"' those whlo crave \valloping entertain- character-"Broken Blossomis" and:kfment. I ~ ~~I ea u~ "Tol'ahfeI David," to mention the two' Tonighit (Thursday) the Narsity J nost ramnons ones-Bartheles isI presents -Storm at Day.break,".a po- IVWW confident that "4Heiýoes for ýSale," bis ý erful storyý of war days in Sarajevo, Evanston UNI. 890 newpîtuewill onie of his o'utstand- 1 starringKy rnis. Nils Asther and iflg productions. Walter Huston. Thur&., Sept. 7 (Iast dlay today) "Heroes for Sale" wvas the ast and ii 1, natnv respects, the & nest- piece of 1ýCRAVE CARTOON FUN NIESý KAY FRANCIS writinig ever to flow from the pen of A oalteter ofteil includes car-WLE HSO- tlle late Wlo Mizner. wit, .%o:rlçl toonis amioing the short features of "TO MaD YBEK trave ,ler.. bon vivant and playw\%right ýits "STORMaanceaprgramYThepub Around Barthelmness as the star of'îj , slus to crave the cartoon fin- -with- this tunu-sual draima are grouped Alienie se. Nilà Asthesm-PhiIIlips Holme "Nn-I n T i V,-i..i,, Gordotn! -__________ Lest Times Tonight, (Thurs.) JAN KIEPURA Star Of "B. Mon. eTonoght' in "Fawweilto Love" or "CITY 0F SONG"I FRI., SAT.. ob SEPT '8-9 New Serial Sal. Mat. i "Fighfing With Kit Carson" the ri1val .womnen ïs aware o' ume other's identity. They are une.N- pectedly brought together at the hoil,' of a friend and before long take each other into mutual coný fidence. When each discovers. sub- sequenltly who, the other is the sparks' begill to .fly. jacek Haley, "1WrongorlllavP Lowell Thomas. "A Whaie of a Yarnp" Adults 2ar ChildrIen 10e "PAPA'LOVE MAMA» 'r-.......... ace', . .. Barbai 's Hutband".. ,Cruin" ..-C