Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Sep 1933, p. 32

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Rates- "cns n. detieetgrain&Ith ae rgJ. to the lino.. No black face tylpe uud. U%»S lemut on .il camb adi*rtu.- Ment$ wheui brought te our oMfce at,1283 Central Ave.,Wllmette, or 681 Lincolni Ave., Winnel».. 19% diseOmmut oD &U adverd.eauentî rur. tour coumboutive Iasuee. Deadline frInetin_ Clalfied advertlueme;ta irili be&ce- 'tpé________cpedu t 'à 9p.I for, wuE TELITE or a11 three papers; Wedneuday 9. p. M. for WINNETKA TALK a"' ThUrsdaY 6 P. M&for GLENCOE NUWS. Telephoneu: Wlhette 4300. Wlnretka 3000, Géreenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake SU7. 3 à LST -AND FOUNO LOST -SPRINGER SPANIEL, LIVER *and white. WilI party who is holding, for children's salie caîl W. E. Zick, Winnetka 1887 or 1640., 3LTN18-ltc LOS-SCTCHTERRIER PlUPPY, 3 months *Id, from 1116' Tower Rd., Wlnne"k. Answers twDamne of Bob-. by. Pbone Wnne.tka 3670. 3LTN1S-l1tcý LOS-PAIR 0F GLASSESý IN BLUE case. Finder please, call Gléncoe 1290. 3L18ltp. LOST -GERMAN POLICE, PUPPY, answers to Dame of "Turk.'" Reward. Ph.. Kenllworth 1483. . 3LTN1S-Itp LOST- ONE PAIR LARGE WING.S .with letters CFS in center. Reward. Wlnnetka 779. 2LTN!8-ltpj Revive Your LAWN wlth ANALYZED S.old and lvered ini any quantty. Eespeclally put up In 100-1b. sacks for small lawn owners. Also black soil pulverized, no lumps. Fertlllzer. Ph. Morton Grove 1832, Urban Hoffman, Churcli and Golf Rd. 16LTN16-6tp Rats, Roaches, Etc. P. J. UEDELIIOFEN, EXTEBMINAT- ing engineer. Ph. Winnetka 591 or Wilmette 3867.. 16LTN17-tfe SAM GOLDMAN * JU'NK DEALER Highest prices paid for paper and mnaga- zines. Wilmette 5417-, Wlnnetka 3623. I6LTNI8-Itp HARDWOOD - OAK - FO~R PIRE- PLACES, 2 FEET LONG, $10 A CORD, DELIVERED. ALSO BLACK DIRT $5, 3 YARDSý. WINNETKA 2108. 1LTX-4te CENTURY OIL BURNER SERVICE,, ALL BURNERS AT ALL HOURS. FOSTER NISTLE - Phone -W!]. 5405 16LTN18- ltp 20 ÇLOCg REPAIRINO 40 MUSICAL IoNSTRUMENTS FOR, SALE-B3.ABY GRAND PIANO. Cheap. E. « D. Allen, 889 Elm Place, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 1793. 40LT18-ltip WiLL PAYî CASH FOR GOaD,,MAKE grand piano. No uprlght, nDo dealer. Phonàe Glencoe 9,45 or write 496 Oak- dale Ave., Glencoe. 4OLTN1.5-4tp 41 NURSINS EIXP. GRAD. NURSE, INFANT CARE a speclalty. CaJ Miâs White,- New- castle 3812.* For refs. cal! Mrs. W. Houstoi, People's Agency,- Park Ridge 867. 4lLtNl7.w4tp 48PAINTINGS AND DÉCORATuNQ Paint, Paper 5 Rnis. $34.50 SANrrTAS AND CANVASING WORK -reas. Rm. wallpaper cleaned, 50c, bathrm. enameled, $6; kitchen paint- ed. $5; ceiling calcimlned, $1 ýup; 5 RM. F'LOORS WASHED, SCRUBBED, VARNISHED OR WAXED, $8; EX- TERIOR WORK - WINDOWS, 35e AND UP; PORCHES, $10. REFS. FREE ESTIMATEs. MATERIALS FURNISHED. CALL WILMETTE, 1258. . .42LTNIS-Itp CEILINGS CALC. $1 UP ROOM PAPERE» $2 UP. -ROOAI wallpaper cleaned 60Oc; bathrrn. eriam- *eled $5 up; kitchen' painted $5 Up; outslde windowý fraines painted, 1 coat 35e up. Best refs. W'ilmette 5034. 42LTN18-Itip PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, CAL- cimining. Exterior painting. First class work guaranteed. Very reason- able prices. C. W. Anderson. Phone Willmette 4621. 42LTN17-4tlp C.- MELSTED PAINTING AND DECORATINGý North Shore refs. WiI. 4972. 42LTNI8-4tip Paint, Paper 4 Rnis. $24.50 W E ~fAUE THE , %JLLIXLNAL Patiline s Emp. Agencies' 421 Fourth. St., Wilitiette, Wilmette 2171, Winnetka 2662 68LTN14-tfc rHOfl&îJGiHLY EIXPERIENCED COOK wishes steady position or. day workr. (Germàtn-Americaln. Winnetka. refer- ences. Wlninetka 910.or 2645. 68L,18-1tp GEN. -iLSEMAID. COL. -1ST èLASS eook. Winnetka refs. Zadel1 . Turentine, 'Wlnnetka, 221. Atter Sat. noon Drexel 5531. Forrefs. cali Winnetka 1631. CuLOREu G,(IRL'FOIR, GEN. HSEWK., and eooking. 3% yrs. with last eni- Ployer. Good N. S. refs. PhoneDrexel 17. 4,Beatrice. 8L-lp EXPERIENCED W H I T E WOMAN wishes second or, general work. by hour, day or week. Refs. Phone Win- netka 1066. 68Lý18-itp WHITE GIRL FOR G E NE RALk housework, to stay or go homne nights. North Shoî e refs. Phone Wilmette 4288. 68LTNISm>l11j YOUNG WHITE GIRL, HIGH S CHOOL graduate, wants carê' of children, orý assist wîth housew-ork. Ph. -Kildai'e 75.73. .68LTN1-ltlp CAPABLE.W TE IR WA S general housework. Good North Shore references. Ph. Wilrnette 5178. 68LTN18lt REFINED GIRL e'OR CHILDREN'S nurse or for second work. North Shore referenees. Caîl Wilmette 4895. 68LTN18-ltp GERMAN GIRL WISHES GENERAL housework or first floor and cooklng. North Shore references.. Caîl Wilmette 2764. . 68LTN18-I1tp EXPERIENCED C O L 0 R E D GIRL,. fond of children, wants cooking or general housework. A-i refs. Ph. Del- a.ware 5450. fi8LTN18-ltp Ror day. OCeeAn girl. HOeÜW ,rNINGCOR CIAENtiNGl BYPhon URil mette 4167.68T1-t 9SoITUATrION WANTED-MALIE EXPERIENCED SWEDISI* GARDE~N- er, houseman, cari drive. 31 yrs. old. Married. Steady pos., day work, or by .hour. Best 1oeal refs. Victor Strannie, Wlnnetka 1066 , 69L18-itp EXP. MAN WANTS WINDOW WASeR- ing and housecleaning, or any odd job. .Can also paint. A-i N. S. refs. chauffeurs. Referenees furniÉhed. If you have posi- tions6 open, temporary or permanent, please cal! Mrs. H. B. Taylor, chair- mnan of Ern»loymient Committee, Ken- llworth 2820. sAlso clothing wanted for school gixls, sizes 12, 16, 20; school boys' sizes 10 to 14. Phone Mrs. Harold Tidema.n, -Kenilworth 3262. 70LTN18-11p, EXPERIENCED LIGHT COL. COUP LE, .wish pos. in private family. House- man, licensed' chauffeur; wvîfe, A-i cook and maid. Besft n. s. ref. Uni- versity 5826.. 70LTN18-ltp YOUNG COLORED COUPLE WISH position. Man:ail around. mani, alF~o cook. Wife ken~. hsewk. and icook., N S.., refs. Write A. J. Matthews, 109. Chase Ave., Jolet, IWI 70LI8-Itp 171 iL ATu-EM E WANTED A T ONCE GeOnerai maids, white 6 po..ition. $15 wk.- 9 positions...........$12 iwk. 5 positions for cooks. 4 positions for ,;eüondiid. Call ini person oniy PAU'LIiNE*$ E1P. AGFNC Y 421 Fourth St- Wilniette Opposite -L- Station ilLTN 1-I]te COMPETENT W H-1I T E H E L P wanted with good referencs pl ALL MPLOMENTSERVICE 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 251 71LTN13-tle -)I, WHITE, PROT., FOR jEN- eral housework; miust be thoroughly experienced; small family; no laun- dry. References. Ph. Winnetka 1829.; 71LI1i) %VHITE GIRL FOR HSEWK. AND care of chlldren, afternoons, or will give room and board to student for -ervîces. Phone Wilmette 957. 71LTN 18-1Itp' WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, and help with children. Stay hiights. Ph. Wiimette 2126. WANTED -ELDERLY -WOMAN OR. young. girl to take ca-re of childrean by day. Go homne nights. Wilmetle 3839. 71LT.N18-Iti)- G'IRL FORZ GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Home nights. Phone Wilrnette 244. 1004 Lake Avenue, *Wilmette., 7lLTNI 8-1tp S'AID, 'WHI-TE,, PROT,, FOR GEN- ,ral hoursewor.k. Exper. cook. Sniall family. No laundry. Ref. Wininetkil EXPERJENCE D COOK. M UST BIE A-I. Referen<ées required. White oniv. (Tnder 15. Write B-31, Box. 40, Wil- mette, Ili. 71ITN 18-1 t 1 10WHIITE GENI. HSEW-K. EX - perienced cook and waitress 'unde-r 30 years. Good references. 3 _aduits. AND OflH Ver>' reasona 884WiIow raccoon cwilar; arso anld, party dresses,s EETS, reasonable. Ph. Glér tY WORK _____ ___ and deliver. FORý SALE - SL aai 'cnt.24ep 34LTN18-4tp filcas eap 4 Treresa. w~e ,- HA LF e.Cail a Good me n. Phoneé

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