HIosdbags look to either srnooth or grainai leather and novai mata I diversification for thair last-minute vogue. Piced et $2ý95, upward. Sleek kid saspons win high FOU favor whalther they are plain or Sinterestingly trimmed. Cuffs, are sliqghtly ýlo*ng and Rare a trille, $2.98. The Ascot scar ind you close- ly to Faîl moda whether if j: of t'wo-tone satin or satin eand, fig-. ured crepe combinations. Point- edor fringed, as you likea, $1..98. For hose you cannot go amiss ifyou select anyof .Phoenix new shear Ichifrons in, lovoly Fal tones. Full-fashioned, with Cia:.. tom-Fit tops e nd of axquisite quality, $1.25. AccesSorics-Street Floor There's- the, 1swaggnr oxford for i;treet. the modified pump and strap for dress. De- T~ Y' B Ssential and sol is comfort. Thatps the modern ide'a. It's the idea beé:hui'd Düncau Paige styles. Originary and good taste have been. com. bined to produce exceptional, smartness. And, there-se=.Y informality and supreine comfort-the direct resuk cof Kuppenheimer construction. SOUE: MODIRN STYLE DETAILS 0 Tab zwaistban,ad ouer le Shirt clasps ai the trouser baud *Jetted >ockets *Tape, itg sleeves and trous ers I'On Davis Street, siromEHouRS. 9:30 A. M- 10 5:30 P. M.-SATURDAYS. 9 #. M. TO S p. M. Wilmeffe I1I1OW, Suede's and Combination-s Vie for First Place In J'