BcaaKindai .-1mg6aI; bpi 1,o Bayola, <FiLeof tise inust enra speakers of înodern ftinies, is tua ai' .'ePP-111i" 2.5. M tihe Jane Kup- pt3neimr. emoialhall of Sko- kie- schopl under the spoitsorýship of a coinmittre of WVimnetkzi l'ad- ers .itndudi.ilrs. C. Ai..ldrich. li rszis;Mrs. îetBallard. M~rs. Alrthusr Cushînayi aud i r s. .his terstwi1e African "aVag'C, 110w a cultured gentlemnan, tells a story mwhiclh might weIl have. heen lifted bdîly f rom the -Arabian Niglhts." Borns in primitive sava 1ger3N ii the P ratticaillb unexplored buish region of thé Frenich .ýSoudlan, south of 'F'imlbuetu, aincinher of. ûne of the -lost ttibes Of I~Yà rbal iewsroughitt up iiîithe j uda.ý iss rei iii the idsi(.t of fetisli %wo.r- Aýt the age of 7 buc straved f rum borne with eleven other boys, wanidered througb aliniosi impassible jungle for wany weks, andi carne ont at iast on the ;1ut: f (Giîiiea. Here llus.cm1mu - in the HNC Smooth and'fleet as'the'hounds of the hunt a c thoroughbred in silver designing. You will like the. Hunt Club if you care for the modern things that keep the best of the English traditions. Start it out with jutt a few Place- Settings in the beginning -say, a service for four, whick in- cludes knife, fork, salad fork butter knife and two soosfor each setting or you May choose a different combincition . . . t's ai marvelous way to buy fiat silver, especiciuly for the bride. 1636 vear's scflolarship for Mauclile .uulee, is leaving for there Frid~aN of this; wveek'. On l'uesday, September 26. Ml-Irs. Sam H. Clark of 135 Fuller lanie.. tVietka, vvill he hostess to ber bridgé club. 1IT OS T S NOÏ MOR E AT Sý PAÀuL DIGG ORFI AM'S