DRESSES thât youil look mrtri an nths from ow..SIJITS th.t echo and .-àho Paris' Iat.st fashion docre. ... FURS. of grat. and9 luxuriance t.llord in the. lat.st patterns . .. COATS, tmre fur. trimme. thet are personality plusI Y.s. they're aIl boe at Felick's. Alil ae fashions the* are just à littiéeahead of Cv." the Most active style shops in Chicago. Thts why Folicks is the atrl mecca of fashion-minded wornen ;rom ail over tii. Chicago area. Corne in. and talk over your .per- son ai fitting probl er. W. have: a wa0y of asslising- the. figureinclined, to b. stout or 'sIender by tailoring along Indilvidual lines. Then restyling ami refitting',fur and cloth t eranits bthi Most modem 'styles-is a specialty. *, Septemnber, as au added 'indoieement tue.are o#Wnrig,,2S% lvredise- lion on merchandise and service. FORSTMAN'S MATERIALS FURRIER AND LADIES'. TAILOR Suite 70670 27 E. MONROE ST., Corner WaI>ash D.arborn 8390. ~OIL COMPANY WilJow Road, West o! Skokie lflvd., Winnetka this month, was thme scene of a dit- ferent kind of show last Sunday. It was dogs instead of airpianes that the visitons went to see. The show was staged under the auspices of the, 1Xorthbrook Kennel club., It was anl al-day% affair, and one of the. fea- t ures of the, program w as an ex- hibitioný of trained police dogs.. The extrenle south end of the Curtiss hangar was 'used for the' dog show. R.ocket D)istrùibutor Is Curtiss Field Visitor J. R. Collins, a-Rocket distributor at, Little, Rock, Ark., dropped ini at Curtiss airport last week on his wav from.Cincinnati. backto his home ini the south., Collins.went to Cincinnati to get a new Rocket for delivery to one of' his customers, at Little. Rock. Said custor had purchased 'a newý R1ioçket a few weeks ago, cracked it up and inamediately decidled to buv a new one. That's the old NRA spirit! Rain and Cool Weather Slow Flying Activity Flying activity at PaI-Waukee air- port was practically at a standstill for several dlays last week because of inclement -weather. However, two of the Pal-Waukee private plane owners ventureci out. John Porter flew to Galesburg, M., ini bis Stinson and Ch ester. Faust made a trip Ic 1 IF 'V t i AFfVPt Ai U&£ E. K. "Rusty" Campbell flew f rom Curtiss airport near Glenview to New York last week to deliver the Curtiss Condor which Rear Admirai Richard E. Byrd will use on-bis pro- posed second trip to the Antarcic. Byrd will1 take two other, planes be- sides the Condor, accôrding to his present plans. The Condor is* powered with tw(b .700-horsepow -er XV -right Cyclone en- gines. lithas a gasoline capacity of 1,100 gallons, and can cruis e froin fifteen to twenty liours. Wheels, skis and pontoons are in- cluded as. part of the ship's equip- ment. -It. is, also ,equipped ,with 3-bladed controllable pitch propellors for. use ini rarefied atmosphere. Osterbout, Brown Fly to -New York in Commandair Maurice Osterhout, North Shor airways stlident who has doue.sonle cross-country fiyinig recently mith Dwight -Morrow, chief fly-ing in- structor for the airways, 'planned. to~ leave early this week froin 'ut, airport for his home at Cbil N. Y., thetrip to be >made in. - Commandair. . Marshall Brown. bet- ter.known, as *"Brownie" at ëCurtis%. airport, was to accompany hii.: Commuting Golfer Takes a Plane to Milwaukee Tracy Turner, North Shorc air- wvays student at Cuirtiss airponit, l(-\. to M ilwaukee. last Sinday-to pla " golf. To an aviation enthusiast like., as close as those located wiii i Plane Leaves for Mexico flew~ blocks of theý airport. Cmmt Exlrtin.ing to play golIf is "as easy asC01- on ni xlrainTrip tnluîtiig btu te otice nowâdays. A j -6 Ry-ýaii ,(Wright Whir]%wil iowered) took Off froin> Curtiss airt ineoanA rie ln p)ort lastý week-end for* Mexico. The S ship is owned by. the Shively co-n. inson to Attend Fair ipany, wvhich has timber land j~ H. 'F. Deichen of, Waseca, MiIilu.; MVexico. 'l'le conipany pl ans to'ex-li arrivéd atCtirtiss; airport last -week. piore the land for oil and mineraIs Jin a Stinsori Junior, bringing seýveral, Four meii, including the pilot, arc Ipassengers to aftend A Century of riinig the trip. Progress exposition ini Chicago. Mr- I)eichen is the holden .of a transport Flying Service Operator t- ( ail dpartments) 146 43rd * Northwest O11 Co. 207 Grace Street Park Ridge, 111. Kari DaY. terminal manager for the Amnerican Airways at Buffalo, N. Y., was a visitor at Curtiss air- port, Glenview, Iast Friday. 34n. Day formierly mwas manager of the urtis. GIenivieçý% lbase. reports a number of other New Trier ne cent graduates. in residence there. a total of sixteen from the local cr1oe-l hingin the various classes' of Denison. Allison was manager of: the Ne - Trier, bas.eball. team last Sprnng. elicA