that you wilI like to' RIDE TO SCHOO .L -andý you.ean ride up and down through the beauty spots of the North Shore, or.ovrutolie. football.gme, r for a jaunt on Saturday. At an>' rate a bic'.e is the modern transportation for 'odern youth (between the. ages of -8 and 68) -and you will find these superb models at Field's Evanston; Store. This bicycle for girls hâsbal-, .lon tires on 28-inch w-heels, full -spring saddle, chain gurd, and dress guard over :r-a rear wheel, chrome handie bars, mudguards and rims........$34- Motobike without the light, tank and Other. models without, balloon tires Ainy boy wouIdliake this motobike, wtth front trus fork, stand and carrier; bal- loon tires on 28-inch wheels;. handie bars, lamp, and fend-. ers are chrome finish; full. spring saddle. $38. 50 carrier. Priced at $34 .$24.50 to $27.50 Second' Floor )i* THE EVANSTON STORE CHURCH AND SHERMAN MARSHALL ,FIELD. & ..COMPANY, Ç 2 I a