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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Sep 1933, p. 41

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.71LÈN20-lte COMPETSNT WH I TE HEL P wanted wlth good references. Apply ID person. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 663 Vernon Ave. ýGlencoe 26! 71TTN13-tte WHITE MAID FOR GENEItAL WORK by Dtober 1 ln Kenilworth. Must be neat and A-1 Cook. Age 30 to 35., TWô in famnily. Good wages, pleasant home. Answer glving fuil partîculars.. B-43, Box 40. Wilmette. 7îLTN2O..îtî3 WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HOUSE- work. Capable, pleasant, exp. Goo)d Cook.: 4 adults, 1 chlld. 'Phone Lake Forest 472 or write Box 195, Lake Forest,. .71LTN2O-l tp EXPERIENCED WHIT E NUR 9E girl betwveen 25 and 35 yrs.. for, care * of chlldYen, mending, -maklng beds, etc. Salarv $40 mû. Ph. Glencoe 1458. 7lL20-Itp WHITE MAIl) FOR GE-NERA1L -housework. Go homne nightq. Tem- porary position. Phone Kenilworth 1399. 71L20-ltp EXPERIENCED WHITE WOMAN for cooking, .care of children,. mend- ine, m-tkInq bédm, Pec. No heavy work. $5mû. Ph. Glencoe-1458. 71L20-ltp 'WANTE1-G01IL GER.%AN PREFER-. red. Unde- 10. Géeral housewdrk. 3aduits. Phone Wlmette 950. -71 1,TN20- tu EXPERIE.NCED WHITE GTIL POIR gpneral housewark and some . aundry work. Phone Wilmette,4026. Ï1L,20-tp IF YOUCAN SEW, WE WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO MOULD HATS ON THE HE9AD.- PHONE GREENLEAF î660. 71LTN20-1te WHJITE (GTIL FOR »EN. HSWKr. AdWult famnily. Plain cooking, no laun- dry. North Shore refs. Phone Win* netka 2126. 71L,20-ltî) GIRLS FOR PART <TIME (iIRNERAI. housework. Cail after 6 :00 P. M. W'innetkqi 1987. 71ILTIN20-*1t1 WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HO(US-'E- work and assist with oooking. $5 wk. Phone Wilmette 2461. 71LTN-'>-ltvu MIILNER T ASIrI PRTTIE Florence, .1.11 Park Ave., Glenç'oe. Tel. Glencoe 1500, 71LT20-Itlp 72. HELP WANTED-MALE MýEN. WITH PERSONALITY to call on prospeets General Eleetii Winter Air-Conditioner. SoIlIege gradu-qtes prei'erred. Striétlv Vommnission. Telephone î5 tô - P. m. Wîlmette 4*418. 72LTN20-ltip 7HELP WTD.MALE AND FEMAL.E WANTED AT ONCE 15 Couples $ 75-10P0 month We have what we advertise We place experlcaced ônly NICELY FURNIS-HED. QUIET, COM- fortabie roorn with bath and shower, for gentlernan. In private home near transportation. Phone Wlnnetka 29010. 82LTI20lt LARGE, COMFORTABLE, CORNER roomn with smail aduit faiiy. Modern home. Garage. 2 blocks to Kenil- worth station. Phone Wtlmetté- 2667. 82LTN20-ltp PLEASANT, RO001, CONVENIENT to 'transp.. schools, business district. Breakfast oPtional. 609 Cherry S. Winnetka. Phone Winnetka.1453, 82LZ-ltp BEAUIFULROOM -FOR COUPLE alonc or, wlth one child., Lovely neigh- borhood, close to Hubbard Woods schooi arid station.. R1easonable. Phone Winneétka 253.82T2-t LARGE SU_ýNNY ROOM1, SUITABLE for 1 or, 2. Kitchen, privileges If de- slred., Ph. Wilmette 2306. 82LTN20-ltp, CENTRAL 'LOCATION-ROOM FOR 2 in 2nd fluor, apartment. Useof kitchen optionai, al.eo.single room. CailiWii- mette 3.q5, evenlngs. 82LTN20-ltp. TWO NICLY FURN. 1ONIS î:; private home. 11,4 blocks to M. S. anid C. & N. W. Reasonable. Phone Kenilworth 2640. 82LTN20-Itp NICEL.Y. FU:RNISHED ROOM SUIT- abhle f4,1' j or 2. Garage available. Nt'tr transportation. Phone Glencoe 976. 82LT20-ltp NICE QUIET ROOM.% NEAR HUB-j bard Woods sehool and station. Phone Winnetka U229. 82LTN20-ltp L AR (1E PLEASANT FURNISHEDI roolui in- private home. $3.75. Phone Wilmette. 724. 82LT20-ltp SINGLE AND) DOUBLE ROOM, LIGHT and airy ln private home, excellent location. rets6nab-le, rates. Phone1 Wilmette 1575. 82LTN19-4tp vate bath, eaýs ment and. cult Cail Winnetka1 ae home 0 re. Garage FURNISHED ROOM, ALSO GARAGE. Nlear trýansportat5on. 893. Elm 'St. .Winnetka. Phonle Winnetke. 1719. LARGE PLEASANT ROOM IN PRIV- ate'home.' Ladies only. Phone W»l- mette 417. LN2-t NICELY FURNISHED SLEEPING7( rnoms, private home.. 410 Provident, Winnetka 1189. 82L2*-ltp 184 FOR REËNT-LT. HSKPG; ROOM5 9MALL HOUSEKEEPING SUITE IN quie east aide home. Large open, porh, il heat, instant. bot water. Near ail transp. Refs. Phone Wil- mette 204. 84LTN20ltp 87 CAmE 0Fr.CONVALEUCENTrs_ HO-ME FOR AGED AND RELPLMS. nurses care day 0and nfght. Excellent meals. Attention to speclal diet by dieticiaÏ". Doctors' rets. Reasonable raitesi Ph. Wtimtte 6599.. 87L20-ltp SO APARUMENTS 'TO U14AWE WILL SHARE MY LOVEILY 2 RM. and kitchenette apt. with Young lady. 806 EIm St., Wlnn. 14 blk. to N. S. and C. & N. W. Reas. Ph. Winnetka 822. 90L2-ltp 92 FOR RENT-APARTMENTS 5-RM. APT.; 2 BEDRMS.; ELEC. refrig.; facing residentia.î street; $60 m.; large 4-rm. a.pt.-$52.50 Mû. SMITH- & GOSS, mlc. 725 Elm Street Winnetlça 3500 92LTN19-tfc LA Classified' Ad wiUi Save you bpanisn U'ourt rroperties betwe.n KEN4ILWORTH AND WILMJflTTIJ NeàrSherdan Rd. > 2 rm. apt., bedrn., living mu.i, kitchen- ette;; unfumu. $40, furu. $50. 5 rm. alit., large flght rmm., 2 bedrm.. $75 per month. 90SPANISH -CT. WILIoETTE432 Chicago Town .Homes 3240ý LAKE SHORE DRIVE AT MELROSE ST. FACING BEL- mont Yacht Harbor. Charnilng ultra modern town apartments, 6-7-8-9-12, rooms., Reasonable rentals. BAIRD & WARNER, mpc. WELLINGTON 1855 92LTN20-ltc INDIAN H.LL BUILDING' Well arranged 4 rm. apt.; large liv. rmx. bedrmi., ln-a-door bed;* close to tral'p and achools. Modem equlpinent. Reasonable rentai. E.E. STULTS RIA.LTY CO. 460 Winnetka. Ave. Wiwietka 180 - 892LTN21te ATTR * KITCHENETTE' A P A R T- meuts, 3 or 4 rooms; Also single ro0m. Humphrey bldg., Elm and Chestnut St., Wlnnetka 98 or 3329, 92LTN6-ti, 4 ROOM, 1ST FLOOR APT. EAST AND South exposure. Elec. refrig. Conveni- ently located. Phone Wilmette 2399 or 2427. 92LTN19-4tp 3 RM FLAT WITH BATH. HEATED. Reasonable. 716 Ridge Rd., ueç. Washington Ave., Wiimette. U 92LTN20- 1tp PLEASANT KITCHENE~TTE APAR1T- mients. Choice location. Beautiful home surroundings. Ca»l at 730 Cen- tral Avenue, Wlmette; 92LTN20-ltp MODERN 4. BOOM APT., UNPI$RN. Closed-iporch. Near -transportation. Phone Glencoe 331. 92LTN20-ltp 3 BOOMS AND BATH, HOT WATBR heat. .430 month. 2nd floor, 1826 Elmn wood Avenue, Wlmette. 92LTN19-2tp 93 FOR RENT-FURNISHED APTU. 1 TO 4 ROOMS WITH KITCHENETiýÎ and private bath. Steam heat. Conven; !etylocated.. Cal Wiimette 2399 or 2427.93T14t MODERN 24ý ROOM, INCL. LINENS,. bedding, dishes,.,gas, light, and refrlg. Oct. 1 lease. Open now. 'Tel Win- netka 765 or 1592. 93LTN2-ltp 97 FOR MMN1-iEOUSSS -I 125. Mrs. F<uller & Wl fore 746 Elm Street -là>Caii METE4300 MS ET7R.1Bi bedrins., s1pg. and u :)N- ht., fireplace, 2 car g& )o-ASK FOR AN ADUTAKER . achoo and tramsp. $80. Ca. itpk 10'r e mý

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