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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Sep 1933, p. 44

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* - . -! e 1,554zBrargate 1855 WILMETTE Beat N. E. location, beautiful white colonlial home at N. W. corner of Greeruwood avenue and. llth street. FIRST FLOOR Sun, parlor, large living rooîn with wooid,,burnlng fire place, hall and din- Ing room. ,Ail, newly decorated, breakfast roomn, kitchen, and 2 pan- tries, lavatory. SECOND FLOOR 2 extra large masteir bedrooyns wlth, eonncctlng, bath, 2 smnaller bedrooms wlth private. bath. for each, 2, large sleeping porches extendlng across en- tire wldth of house. è l THIRD FLOOR 2 bedrooms, bath and store room. ýStore roommay be used-as bedroom 1f .e- sired.. Basemnent contains laundry * .equipped, with stationary tubs, and gas-tiired' mangle, -fruit roomi, bolier mrne, chatiffeur's rooni, and wood *storage place.' Oii-O-Matic heat. 2 car garage wlth storage roomh above supplied with hotý and cold water; Quaker. automnatie oilIbéat; yard landocaped with Evergreen .planting; rear portlin enclosed- *bY white picket fence. Owner on premnises. Tele- phone Wi;mette. 1962. 971,TN20-Itp End70f-Seasoii Bargains Fine Georgian brk. Col. overlookin g park and lake in Wilmette. 6 bedrmns., 3 baths (2 tile). *Shower staîl ini -basement for bathers. M-arding burner. 3-car garage. Valued today at $80,000. T-his bhouse can be rented for $200 a * month., A fascinatingbargain. In northeast Wilmette- until recefli $125-now $90. Pive bedhms., 2 baths. 2-car garage. Exclusive neighbor-> hood. One held at -$90. now $65. Seven room,ý A1 bath, near schools and stations. Afew other exceptional bargains in our -,end-of-season listings. Comne ready to oBILLS REALTY, Inc. NoMan's Land W'ilmette 3740 Indian Hill Golf Club location-12 rrs.. 5 master bedrms., à baths.- La rge grounds. (Also for sale.):.... .. ..-$200. Colonil 6 rm. bouse, near ýNew Trier Higb School. Oul heat..'.. ....... ý '$90 Kenilworth-7 rms., 4 bedrnis., 2 baths, 2-car garage, oilIheat.........$100 SHOlrE,-TOWNS REALTY CORP. 1619 Sherman Ave. Gre. 2700 10 rms., 3 bs., 7 rmns., 3 bs.h 7 rms., 2 bs., 7 ryns., 1 b., W 7 ris.., 2 bs, h. wh, 2 c. g....... i.w,.h: *, oil, 1 c.g...... Slp'. pch., h.w.h., 2 c.g.. 10 Wp- peb., lh.w.h., 1 c.g..7 slp. pcb., h.w.h., 2 c.g..6 hw.b.. 2 c.g. .. ...... Elce. R. oearms., supg. pcn., oi H. w. u t., att. gar., Ige. grounds, $40. ODùntyLUne M., Opp- Gienicoe Rlding Stables. Ph. Deerfleld 603.. . 97LTN20-ltp- ROOM ýBUNGALOW, WELL. LAND- scaped. 1-car garage. 4 blocks trans- portation. Phone -Wlnnetka, 3700. 97UrN20-mltp 6 RpOOM HOUSE, LARGE YA11D, 2 - car gar, Reasonable rent. Uni.- 9022 or, sec at 1524 Wainut Ave., Wilmette. 97L20-1te( Ibo FOR ýREINT--FURNISMEe NOlISES $300,1000 FOR $275 MýARVELOU'S, týPTOTHE1%INUtE home on 10 acres in Winnetka'sz choicest location. Worth $300,000- will rent for $275. Aïsk for Mrs. Zei. Mrs. F.ulIer & Wml. Pickard 746 Elm Street WVinnetka 122 981LTrN2-lte CO.%PLE.TELY FURN. 6 M. H7OUSE in North Evanston. 011 hent, garage, nice yard. Near good schools and transp. Phione Gre. 4847 or Rland. 1487. 9SLTN20&Itp ATTRACTIVE 7 ROOM FLUR 4. EAST side., 3 bedroomis, glas.sed porcýhes. Near tr.ansp. Oct. 1 or 10 for 1 year or 63 M6. Garage. Moderate rent. Min- netka 878. 9S-LTNI9-2,t 5 ROODMS WITH SUN PARRI, AT- tached garage. Near schools and transportation. Phone Winnetka 49. ____________981,20-flp *0 WANTED TO RENT-NOlISES SMALL HOUSE OR, APT. FURN. OR unfurn., country west of Evanston. Wilmiette, or W1nn4 Superior 1181 or H ighland Park 1942.. 99 LTN20-1 tp 101 WANTgE 10 1EN~T--rURN. NOUSES WANT MODERN 1MURN. HlOI'SË on at-2 baths, 6 to 8 rmns., near lake, ý«outh of Highlavil Park. Reiit of $150 tb $200. Phone L. C. Burgener, (;re. 0171. . IOITN20-1tit 104 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES OINE 0F THE BEST LOCATIO.-S IN WILMET'IrE FOR A SMART SHOP. PHONE WILMETTE 2399. IO4TTN19-4fp 106 FOR RENT-HALLS XVilinette XVnnin's Clubî THE ENTIRE CLUB4 fine rooins available ners, or dancing p À?NY OF' Ivr REAL SACRIFICE. Onle one of Wilmettc's dellghtful wooded residen- tial streets. Seven room house on lot 50 ft. wide by. * 140 ft. deep. Pirst mort- . gage $4,400. Owner auth- orizes' us . te offer this * property at $6,500. Y-0u should ýinvestigate this one. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc; 1.571 S herrnan Ave. :Uni. 2600 II1LTN 2O-lte *E ast Glencoe. GEORGIAN COLONIAL B R I C 1 home,7 rms., 2 battis, H. W. oul ht., gar., beautiful condition. 5 yrs. old. W.\est: Glenlcoe 8, RM%. FRA ME, LARGE AIRY..-ROOMS, 2 peheés., 2-car gar., H-. W. If., lot 98x 210, 3 blk.s. to station, f bik. to achool. $.4i,000. McGUIRE &ORR 3 16 PARK AVE. GLENCOE 13 11L1TN201te UNUSUAL VALUE f'HA-RMING COLONIAL HOME, LGE. liv. rn-., w(Iocd-burnlng fireplace. 7 rms., 21,/ baths, o11 ht., nr. schoolt. Priced for qulck sale at $14,000. Ask. for Mrs. Zis Mrs. Fuller-&Win. Pickard 746 Eim Street Winnetka 122 IIILTN2O-Itc- BEFORE INFLATION for littie more than 12 original price., * Modemn home in East Winnetka, near seollake, and. transportation. *Wonderful location. 6 bedrms., 4 baths and showers, libra9ry. Very finest con- struction, or wiil rent. to reliabie *pa.rt%. Call Winnetka 3852. -- 111I1,TN2O.1 t1 WET4 0LCATED B3FICK2-7 R00OM$l *and sun peh., 2-car garage, oi lhient, ~1t.r<-frig. Lot 58x]70, $13,000. Ph. 113 WANTgO To MUV-HOUSES OLI('- 1 LIENT HAS $15,000 C -ASH 1FORZ aor more bdom 2 bath house in Hast Wilmette, Kenilworth, Glen- ooe or Winnetka. Heinsen Realty Co.,1 660 ('enter St.. Winnetka 254 114 FOR SALE-VACANT *OBLGEDto TAXE OVER WIL.METI'", *vacant. Close te lake, ail impr. Good neighborhood, nr. transp. Wiil sac. and give ternis. Address B-46, Box 40, Winnetlça, which desire tradés for larger homes in Indian Hill section. Also 2 very désira.ble trades, one up and one down in Glencoe. Imnied late action. ANN MORELAND 663: Vernon Ave.: Glencoe 306 128LTN20-ltc 18É9 FOR SAL.-HOUSEHOL.D GOODO TWIN, BEDS WITH- MATTRESS; three-quarter mahogUny bed; double bed; china closet;, dinIng table;:. dressing table;,rMg. 335, Wayland Avenue, Kenilworth., Kenllworth 4490.* FINE SCHOLLE'DIN.'SET $90. (COST $375,> Sol. wal. table, 6 chairs, beau. buf.; beds, chrs., box couch, console mirror, china, glsware. Misé. Wilmetteý M3. 129LTN20-lte LARGE SIZE FRIDIGAIRE. MAHOG- any- dresser,. brass. bed, springs anid mattress. Porch table and swing wiîIi pad. Phone Minmette 1214. 129LTN2Q-Itp 0OVERSTUFFED DAVENPORT AND arm chair, tapestry covering, in good condition. Slip covers for summer 1n- cluded. Price $35. Phone Winnetka, 1810. 12LTN201tc FOR RENT-WASHXNG MACHINES and ironers, $1.00 per weelc. Ail new *and guaranteed. Immnédiate deiivery., Westinghouse, 621 Grove St.., Evan.- ton.1 Gre. 3843. 129LTN19-tfc PRIVATE 'SALE, COMPLETE IOUIS- hold furiiiture, Oriental rues, dining and bedroom suites, china. -Estate (ef late Dr. Suker. Wlnnetka 585. 129LT20-lti KITPCHEN CABINET, LIVING ROOM chairs, dining room chairs, and odd chairs. Good condition. Cheap. Phone Wlnnetka 2414.* 129L20-ltp ASSORTED GLEAZED.. CHINTZ. ANI) CRETONNE DRAPES, 1PHONE. GLENCOE 240. 129L20-ltp DAVENPO$RT, CHAIR TO MdATCH4 Cheap. M54 Vernon Ave., Glencoe, or Phone Glencoe 1438. 129L20-Itp PRACTICALLY NEW CROWN GAS raige, new model. Reasonabie. Phone Wilmette 4981. 129LTN20-tp 13 , OR -UALE-MS1CELLANMaous USED KLEEN-HEAT 011 BUJRNt-R For sale conipletely. tnstalled with 275 gal. tank, autoinatia controls and therinostat. $75. Guaranteed. -Cali Berkshire 7347. 13ILPlN17-4tc, Fe'deral Electric Wý%asher $5. WINNETKA 776 4 baths, 2 pchs., ........................160 ^ii j* ri. msAt .af ana filM LKl . L C. 0DM REALTY CO. 93Linden Ave. Hubbard1 Winuietka 115 Winnetl 97L 6 ROO)M HOUSE, 903 OAK ST., netka. $65- month.' Phone Winnet rou,-5 ur*is~~., 1 . naLi, sereened ,os porch, o11 heat, e-car gar. '$13,500. -'d $2,500 cash. )-tp ANN MORELAND L IN- 663 Vernon Ave.. Glencoe 305 97. . 111TN2*-ltc WILMRI1rE32, UNMVERSI Rowiats PARK 467S 7317 PI424 Linden Ave. Willrntte 4 Glemeet 494 . ýj ý

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