October Vale 17c INFANT 25c Suposioris ,GLYCERINE 12S Six.' 17c, SQUIDB75C V itavose CHOCOLATE Sii53C N ipples ANg0ACOL C om Value3 for 23c' Mennienis Bor:ted Talée29 25C dixe, 2fr....2 c Herlicks Matd Mik,O Pyrex Nurse Sotli,eatch 16c, S-oL. wide or narrowo 5 3 for......... 1D Flefchers Casforia,24 40c ize. .. . . . . SIork Casile aO I'5ý ars 3for .... S.M. A. Powder, SI.25 size .. ... 79c HYGEIA NIPPLES, II 15C value J. & -J., BABY TALC. a POWDER.25c six. ..'19Cii MILK SUgAR, fuit poundi, 75C site' SI MILACO $1.2ý ýs84 c $......s... ZINC STEARATIE POWDER, 25e six. 17c CentfrelWilmelle Avenues Phonés: Wilmette 28-29 Chaurci of Christ, Scientist WILMETTE, ILLINOIS rAnnounces a Free ,-Lecture, on Christian Science LLL~ d tne viîîage. The co Traffic and Safety coun( t'on as well as various civic organization s will be souglit in an effort to work the problera out ia manner tbat> will- insure maximum protectionr with. least annoyance., TEMPORARY 'PERMIT At its regular meeting, Tuesdayý night the Village board granted a permit to B. B. UdelI & Sons com- pany, publishers. of Wilmette Bulletin, Baby Pants Art VFwnktuae Co. 47 Touro' Exiiortiee il>holstert-Spccdd fuminture mae at. orier 338 Linden Ave., Phone, Wil, 4453 PURE $UM RUBBR has failed to pursue the great col- lege game., Jack, the second son, who 'was on St. John's Military academny -teani, and an ail-American on the North- western university team, graduated f rom college a year ago and is now playing, professional football- Witb the Boston - Redskins. Sunday, he* played against -the Chicago Bears at Soldier Field,. and also Itook part in theë East- West game afthtb stadium. in August. Bill Riley begins bis third year this fal. on the Northwestern university squad, :and is .. younger brotber, Frank, -wbo bas' just ehtered North- Western, is on the freshman1 teani. Teddy, the youngest of the fatnily, attends the Wiimette public: schools, but is already following-in-thie7 foot-, stêps of1 his big-and they are big- brothers, .for lie bas made the school teani. No -unusual occurrence these days is for three .Rileys to be practi c- ing football ;simultaneously at North- western stadiumn, inasmuch as Teddy frequently wasîders over to the Uni- versity field in the afternoons. PONDER "GATE"' PROBLEM At the Village board meeting TuQs-, day evening the Village attorney an- nounced that a hiearing would be hield by the Illinois Commiterce coni- mission on October 10 on the petition of the Chicago, North Shore:& Mil- watukee . railway. forý permission to ins taîl automatic gates at' Street crossings in Wilmette. He. also stated that a compromise plan for guarding The Public Is Cordial4j Invited to Attend hands of -three brilliant speakers. The subject is "Thie Effect of the N.R.AJ. on American National Lite." Norman Thomas, Who wiIl discuss the subject fromn the political angle is a recognized authority on economic and international problems. The economic- significance of the N.R.A. wilI be presented by Prof.. Harry D. Gideonse, nationally recog-. nized as one of our keenest econo-.ý_ mists in the international field. Since 1930 he has been professor of eco- nomies at the, University, of Chicago. previously having served in the samne department a t Columbia university and as director of -the International students union' in. Geneva. Bothý Mr. Thomas and Professor Gideonse have had notable experi- ence in debate and this will flot be thé irst time that they have occupied t he platform together. Dr., William, F. Ogburn is a pi-e es- sor of sociology at the University of Chicago. He directed the activities of .fifty investigators Who carried on ex- tensive researches on social trends for the President's, Research commnit- tee on Social Trends. Dr. Ogburn has had previoûs experience in the type of survey he conducted on -Recent Social Trends.. He was one of a group of Ainericans Who went to France to 5tudy and was joint author of "Eco-- nomic Development of Post War France." He has also made .surveys for diff erent branches of theý govern- ment on subjects of efficiency, social ~conditions, industry, standards of liv- ing, costs of living, etc. [[e has taught in a nuniber of leading American uni- versities including Princeton, Univer- sity of Washington,, Columbia and University of Chicago. The books which Dr. Ogburn bas published have, dealt witb subjects sucb as social changes, economic history, s cientific metbod, social conditions, etc. The remaining bve lectures of the course willI bc beld monthly durinig t he season. Further information and. tickets are obtainable tbrough the temple office, Glencoe 725, and from ,Mrs. Barnett Faroîl, chairman, 741 Prospect avenue, Winnetka, tele- phone 609. i