Nash Suite Mad6 to Order $1&W and $269 Aim, e ScoldiWoolen Mille Butte. 819M and Up AlteatkMns, Repaiklng, Romodoling 3ON NEM T 0lor 1117 ïroeenleaf Ai..- Ph..WII. 1944 * j.BQCKLEY»gi Bric-a-Brac--Fuirniture Barter and Trade- Open Evenings 1147 Greenleaf Avenue, Wilmeffe Max Bl4aiasCo.. OnIy Johns-Manville Approved ,Roofers i. this section. Tu.. in on WMAQ every Monday .vening at 7:30. 37 Central Ave. WiL 1248 ýr Onmly 1 ONERY - ff-as brlsk -amqi whid 150 elirel. mette Ave. Wil. 3051 FUIEIR...TAIILOR 7 N ôw Ishétu tIiigtu have Fur Capes and Jarkets made to order or front Yeur old fur coat. 1 2 Central Ave.. WiL 3303 WILMETTE MUSIC & RADIO -CO. RADlIO PROGRESS WIÉEK ortober 2-7 Reach Wo the Ja'y o!ý Livring iwfth aRadio 1177 WiImettt Ave. Wili 3006 Bolvr Drug ~Sr I Iersonal j'rofeuifonai erv1er P,.Wihnett. 4m9 1101 Contrai Avenlue ISHIAWNEE TAILOILS .FURRIERS Have your Aiteratijuîs and Relining done now before the rush. 521 4TH STREET Phone Wil. 1907 ktomobile epairinir & WILMETTE TAILORSi S & CLEANERS I exIy§hop si town wbeire* clethes are *ctually pr.msed Tallor. WC Cali anud Deliver 8IS Ridge R& Wil. your by,.& 2433 Frank Richard Greene, B8anker, Dies on Coast Wordý has reached here ýof the death of Frank, Richard. Greene, forrnerly of Winnétka,ý at Pasadena,' Calif., last Saturday. Mr.. Greene was 75 years old. He wasý a resident 'of CÇhicago frorn 1885 until his,*retire- ment froni business a few years ago. He formerly was an investnient batik- er in Chicago, and, moved to Cali- fornia about three years a 1go, Fiôim 1899 to 1902 Air. Creene was secretary of the, Chicago Citv Rail- way company. He was a mnember of the -Union 'League club. \Whilc Ii Chicago he also lield nieniberships: in the Skokie and Iindianl Hill Coùn-tr-y .clubs. Besides his- widoiv, .\r. Greene ik survived bv a .datighter, NMrs. J. Prestotr Burlingh an,, 1411 EA.Lrewooil lane. Winnetka. i M. ad Ms. ithn~Von AVei- I ig, 62 arlston road, Keiiilwo(-rth, h ave as their guests Ms Von Weil- ing and her (latlhter, Mirs. Wijjlln Hanna of Brookivii, N. Y. Thev are hiere to attend A Century of Progress., AT A &P. FANCY. FRESH DRESSED Last year a similar show staged by radio entertainers1 under Trip-Ship club auspices attracted a seil-out crowd, and this year's program is ex- be equally Éuccessfu.1, ac-. cording to F.*D. Frisbie, faculty spon- sor of the club. Announcement will be made later as . to what radio. stars will take- part i the program, Mr. Frisbie said, but Most of the entertainers will beý mak- ing their first public appearance on the north shore., Tickets for the program will be on sale at the high-school starting next Monday, it is annoünced. The tickets may also be purchased from the high school students, and arrangements are being made to selilhemn in the, grami- mar schools. The program is to be given in the Leslie F.' Gates gymnasiuï'm a t Ne w Trier. It will start at 8 o'cdock. Mrs. Wi*helmina-Scheski Dies at Age of 76 Years Mrs. Wilhelmina Scheski died early, last Satur day morning at her home, 1617 Centralý avenue. She was, 76 years old and had lived in Wilmette for the past nine years. Surviving her are a stepdaughter, Mrs. Ida Seles oif Chicago, and a granddaughter, Mrs. -Roland Peterson -of MWiLMette. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon at Scott's funeral home, 1118 Greenleaf avenue. Burial took place at Concordia cemetery. Class ini Adolescence Will Meet October 12 The class in adolescence of the Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher asso- ciation will hold its first meeting T.hursdày- morning, October 12, at 10 o'clock,.it-was announced this week. The' class .meets .at .the -Howard- school. Mothers of sixth, seventh and eighth grade pupils are especially in- vited ta attend, it is announced. Mrs.. Hector Dodds is~ leader, of the class. -CYRILI.-WINNIE Open, Evexn4*gs by .A»poi>tinetit 417 4tis Sti WiL.454 r,ranal Attentiuon t 1 rf U7s Opposite Village Hall 1193 WiInsette Ave. Wil. SM2 A& P ood Sores g,. 1 lu Spesci* 1PRINT UTEX T, L n .-M1 t..- 4 Výý L 1 ýýL/m ýr1I" ý 1- 77 L ý 1