program at the rïrst meting ol the .Skokie Valley chapter, Daugbters of the American Revolution, for the year 1933-1934, Monday, October 16, at 2 o'cI6ck, at thie home of Mrs. George P. Leach, 515 Sheridan road, Win- netka., The régent, Mrs. Charles S. Jackson, and- Mrs..W. A. Nabors, wilL be assisting hostesses. Luncheon at 1 o'clock will precéde the, meeting. The program -will be furnisbhedý by the imembers, each.Qf Whom basbeeni asked to. have ready to tell a brief and interesting incident in.the life of ont (if her 'ancestors, of revolutionary or pineer times.. Members, have been asked to bring some heirloom to the meeting. and tell a littie something of its history. Thisý is the first, of a series o f ini- terestinig programs on old times. and customs, that bas been -arranged by Mrs.ý J. k. Farley, Jr., prograrn chair- man of the chapter, in which tbe mnembers wilI have part. On Friday, October 13, the Fort Dearborn committee of A Century of Progress will present a delightful bis- toric pageant. at Illinois Host House Il-nt the fair grounds, one performance at 7 o'clock in the 'evening, and one at 8:.15. The time of the pageant is 1833,.. t was written by the D. A. R. playwright, Miss Irene Crandail.' 1The: Arerican Legion bas inviteAl the Oaughters of' Illinois to join with the legion in giving a farewell dinner to Major General Frank W. Parker at. the Palmner bouse, Chicago, Wed- iiesday, October 18. Reservations may he made with Mrs. Jackson, of 1195 Asbury avenue, Hubbard Woods. l'lie Fourth division meeting wifl be hield at Harvey,- Ill., October,19. It Ï: an ail .day meeting and sôIT of *the inembers of the Skokie N'alley *chap)ter a re planning to attend.-, Goucher College Club Awards lst Scholarship The newly established scbolarsbip of the Chicago Goucher College, club bas heen awarded to Amy Rosetta Schroeder of Rock Island. Miss Schroeder is a graduate of St;..Kath- HELEN M. ICURNIKEN HAS RESIUNED CLASOSES IN DANCING AT.IHC CommuNITY Houst 620 LINCOL.N "X., INTA CLASSES NOW FORMiNGý ClaIsses in To. Ballet, tape ModerPj isticeCharacter, 'and Raliroornbanc; '"g Aleo ,'ecreitional weight' roducitig fur CHICAGO STUDIO: 1922 STEVENS BUILDING 17 N. STATE ST.' DiEARBORN 7236, WINNIYA 038 Lt is of utmost importance to good vision- to obtain only spectacles of th 9hgest quaity, proprlfted Aimer ,.oetComp4ny PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS. 1648 ORRINOTfON AVE.. EVANSTON 1057N.WWAUASH AVE... 181i. LA SALLE ST. * 78 E. JACKSON ULVO). ____________J U~ -- j. yt' .4 ~*.ê.~*O*.<'~~' ~J.y ing held uncler the cnairmanslfip ur Mrs. A. F. Biser of 423 Greeneaf avenue. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Peterson, 227 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, gave a din-, ner party for ýnine last Mônday. More